This Is the Greatest Manufacturing Jobs Boom in Twenty Years


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
More bad news for the Trump haters.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way, according to the Very Wise People. Donald Trump’s promises to bring back manufacturing jobs was widely derided as impossible, and his supporters were mocked as suckers. “Trump won’t be able to ‘make American great again’ by bringing back production jobs,” Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution wrote. “What happens when people realize they’ve been taken?” Wharton emeritus professor of management Stephen J. Kobrin asked. “What happens when people realize they’ve been taken?” Wharton emeritus professor of management Stephen J. Kobrin asked. “When people realize that he can’t bring back jobs and that they are not better off than they were two years ago, how does he use it–who does he blame it on?”

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KaBOOM! As a country if you are not manufacturing your country is in a death spiral so great to see manufacturing booming well done president Trump. :eusa_clap:
Actually, we haven't seen this kind of growth in manufacturing jobs since the 1960s.
Here are the manufacturing jobs numbers by year:

STATS | Number of US Manufacturing Jobs - Statistic Brain

If you weren't around in the '80s, believe me when I tell you that many Democrats will continue to see a white wall as black even as the economy really starts to take off. Even after the economy was clearly roaring back by early 1983, the Dems continued to try to put a negative spin on every piece of good economic news. And they paid dearly for it. Mondale lost the 1984 election in a historic landslide.

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