This is pure white racism in 2025

I haven't justified anything. My question is in response to your post.

And this is part of the problem. You say white folk don't know they are racist, but YOU are SURELY going to tell them exactly how racist they are. The problem with that is, you think just about everything is racist.

So, you have white people who don't know they are racist, don't know anything about racism, being told by other black people that they are racist, and you expect whites to be able to fix it.

Do you not see the conundrum here? If you expect white people to fix racism, then you HAVE to admit that they can recognize racism, within themselves, to be able to address it. Where this becomes a problem for you, is, if you do that, then it means white people will know if they are, or if they are not racists, and therfore, your blanket statements of racism are invalid.

I agree racism needs to be ended, but YOU need to understand that you are not helping the problem by calling anything and everything that upsets you "racism" . Just because a white man does something to a black man doesn't mean racism is involved, but sure as shit, you'll come along and accuse people of it anyway, where no sign of racism is present, other than the color of the skin of the two people know what THAT is called?? RACISM! Lol

The fact that you attribute racism to me based on your PERCEIVED notion of my skin color is racism itself. You look at the words I say, and you ASSUME I'm white because of that, and then paint me as a racist, when I've not said a single thing that has been racist, but because you think I'm white, you think I am.

Think about it.....
Your posts here show your racism. Again there are many resources out there to help you if you are truly unaware of your racism. But you aren't. You are just trying to argue just to argue.

The OP was about a black man who got attacked in a store by a group of whites. We have gone into page 7 with no condemnation of this attack but all kinds of opinions justifying it.
You are doing the same things that were done in the past. You benefited from what was done in the past. So drop that line and face the truth.
I am? How do you know know that? Lol you don't know know me, stop your bigoted assumptions.

You also don't know who has benefitted from what. You keep saying white people today need to take responsibility for wrongs of the past...nobody living today had anything to do with the past, so I'm not sure what they need to be responsible for.

you seem to think that all white people were somehow given everything and didn't work for anything. There are a lot of average and below average white people, working themselves to death who would disagree with you.

Also, most white people didn't inherit money or land from their families so, those lines are relatively few.

yes, black people were treated poorly in the past, and there is work yet to do, but this attack on white folks isn't helping anything. Do you think, with how you post here, thag you are actually improving race relations?
Your posts here show your racism. Again there are many resources out there to help you if you are truly unaware of your racism. But you aren't. You are just trying to argue just to argue.

The OP was about a black man who got attacked in a store by a group of whites. We have gone into page 7 with no condemnation of this attack but all kinds of opinions justifying it.

Show me my racist posts and explain why they are racist, not based on your personal feelings but by their context and text alone

Do you want to know why there is no condemnation? Because it was written by you who is notorious for making posts attacking white people, and calling them all racists. Because you looked at a video and you do what you always do, assign racism to it.

It's not surprising why people would want to to argue with you about have a reputation for being spiteful and militant.
In the history of this country, whites have killed us in so many different ways that you have an insurmountable lead. More than 200 thousand blacks die annually from stress-induced by white racism. And I'm not even including the medical killing of bacs by misdiagnosis or ignoring illnesses happening to blacks. So you really need to STFU trying to justify whites murdering blacks

Whites have African Americans, Native Americans, Asaian Americans, Hispanic American. Show White Americans a minority and they will as many as they can.
it's happening all over the USA and this has to stop. Truly an embarrassment to the rest of the world
The excuses to justify this will be coming. But this is pure white racism in 2025.

Two White Men "Choke Out" A Black Man While Others Watched At A Store In Conover, NC

More hate bait from IM2. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
That’s the OPs argument.
That's not true, I just searched the thread and the text "everything is racist" appears first in your post here. IM2 has not used the phrase, so you are making a strawman argument, but why?
You’re rather strange. Address my pt. Are prisons sexist? 90% of prisoners are men
I don't know, I've not considered the question before.
IM2 is in here constantly pushing the Marxist left's narratives. That narrative despises and degrades blacks like Ben Carson and others who have succeeded outside the leftist framework instead of celebrating us as you would expect them to if they were sincere about elevating blacks. For his efforts, IM2 here has been given a two-wheeler to peddle around his ghetto, and was told by his leftist Masters it's a Rolls Royce. He believes them.
You make several claims here, what specifically has IM2 posted in this thread (quote his words) that you dispute?
That's not true, I just searched the thread and the text "everything is racist" appears first in your post here. IM2 has not used the phrase, so you are making a strawman argument, but why?

I don't know, I've not considered the question before.
You running away is precious. Now search all of IM2s posts. Everything is racism to that defect

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