This is the way illegal immigration should be handled...

Here's my plan, fine Mexico $50,000 for every illegal that jumps our border and deport them. Who the hell do these Mexicans think they are jumping our border, breaking our laws, drug running meth into our cities, stealing our identities, committing tax fraud, driving with no license or insurance. Are these really the type of people we want to allow to immigrate to the US? Seriously wtf.
Prosecute the businesses that hire illegals! That will take away the incentive.

Feds Hotel owners replaced legal workers with immigrants The Miami Herald The Miami Herald

It appears that you have been reading lately:

In my town they get picked up as day laborers. You'd need a really big police force to shut down businesses that hire them only temporarily. With ISIS on march its necessary to seal the border anyway. So lets do it!!
Illegal Immigration and NAFTA

One of the largely overlooked aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement is the fact that the failed trade pact has been the catalyst for the massive increase in illegal immigration over the past two decades or so.

An influx of highly subsidized corn flooding the Mexican market has displaced millions of rural farmers, according to McClatchy Newspapers. Prior to the implementation of NAFTA, Mexican officials claimed that factory jobs would fill the void left by disappearing work on family farms.

Those displaced workers are largely the result of U.S. corn exports to Mexico. Heavily subsidized American Agribusiness not only put hundreds of thousands of American family farms out of business, but also dumped billions of dollars worth of American agricultural products into the Mexican market, putting millions of peasant farmers out of business.

Illegal Immigration and NAFTA Economy In Crisis

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