This is why profiling is wrong


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Oct 20, 2003
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North Texas

By Shannon Tangonan

March 26, 2004

CARLSBAD – Dina Dagy admits her family could do better when it comes to conserving energy.

Her children don't always shut off the computers when they're done. The family of five leaves its outside lights on so that their runaway boxer might find its way home. And it's not uncommon for them to do two or three loads of laundry each day.

But it never occurred to Beryl and Dina Dagy that their high electric bills – which run from $200 to $300 a month – would cause them problems with the law.

The Dagys' home was one of 25 raided Friday as part of a six-month investigation into a countywide ring that was growing marijuana inside rental homes. Homes were targeted largely based on unusually high utility bills, which often result from the 24-hour use of grow lights, according to court records.

No pot was found in the Dagys' home.
What's the big dealio?

She fit a profile. They checked it out. No harm done, right?
well I'm sure you won't mind a drug raid because you've got a high utility bill one month, or you have a habit of procrastination when it comes to taking out the trash.

you see no harm done? I see how the neighbors all gathered round on the street to see and speculate about why the DEA is surrounding the house because of some 'confidential but reliable source'.

It's absolutely ridiculous how some people have no sense of what liberty and freedom is about anymore.
She fit some criteria....what if she HAD been growing pot?

What if Officials had 'profiled' the 911 Terrorist, on, say, about the 9th of September?

Law enforcement - The Man - gets bitched at by matter WHAT they do.

They are damned if they DO, and are mistaken, yet people want to string them up, if the DON'T act, but were correct.


It's about people. Making their BEST GUESSES about crime. And acting on it.

This lady wasn't harmed.
when you use 'confidential informants', and god knows what it is he told them, to subpeona utility records or base it on when someones garbage gets taken out...

Hell I'm surprised I'm not drug raided 3 times a year then since I never turn my PC's off.

We can do the what if's all we like but if we, as americans, are so afraid of the boogeyman then I propose that we use all our budget dollars, hire an extra 5 millions homeland security agents and have weekly inspections in our homes.

Maybe a random body cavity search as well. :rolleyes:

her and her family may not have been harmed physically, but people are stupid, panicky animals and are EXTREMELY prone to rumor mill shit. How many years do you think they will have to live with the stigma and suspicion of having a drug raid performed on their home?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
when you use 'confidential informants', and god knows what it is he told them, to subpeona utility records or base it on when someones garbage gets taken out...

Hell I'm surprised I'm not drug raided 3 times a year then since I never turn my PC's off.

We can do the what if's all we like but if we, as americans, are so afraid of the boogeyman then I propose that we use all our budget dollars, hire an extra 5 millions homeland security agents and have weekly inspections in our homes.

Maybe a random body cavity search as well. :rolleyes:

C'mon now...don't spin.

They used THREE TO FOUR TIMES the electricty of other neighbors...

A DRUG-SNIFFING DOG showed interest...

They had Trash Behaviour SIMILAR to what known druggies do...

Seriously. The Cops, AND other city officials found PROBABLE inspect. One saving grace is when the cops called the guy, instead of breaking doors down.

How can you fault PROFESSIONALS for making an educated guess that the people are committing a crime? The cops were wrong, and apologized.

The 'People' got their feelings hurt. Boo-F'ing-Hoo. Maybe they hid their pot well enough so the cops didn't find it. :)
while I did exagerate this a bit more for dramatics, the point I was trying to make is that its too easy for the government to invade your private property and lives.

Yes, in this instance, they were polite enough to call and for that I'll give their props, but to be able to pick up a warrant based on a confidential source, a high utility bill, and a pattern of taking the garbage out in the morning is taking it too far, in my opinion.
Originally posted by Zhukov

"Legalize it"

in my lifetime please!!! Dk, I think they stepped over the line just a tad. If they thought there was a pot growing concern going on they should done as they did, which is call. or maybe watch the place for a bit. but a high utilitys bill isnt grounds for a raid , or in my book even suspicion of it.
Although they were apparently innocent, there's a bit more here than meets the eye. Let's review:

The police received a tip
The police surmised that they use 2-300% more electricity than neighbors
The drug sniffing dog showed interest in the house
They take their trash out in the nick of time

The police requested and were granted a warrant. They asked to be let in rather than creating damage to the home.

Seems to me the police were cautious and polite. Yes, apparently they were wrong, but that doesn't eliminate freedom or liberty of anyone.

Police wouldn't "profile" unless those tactics work and as long as they follow the laws about search warrants, they should be able to use that tactic.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

By Shannon Tangonan

March 26, 2004

CARLSBAD – Dina Dagy admits her family could do better when it comes to conserving energy.

Her children don't always shut off the computers when they're done. The family of five leaves its outside lights on so that their runaway boxer might find its way home. And it's not uncommon for them to do two or three loads of laundry each day.

But it never occurred to Beryl and Dina Dagy that their high electric bills – which run from $200 to $300 a month – would cause them problems with the law.

The Dagys' home was one of 25 raided Friday as part of a six-month investigation into a countywide ring that was growing marijuana inside rental homes. Homes were targeted largely based on unusually high utility bills, which often result from the 24-hour use of grow lights, according to court records.

No pot was found in the Dagys' home.

Would you get over it already. How do you know what that piece left out? You think the investigation was six months of watching electric bills? Doubtful. I still don't see how this is profiling. They had evidence and used it. It turned out to be incorrect, but who did it really hurt?
glad they dont do that around here!! i get 400.00+ during the cold months. i love the heat so i rarley run the AC.
Originally posted by Moi
Although they were apparently innocent, there's a bit more here than meets the eye. Let's review:

The police received a tip
The police surmised that they use 2-300% more electricity than neighbors
The drug sniffing dog showed interest in the house
They take their trash out in the nick of time

The police requested and were granted a warrant. They asked to be let in rather than creating damage to the home.

Seems to me the police were cautious and polite. Yes, apparently they were wrong, but that doesn't eliminate freedom or liberty of anyone.

Police wouldn't "profile" unless those tactics work and as long as they follow the laws about search warrants, they should be able to use that tactic.

I'm not faulting the police on this, I'm faulting the laws. people make such a huge issue about stopping crime that they don't give a damn how it intrudes on the lives of the innocent. People say 'who did it really hurt?' or 'you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide'.

by bern80
Would you get over it already. How do you know what that piece left out? You think the investigation was six months of watching electric bills? Doubtful. I still don't see how this is profiling. They had evidence and used it. It turned out to be incorrect, but who did it really hurt?

well excuse the fuck out of me 'mr. you don't know the whole story of it.' If you don't see this as profiling then you should experience a direct episode with it, see how you feel about it.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
while I did exagerate this a bit more for dramatics, the point I was trying to make is that its too easy for the government to invade your private property and lives.

Yes, in this instance, they were polite enough to call and for that I'll give their props, but to be able to pick up a warrant based on a confidential source, a high utility bill, and a pattern of taking the garbage out in the morning is taking it too far, in my opinion.

Yes I agree it is quite scarey in a George Orwell sort of way. I cannot say that I think pot is worth the effort....I am not sure what sort of system they use but I wonder why they don't take into account of the family size.

But who knows - they have a system - I guess much like the other public systems - big brother is always watching - you don't always know where.
<- King of Profiles...I had a PERMANENT Profile, while in the Army. Had to carry it w/ me. :)
Originally posted by dmp
<- King of Profiles...I had a PERMANENT Profile, while in the Army. Had to carry it w/ me. :)

mugshots don't count Darin :p:
Originally posted by dmp
<- King of Profiles...I had a PERMANENT Profile, while in the Army. Had to carry it w/ me. :)
i didnt know you could get a profile for being ugly...?
Originally posted by Johnney
i didnt know you could get a profile for being ugly...?

[austin powers voice=on]Ouch, baby...very ouch[/voice]
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