This is pure white racism in 2025

The excuses to justify this will be coming. But this is pure white racism in 2025.

Two White Men "Choke Out" A Black Man While Others Watched At A Store In Conover, NC

If only the man had been a Jew, he'd be safe and his assailants dragged of an sent to prison, only Jews experience real racism - haven't you heard? all the other minorities are fakers and woke.
If you see a black person choking a white person you don't consider why they are choking them.
Of course I would. See, that's the difference between your dumb, racist ass and me.

About ten years ago I pistol whipped a white dude because he was harassing a black woman, who had her kids with her.

Turn the tables and you see a black man harassing a white woman, you would probably help him.
The excuses to justify this will be coming. But this is pure white racism in 2025.

Two White Men "Choke Out" A Black Man While Others Watched At A Store In Conover, NC

That's the worst job of over dubbing I have ever heard.
Because he's a racist negro. I'm only calling him by the same name used by the United Negro College Fund. Is that racist, as well?
I don't see the relevance of labelling him at all, why does a person's race or ethnicity play a role in how you talk to people?

Would you stop a black man in the street and ask "Hey, excuse me negro, do you happen to know where the library is?"
Of course I would. See, that's the difference between your dumb, racist ass and me.

About ten years ago I pistol whipped a white dude because he was harassing a black woman, who had her kids with her.

Turn the tables and you see a black man harassing a white woman, you would probably help him.
You are the racist here. The most obvious show of nonracism would be to condemn these attacks. You haven't. ` You make assumptions about me that you shouldn't. If I can't stand white racism, then I can't stand racism if it comes from blacks. We don't think like you.
Show me a single thread he's made that talks about black violence against whites and I'll believe your stupid bullshit about race not being a factor.
I won't be doing that. I'm not here to play into your lies. White racism is the problem, it manifests itself in many ways, and physical attacks are just one of them. Electing racists into political office is another. Work to end the racism whites started here in America
Because he's a racist negro. I'm only calling him by the same name used by the United Negro College Fund. Is that racist, as well? Maybe it is huh? A racist college fund that denies all whites. Imagine if we had the United cracker college fund.

This has nothing to do with the topic. Why was the negro college fund created?
The only victims of racism that trumpanzees support are Jewish, any other group, race, minority can just go fuck themselves.

Foeign Jews need big government support, socialism using US taxpayers dollars. But fellow Americans? fuck them.

You cuɲts are wokest bastards in the room as usual.

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