This is pure white racism in 2025

The excuses to justify this will be coming. But this is pure white racism in 2025.

How likely is a person of a given race to attack someone of a different race? The 2018 NCVS found approximately 608,000 crimes of interracial violence involving blacks and whites. Of this number, blacks were the aggressor in 90 percent of cases, and whites in just 10 percent.

The excuses to justify this will be coming. But this is pure white racism in 2025.

Two White Men "Choke Out" A Black Man While Others Watched At A Store In Conover, NC

I looked it up and there is no context for why what happened happened should you be writing fake favorable reviews for your book!
How likely is a person of a given race to attack someone of a different race? The 2018 NCVS found approximately 608,000 crimes of interracial violence involving blacks and whites. Of this number, blacks were the aggressor in 90 percent of cases, and whites in just 10 percent.

And again, no condemnation of the attacks just attempts to excuse or justify them.

Use another source besides opinion pieces by Jared Taylor, a white supremacist, on Prescott News who is using the National Crime Victimization SURVEY instead of actual arrest and offender data, then recognize America's history of white racism. There is no similar history of black racism in America with the record of murders and other racial attacks by blacks in this country.

If we use your logic, then blacks have every right to randomly attack whites because of the record of white violence against us in America.
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I looked it up and there is no context for why what happened happened should you be writing fake favorable reviews for your book!
You never need any context when the roles are reversed. So here is another example proving my point.
You are the racist here. The most obvious show of nonracism would be to condemn these attacks. You haven't. ` You make assumptions about me that you shouldn't. If I can't stand white racism, then I can't stand racism if it comes from blacks. We don't think like you.
I don't know enough the facts to condemn, nor condone anything.

You, on the other hand, automatically assume that the white people are the problem.

Who's the fucking racist?
Was he axin' for it?

Looks like he got arrested once the police arrived for felony larceny and assault.


And this supposed arrest gave those people the right to choke and beat him.

Who did he assault? Did the assault occur prior to the beginning of the video? Was the man restraining him the victim of the assault?
You posted stuff from American Rennaissance. It says a lot about you. You do know that American Rennaissance is a white supremacist publication, don't you?
"American Rennaissance is a white supremacist publication".... because I say so".

Fixed that for ya' darlin'.
Does Shylock not see something really creepy about referring to himself in the third person while referencing a fictional character?
Shylock. Whoah! :oops:
I searched this entire thread, the phrase "everything is racist" was posted by you, IM2 has never used the phrase so when you attack it you're attacking an imaginary argument, an argument you wish he had had made rather than the argument he actually did make.

Here, see for yourself:

View attachment 1066675

Now stop being silly and lets get past this please.
Dishonest search results are dishonest. Dishonest shitbag.
Who did he assault? Did the assault occur prior to the beginning of the video? Was the man restraining him the victim of the assault?
How do you know there was even an assault? This is North Carolina.

Do you ask these questions when a group of blacks choke and beat whites?


So don't ask now.
Well geez, that's just like ..right in line with the demographics of America.
Here is another example of white racism in 2025.

This is an article by a white supremacist that is being cited here.
How do you know there was even an assault? This is North Carolina.

Do you ask these questions when a group of blacks choke and beat whites?


So don't ask now.

He appears to have been arrested and charged with felony theft and assault.


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