This Is Why You PROSECUTE The **** Out of Politicians / People Who Break Laws / Regs Regarding The Handling Of Classified Info / Systems


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violations of laws / regs regarding the handling and protection of classified data and systems have become a COMPLETE JOKE, leading to more acts of espionage, more intentional theft of classified information, and more lax attitudes and lax protection of our nations classified information and systems.

Politicians steal the highest classification of documents, the most sensitive data the US has - TS/SCI, engages in the very definition of espionage, we all watch our DOJ / FBI declare publicly that these people have broken laws / committed espionage, then watch as the same DOJ / FBI give them a pass by declaring they were too stupid to know what they were doing or let them walk away free without even offering an explanation.

Biden just cancelled a highly successful intiative intended to stop CCP technical espionage, one that had great results / numerous convictions.

The message is sent loud and clear"

'F* doesn't one REALLY gives a shit.''

The attitude / message spreads like a virus, safeguards are ignored, diligence turns into carelessness, and we begin to treat endangering / violating national security more like accidently leaving the milk out on the counter overmight.

THIS is why you prosecute the SHIT out of people - EVERYONE EQUALLY - who does this / these things. Tiu don't give them a pass because of who they are or what party they belong to. No 2-tiered justice system when it comes to national security, theft of classified material, espionage, etc...

This has to stop!

The US military and government is owned by China. Pedo Peter, Miley, and 3/4 of congress are doing Xi's bidding.

Before I left some of us 'old guard' shook our heads and agreed this was not the same military we joined and in which we served. The lack of discipline, attention to detail, and the shift away from focusing on the mission and instead to CRT, LGBQT social justice infoctrination bullshit was blatantly everywhere.

Obama started doing to the military what Democrats have done to the country - infiltrating it, inserting their own agenda-driven generals / leaders while weeding out the true America-loving / defending patriots IOT destroy the military from within....the same thing they have done to all tbe branches and military academies.

Just as I left the unit I was it fired approx 10 highly experienced long-time Intel experts, converting their office into the new home for the approx dozen CRT / Social Justice trainers whose task was to 're-educate' / reprogram the unit's combat force.

Destruction from within.
Before I left some of us 'old guard' shook our heads and agreed this was not the same military we joined and in which we served. The lack of discipline, attention to detail, and the shift away from focusing on the mission and instead to CRT, LGBQT social justice infoctrination bullshit was blatantly everywhere.

Obama started doing to the military what Democrats have done to the country - infiltrating it, inserting their own agenda-driven generals / leaders while weeding out the true America-loving / defending patriots IOT destroy the military from within....the same thing they have done to all tbe branches and military academies.

Just as I left the unit I was it fired approx 10 highly experienced long-time Intel experts, converting their office into the new home for the approx dozen CRT / Social Justice trainers whose task was to 're-educate' / reprogram the unit's combat force.

Destruction from within.
The destruction is intentional.

China is behind it.

Miley needs to be investigated.

This Is Why You PROSECUTE The **** Out of Politicians / People Who Break Laws / Regs Regarding The Handling Of Classified Info / Systems​

You mean you shoot them dead. Either way, through incompetent stupidity or malfeasance, what is the difference?

If you DON'T, all you get is more of the same! INCOMPETENCE.

If they don't, in spite of the damage, if not incompetent, all that leaves is TREASON; ie., an act done DELIBERATELY.

Why else can you forgive such a lapse at the highest level?


There are no other choices left.
Violations of laws / regs regarding the handling and protection of classified data and systems have become a COMPLETE JOKE, leading to more acts of espionage, more intentional theft of classified information, and more lax attitudes and lax protection of our nations classified information and systems.

Politicians steal the highest classification of documents, the most sensitive data the US has - TS/SCI, engages in the very definition of espionage, we all watch our DOJ / FBI declare publicly that these people have broken laws / committed espionage, then watch as the same DOJ / FBI give them a pass by declaring they were too stupid to know what they were doing or let them walk away free without even offering an explanation.

Biden just cancelled a highly successful intiative intended to stop CCP technical espionage, one that had great results / numerous convictions.

The message is sent loud and clear"

'F* doesn't one REALLY gives a shit.''

The attitude / message spreads like a virus, safeguards are ignored, diligence turns into carelessness, and we begin to treat endangering / violating national security more like accidently leaving the milk out on the counter overmight.

THIS is why you prosecute the SHIT out of people - EVERYONE EQUALLY - who does this / these things. Tiu don't give them a pass because of who they are or what party they belong to. No 2-tiered justice system when it comes to national security, theft of classified material, espionage, etc...

This has to stop!

Well there's your problem!
You've just quoted Fox News.
We've all learned very recently that Fox News cannot be counted on for accurate and honest information because they will lie to their viewers telling them anything they want to hear in order to generate ratings.
So if you REALLY want to solve this problem....just give up on Fox News.

There....that was easy.
Well there's your problem!
You've just quoted Fox News.

Actually its original thought from years of experience thinking on my own / for myself, instead of being spoonfed leftist bullshit and being told what to parrot ... obviously like you.

You're right - that was easy.
Violations of laws / regs regarding the handling and protection of classified data and systems have become a COMPLETE JOKE, leading to more acts of espionage, more intentional theft of classified information, and more lax attitudes and lax protection of our nations classified information and systems.

Politicians steal the highest classification of documents, the most sensitive data the US has - TS/SCI, engages in the very definition of espionage, we all watch our DOJ / FBI declare publicly that these people have broken laws / committed espionage, then watch as the same DOJ / FBI give them a pass by declaring they were too stupid to know what they were doing or let them walk away free without even offering an explanation.

Biden just cancelled a highly successful intiative intended to stop CCP technical espionage, one that had great results / numerous convictions.

The message is sent loud and clear"

'F* doesn't one REALLY gives a shit.''

The attitude / message spreads like a virus, safeguards are ignored, diligence turns into carelessness, and we begin to treat endangering / violating national security more like accidently leaving the milk out on the counter overmight.

THIS is why you prosecute the SHIT out of people - EVERYONE EQUALLY - who does this / these things. Tiu don't give them a pass because of who they are or what party they belong to. No 2-tiered justice system when it comes to national security, theft of classified material, espionage, etc...

This has to stop!

As long as it includes the Traitor I'm for it. If he walks then it means nothing.
Violations of laws / regs regarding the handling and protection of classified data and systems have become a COMPLETE JOKE, leading to more acts of espionage, more intentional theft of classified information, and more lax attitudes and lax protection of our nations classified information and systems.

Politicians steal the highest classification of documents, the most sensitive data the US has - TS/SCI, engages in the very definition of espionage, we all watch our DOJ / FBI declare publicly that these people have broken laws / committed espionage, then watch as the same DOJ / FBI give them a pass by declaring they were too stupid to know what they were doing or let them walk away free without even offering an explanation.

Biden just cancelled a highly successful intiative intended to stop CCP technical espionage, one that had great results / numerous convictions.

The message is sent loud and clear"

'F* doesn't one REALLY gives a shit.''

The attitude / message spreads like a virus, safeguards are ignored, diligence turns into carelessness, and we begin to treat endangering / violating national security more like accidently leaving the milk out on the counter overmight.

THIS is why you prosecute the SHIT out of people - EVERYONE EQUALLY - who does this / these things. Tiu don't give them a pass because of who they are or what party they belong to. No 2-tiered justice system when it comes to national security, theft of classified material, espionage, etc...

This has to stop!

So you're ok with prosecuting the shit out of Trump then?
So you're ok with prosecuting the shit out of Trump then?

If he is truly guilty, yes.

Hillary and Biden are undeniably guilty. Both had TS/SCI, her from het tome as Sect of State & him from his time as a Senator. Neither had theor docs stored in secure approved locations. Comey publicly declared Hillary was guilty.

Pence was / is not a declassifying agent.

There were / are questions about whether Trump declassified his.

And the FBI completely f*ed up the search of his home.
- A staged photo of classified COVER SHEETS on the floor?!

In the immortal words of Biden, "C'mon, man!'

In the end, if you seriously want to stop the stealing and leaking of classified and want to end this 2-tiered justice system BS, you have to prosecute them all ... equally.
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Violations of laws / regs regarding the handling and protection of classified data and systems have become a COMPLETE JOKE, leading to more acts of espionage, more intentional theft of classified information, and more lax attitudes and lax protection of our nations classified information and systems.

Politicians steal the highest classification of documents, the most sensitive data the US has - TS/SCI, engages in the very definition of espionage, we all watch our DOJ / FBI declare publicly that these people have broken laws / committed espionage, then watch as the same DOJ / FBI give them a pass by declaring they were too stupid to know what they were doing or let them walk away free without even offering an explanation.

Biden just cancelled a highly successful intiative intended to stop CCP technical espionage, one that had great results / numerous convictions.

The message is sent loud and clear"

'F* doesn't one REALLY gives a shit.''

The attitude / message spreads like a virus, safeguards are ignored, diligence turns into carelessness, and we begin to treat endangering / violating national security more like accidently leaving the milk out on the counter overmight.

THIS is why you prosecute the SHIT out of people - EVERYONE EQUALLY - who does this / these things. Tiu don't give them a pass because of who they are or what party they belong to. No 2-tiered justice system when it comes to national security, theft of classified material, espionage, etc...

This has to stop!

All would depend on the content of the classified information that is being stored and/or is being kept at various locations by our current (who wasn't prez at the time?), or by our x president's of their time.

They made a big political fuss over this subject, and did so for the reason of possibly political assassination's being attempted to be carried out over it, and then when the nation needs to know the extent of the damages found in their content, we get crickets ?

Yes prosecute, so everything goes to a court of law, and the reasoning behind certain material's (without revealing their content), can be learned by us. Once we know this information (not the content but the reasoning of taking and storing the content), then we can determine whether or not the incidents or accusations over the findings, were either being guided by the mere political destruction of an opponent
(otherwise by way of the attacks), or if the incident's truly were a national security breach.
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As long as it includes the Traitor I'm for it. If he walks then it means nothing.
If he's innocent or guilty, then it means the next one is tried. That's what you and your TDS bud's wouldn't be able to stand. Fact.

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