This is pure white racism in 2025

The only victims of racism that trumpanzees support are Jewish, any other group, race, minority can just go fuck themselves.

Foeign Jews need big government support, socialism using US taxpayers dollars. But fellow Americans? fuck them.

You cuɲts are wokest bastards in the room as usual.
Oh, dear. The angry jew hater found a reason to make this thread about his insensate Jooooo hatreds.
What? there are no white people in prison? or is that just a dream you have for the future?

Blacks are 13% of the US population and make up over half the prison population.

Whites are 87% of the US population and make up less than 25% of the prison population.

So no, not many whites are locked up. 33% of all black males alive today have a felony record.
Blacks are 13% of the US population and make up over half the prison population.
Yes, far too many get a prison sentence, I knew that already.
Whites are 87% of the US population and make up less than 25% of the prison population.
Yes and that's an example of underlying racist systems and institutions, I knew that already too.
So no, not many whites are locked up. 33% of all black males alive today have a felony record.
Most rape victims are women, filthy bitches bring it on themselves - yes ?
Blacks are 13% of the US population and make up over half the prison population.

Whites are 87% of the US population and make up less than 25% of the prison population.

So no, not many whites are locked up. 33% of all black males alive today have a felony record.
And the justice system has been proven to be racist. At this time we have a white man convicted on 34 counts as president. A black man convicted of 34 counts would be in prison. Yet this idiot posts these numbers.
Me: I jumped the Plantation fence and found a whole new world out there, full of opportunity and freedom. I realized the Old White Liberal Plantation Master had been lying all along, telling me how good I had it, and how bad the other side was,

You: Your still stuck on the plantation, working in the Master's house. In exchange for a few extra crumbs, you're out there telling everybody how wonderful the Master is, and shouting for all the escapees to come back. The problem is we've already seen the other side. We know we got it 100X better than you. We feel more sorrow than anger for you. If only you were strong enough to escape and see the other side for yourself. Then you, too, would realize what I found out decades ago. You've been duped.
Pure ad-hominem, attacking the person not the person's actual arguments.
And the justice system has been proven to be racist. At this time we have a white man convicted on 34 counts as president. A black man convicted of 34 counts would be in prison. Yet this idiot posts these numbers.
Where has the "justice system proven to be racist"?

Don't be such a fragile racist.
If he's black starting a thread called "this is pure white racism in 2025" then YES HIS RACE IS 100% RELEVANT.
So a Jew starting a thread called "this is pure antisemitism in 2025" would get the same reaction from you? No, you'd offer buckets of sympathy and support every woke support initiative you could. I can read your hillbillies like a book.

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