
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal...
Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier's allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats?
How would you like to spend two years and $30 million assembling a report that concludes you were not needed in the first place? Voilà: the Mueller report. Nice work if you can get it.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor. If there is an ounce of justice in this world, President Trump and Attorney General Barr will prosecute Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele both criminally and civilly for defamation of character, criminal conspiracy, and RICO.
Democrats are the scum of the Earth. They slither through life, contaminating everything they come in contact with. There's not one redeeming quality about them. Honesty, truth, integrity? None of these are Democrat values. They see nothing wrong with aborting a nine month old fetus to reap their body parts for profit, think nothing of destroying a person's reputation or ability to earn a living if it gets them what they want, yet they think they are morally superior to everyone else and somehow entitled to dictate the way we live our lives. They are truly disgusting creatures and among the lowest forms of life on this planet, right up there with snakes, lice, and vermin.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor.

I seem to remember when Republicans tied up resources for 7 years, spent 70 million dollars, and the worst thing they could find was that the President lied about getting a blow job.

Seems what Trump and his lackeys did was a lot worse than that, by any objective standard.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, [...]

What did the multiple Benghazi investigations, which never yielded a thing, cost? But, you can stuff the sanctimonious whining:

Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation could turn a profit for the government, thanks to Paul Manafort's asset forfeiture

* Special counsel Robert Mueller secured a win last Friday, with President Donald Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, pleading guilty to conspiracy charges and agreeing to cooperate with the ongoing investigation.
* Mueller may have also paid for his own investigation.
* That's because, as part of his plea deal with the special counsel, Manafort agreed to forfeit real estate and cash estimated to be worth between $42 million and $46 million.

How's that? See, that's what happens, occasionally, if you investigate real criminals, as opposed to pursuing witch hunts for nothing other than political purposes.
What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal...
Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier's allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats?
How would you like to spend two years and $30 million assembling a report that concludes you were not needed in the first place? Voilà: the Mueller report. Nice work if you can get it.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor. If there is an ounce of justice in this world, President Trump and Attorney General Barr will prosecute Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele both criminally and civilly for defamation of character, criminal conspiracy, and RICO.

Sorry but honesty is not really your strong point...

Fusion GPS was originally hired by a Republican. So start there... Admit that..

The Muller Investigation made the US government $15m... Another Fact..

Finally, you claim Barr will prosecute Clinton, for what? Could you please state the law...

Russian Facebook Ads have more credibility than this guy...
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor.

I seem to remember when Republicans tied up resources for 7 years, spent 70 million dollars, and the worst thing they could find was that the President lied about getting a blow job.

Seems what Trump and his lackeys did was a lot worse than that, by any objective standard.
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.

Uh, dude, maybe he just didn't want to cause his wife, his daughter and the young woman involved any pain or embarrassment, the reason MOST people lie about sex.

People have affairs... Sorry,man, it just happens. It was not worth a $70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation that took the country's attention off more important things, like the terrorist army that was building in the m middle east.
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.

Uh, dude, maybe he just didn't want to cause his wife, his daughter and the young woman involved any pain or embarrassment, the reason MOST people lie about sex.

People have affairs... Sorry,man, it just happens. It was not worth a $70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation that took the country's attention off more important things, like the terrorist army that was building in the m middle east.
If you followed Clinton as a candidate, he never sad much at all for government health insurance and gays in the military. He also raised taxes cuaisng the Repubs to take over congress in 1994. And Hillary played her role in that. It is a shame we look at politics like a sporting event. I was at a racetrack on election night in 1996. The TV's were showing the election also besides the horse races. There were aging guys who loved that Clinton was winning the states that I noticed at that time. Like watching a horse you picked to win. Clinton lied his first two years and only deserved one term. I looked at him as some greasy low level salesman who was the government equivalent. White trash!
What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal...
Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier's allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats?
How would you like to spend two years and $30 million assembling a report that concludes you were not needed in the first place? Voilà: the Mueller report. Nice work if you can get it.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor. If there is an ounce of justice in this world, President Trump and Attorney General Barr will prosecute Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele both criminally and civilly for defamation of character, criminal conspiracy, and RICO.

Sorry but honesty is not really your strong point...

Fusion GPS was originally hired by a Republican. So start there... Admit that..

The Muller Investigation made the US government $15m... Another Fact..

Finally, you claim Barr will prosecute Clinton, for what? Could you please state the law...

Russian Facebook Ads have more credibility than this guy...
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.

Uh, dude, maybe he just didn't want to cause his wife, his daughter and the young woman involved any pain or embarrassment, the reason MOST people lie about sex.

People have affairs... Sorry,man, it just happens. It was not worth a $70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation that took the country's attention off more important things, like the terrorist army that was building in the m middle east.
If you followed Clinton as a candidate, he never sad much at all for government health insurance and gays in the military. He also raised taxes cuaisng the Repubs to take over congress in 1994. And Hillary played her role in that. It is a shame we look at politics like a sporting event. I was at a racetrack on election night in 1996. The TV's were showing the election also besides the horse races. There were aging guys who loved that Clinton was winning the states that I noticed at that time. Like watching a horse you picked to win. Clinton lied his first two years and only deserved one term. I looked at him as some greasy low level salesman who was the government equivalent. White trash!
Our country would have been much better off if we adopted Clinton’s healthcare system
Gays in the military has been a success
What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal...
Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier's allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats?
How would you like to spend two years and $30 million assembling a report that concludes you were not needed in the first place? Voilà: the Mueller report. Nice work if you can get it.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor. If there is an ounce of justice in this world, President Trump and Attorney General Barr will prosecute Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele both criminally and civilly for defamation of character, criminal conspiracy, and RICO.

Comey since testified that some of the dossier has been verified.

The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put them on WikiLeaks mixed with fake information. Roger Stone knew about the hacked Podesta e-mails being placed on WikiLeaks BEFORE they actually were. The only 2 groups who knew that were Assange and his people and the Russians who hacked the e-mails.

Manafort gave polling data and talked strategy with a business associate linked to Russian Intelligence. He laid out a roadmap for the Russians to follow

Russians bought pro-Trump ads on social media using the strategy that Manafort outlined.

Mueller found a number of episodes where Trump obstructed justice and where he ordered others to do so. Mueller urged Congress to continue the investigation.

The person who is responsible for this is Trump. He was willing to accept the help of a foreign power and was willing to help them help him. His belief that he can do anything he wants and is above the law is another cause. He cost $30 million. You try it and the Republican Party will be where it belongs. On the dustbin of history. This is not a banana republic where you jail your political opponents.
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.

Uh, dude, maybe he just didn't want to cause his wife, his daughter and the young woman involved any pain or embarrassment, the reason MOST people lie about sex.

People have affairs... Sorry,man, it just happens. It was not worth a $70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation that took the country's attention off more important things, like the terrorist army that was building in the m middle east.
If you followed Clinton as a candidate, he never sad much at all for government health insurance and gays in the military. He also raised taxes cuaisng the Repubs to take over congress in 1994. And Hillary played her role in that. It is a shame we look at politics like a sporting event. I was at a racetrack on election night in 1996. The TV's were showing the election also besides the horse races. There were aging guys who loved that Clinton was winning the states that I noticed at that time. Like watching a horse you picked to win. Clinton lied his first two years and only deserved one term. I looked at him as some greasy low level salesman who was the government equivalent. White trash!

What are you talking about... Clinton raised taxes because it was the right thing to do not because it was popular, it showed a few years later when the Economy was riding high and he was running a surplus,... On the number Clinton was the best President had in modern times... Straight facts..
Mueller found a number of episodes where Trump obstructed justice and where he ordered others to do so.
Liar. Then why did Mueller not prosecute? Because the evidence was not there. He passed it off to Congress so they could continue their smear campaign after he failed to deliver.
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The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor.

I seem to remember when Republicans tied up resources for 7 years, spent 70 million dollars, and the worst thing they could find was that the President lied about getting a blow job.

Seems what Trump and his lackeys did was a lot worse than that, by any objective standard.
Lying about something as minor as a blow job was a testament to Clinton's character. That means he was open to be a scumbag in everything for his own personal gain. He had questions about infidelity and other things before being elected. He went on national TV to talk to us about it. And still did what he did.

Trump lies about everything...
The guy said his father was born in Germany, think about that, it is so easy to check up on...
He slept with a porn star while his kid was months old... He had a string of affairs...

Clinton lied about something that actually doesn't affect his job... In Europe they couldn't have cared less if the same thing happened
Mueller found a number of episodes where Trump obstructed justice and where he ordered others to do so.
Liar. Then why did Mueller not prosecute? Because the evidence was not there. He passed it off to Congress so they could continue their smear campaign after he failed to deliver.

For fucks sake, go read the constitution... Mueller can't prosecute the President.... You fucks are so fucking dumb that you thin k unless the FBI is raiding the White House, that is a success...
Takes two to tango, as long as voters chose party over good leadership we will have a continuation of bad choices from both party's. hold your own accountable. every thing cant be the other guys fault, that's not how things works in the real world.
Mueller found a number of episodes where Trump obstructed justice and where he ordered others to do so.
Liar. Then why did Mueller not prosecute? Because the evidence was not there. He passed it off to Congress so they could continue their smear campaign after he failed to deliver.

For fucks sake, go read the constitution... Mueller can't prosecute the President.... You fucks are so fucking dumb that you thin k unless the FBI is raiding the White House, that is a success...
For fucks sake you fucking moron. Why did he give it to Barr to decide? Why did he say there wasn't enough evidence to say he obstructed? You are one dumb and desperate MF.
What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal...
Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier's allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats?
How would you like to spend two years and $30 million assembling a report that concludes you were not needed in the first place? Voilà: the Mueller report. Nice work if you can get it.
The anti-American leftist lunatics in this nation tied up federal resources for two years, cost the tax payers $30 million, and undermined the authority of the President of the United States because they made up a rumor. If there is an ounce of justice in this world, President Trump and Attorney General Barr will prosecute Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele both criminally and civilly for defamation of character, criminal conspiracy, and RICO.
Have you thought about a real job? Your propaganda is just so terrible.
Democrats are the scum of the Earth. They slither through life, contaminating everything they come in contact with. There's not one redeeming quality about them. Honesty, truth, integrity? None of these are Democrat values. They see nothing wrong with aborting a nine month old fetus to reap their body parts for profit, think nothing of destroying a person's reputation or ability to earn a living if it gets them what they want, yet they think they are morally superior to everyone else and somehow entitled to dictate the way we live our lives. They are truly disgusting creatures and among the lowest forms of life on this planet, right up there with snakes, lice, and vermin.


such lunacy......
Mueller found a number of episodes where Trump obstructed justice and where he ordered others to do so.
Liar. Then why did Mueller not prosecute? Because the evidence was not there. He passed it off to Congress so they could continue their smear campaign after he failed to deliver.

For fucks sake, go read the constitution... Mueller can't prosecute the President.... You fucks are so fucking dumb that you thin k unless the FBI is raiding the White House, that is a success...
For fucks sake you fucking moron. Why did he give it to Barr to decide? Why did he say there wasn't enough evidence to say he obstructed? You are one dumb and desperate MF.

It wasn't in Mueller job to prosecute a sitting president... His job was to deliver back the report with the evidence. Barr is another Trump stooge and proven so in his history and already disgraced himself... Barr said there was no evidence and that has been proven completely false...
Mueller delivered the evidence and is leaving it up to congress to deal with it...

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