This is no longer the America I was born into

Someone born in 1845 would be upset that the America they now live in no longer has slavery. Someone born in 1895 would be upset because the America they now live in no longer bans women from voting. Someone born in 1935 would be upset because the America they now live in no longer segregates Blacks and Whites. Someone born in 1955 would be upset because the America they now live in gives 18 year olds the right to vote, assures women are not discriminated against when it comes to equal pay for equal work and no longer turns a blind eye to industrial pollution.

Thank God we evolve as a nation.

We have evolved to the place of becoming an immoral and even evil nation. What used to be good is bad.

We have an Unamerican as President, we will be the largest Muslim nation in the world, and thus a nation that kills anyone who will not be willing to deny their own faith and enter their religion. That is soon to come.

We provide for the illegals that which we cannot even get for our own poor. We have made it nearly illegal to use words that offend, and that is an unconstitutional state to be in.

This country is dying, and Christians don't belong. Sad.
Surely, you can't be serious. How much of this rant are we to respond to responsibly? Who in the government is responsible for national morality? Hopefully no one. I don't want morality thrust upon me by the state (see Prohibition). If you want to pick at the scab the truthers won't let heal, have at it. You will find sympathetic loons prowling sites about Roswell and the Zapruder film.

Fear is a potent weapon to be wielded carefully. Only the ignorant, unread and unworldly fall victim to its charms. I suggest you have in spades.

Hatred and fear of anything and anyone different than what you see every day is something the ignorant fall for all the time. I suggest you read something other than the John Birch Society web site.

I don't think it is morality that we have to fear from the government. It is immorality that they are promoting, and making normal in life and forcing to be called healthy.

The current government has no need for truth, that is why "truthers" are such a thorn in their flesh.

The right does not promote fear, we promote how to overcome reasons for fear. The left promotes fear, and the greatest of that right now is thie "global warming" garbage. The government is making a bundle of money off of that one.

The best reading is the Bible, and in there we discover the truly horrible condition morally of this nation.
The America I was born into had segregation. Schools were unequal. Women had few career options. Catholic pedophile priests were moved around a protected. Mental hospitals were appallilng houses of abuse. Homosexuality was a crime and a mental disorder. Let's hear it for change.
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The America we were born into segregated blacks, discriminated against minorities and women, practiced class-warfare against the poor and working classes, and it was still a pretty good place for the majority.

Now it is a great place for the overwhelming numbers of Americans.

If you keep looking to the past, Smart33, you will mortgage your own future.

The great majority of Americans will not let the small group of nay sayers like you ever get close to succeeding at such a terrible thing. Go to, girl, go to.

<snip>I am not among a small group of nay sayers, I am among the majority of American Opinion. In November that will prove to be true. Maybe we will gain back sopme of the massive losses we have suffered under the Obama administration. I pray so.

You are not mainstream. You are racist, you are nativist, and you are a hater. You belong an isolated set of fringists far, far to the right. You are not America.
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The republic into which I was born no longer, culturally, exists, for good or bad.

Our lives cannot be static.

The America I was born into was ever-growing, and never static. It was a place where hope could become a reality. One could dream, and reachng those dreams was far more a possibility than now.

Change was an absolute, but In the true America change was usually good or could produce good. Not so now. Obama wanted to cvhange the country (which he is doing) but in the process ignored the good of improving her rather than creating something that would destroy her.

What was wrong with the American culture?

I'm really sorry I was born too late to see people put in stocks on public display, women drowned when they engaged in withcraft and the excitment of spending all of sunday in church hearing the evils of man and the terrors of hell.
I too want to be a Reactionary; can I join your club? [Is it okay if I bring my cell, blackberry and flat screen?]
The America I was born into was ever-growing, and never static. It was a place where hope could become a reality. One could dream, and reachng those dreams was far more a possibility than now.

Change was an absolute, but In the true America change was usually good or could produce good. Not so now. Obama wanted to cvhange the country (which he is doing) but in the process ignored the good of improving her rather than creating something that would destroy her.

What was wrong with the American culture?

You're either bored, or you sound like you're in need of a therapist. Don't resort to Prescription meds.

I am of quite a sound mind, able to recognize the reality in which we live. I am not on this bandwagon with a so called President who promised 40 acres and a mule and only produced the mule. You are on that wagon, and the cliff is approaching.

The blinders are well in place, and you are allowing Obama to keepo it there. You are hoping that he will make it where you never have to work, and still have what you want. That won't happen.

America is in deep trouble with thie so called president. My eyes are open, and I am preparing for whatever happens next.

Well, no you're not. You had an awful lot of "you's" in there, without even knowing who the fuck I am. Now fall back.
I am an American, born when America was a free nation. While we are still the most free nation in the world, there is an enormous difference now.

If one person in a million doesn’t like something because it is “offensive” the million will have to adjust to the one.

Life of an unborn baby is reduced to the object of controversy.

Marriage as Americans have always had it is no longer constitutional.

There is not just a vague line between democrat and republican now, there is a solid concrete wall.

God’s name is not allowed in many places now. (unless that name is Allah)

God and country are no longer allowed to be combined. (unless it is the Muslim God)

Prayer is offensive, and has to be done where others are not offended. (Unless you are Muslim)

It is getting to the place where the only place a person can be an active Christian is within the walls of the church building. (Muslims have more freedom)

Immorality is now a freedom and a right, to be honored and cherished.

The Bible has been replaced at the Whitehouse, and Allah is the person to celebrate and pray to. (the National Day of Prayer has been moved out of the Whitehouse, and those who pray during that time cannot be in the Whitehouse, or are not welcomed)

Government owns large corporations, the auto industry, banks, and anything they want to take over now.

Corruption is the rule now, not the exception.

You don’t even have to be from America to be a President now.

Lies are expected, and not rejected now by our so called leaders.

Minorities have all the rights now, the majority must sit silently.

Minorities get everything free now, and the majority is paying the bill.

When a person who is not a minority qualified financially for subsidized housing, food stamps, or other helps, they can only get those things if they lie. That is how many minorities get then, but the non minority will be checked out. (personal experience more than once)


God is still my master.

My faith is still my guide.

The Bible is still the manual for what is right.

The government still must yield to God, if God says so .

Walking by faith may be scary, and even dangerous now, but it is still the best way.

Sharing our faith is still God’s command, and we will. (whenever and wherever God leads)

Prayer is communication with God, and His desire is that we do that all the time. We will.

Unborn babies are living beings, known and loved by God. (Ps. 139)

Sex outside of marriage is sin, but God does not hate the sinner.

Gay sex is sin, But God loves gays.

God says, “you are either for me or against me.” There is no in between.

Right is right even when only a few is doing it.

Wrong is wrong, even when the majority is doing it.

America needs God, and Christians. Her rejection of both is the beginning of her demise.

America is not who she used to be. These things were a common belief in this nation, now they have become thought of as offensive and hateful. No, America is not the same. This is a different country now.

I pray the nation will wake up and stand up, and if needed fight to return to her sanity.


The 27 Amendments to the Constitution have contributed to the goal of keeping it up to date, and may it continue to do so. Listed are all of those. 27 Amendments to the US Constitution

And from Thomas Sowell:

"To get their way, the progressives must dismantle the Constitution, bit by bit, one way or another.

"The first open attack on the Constitution by a President of the United States was made by our only president with a Ph.D., Woodrow Wilson. Virtually all the arguments as to why judges should not take the Constitution as meaning what its words plainly say, but "interpret" it to mean whatever it ought to mean, in order to meet "the needs of the times," were made by Woodrow Wilson.

"It is no coincidence that those who imagine themselves so much wiser and nobler than the rest of us should be in the forefront of those who seek to erode Constitutional restrictions on the arbitrary powers of government. How can our betters impose their superior wisdom and virtue on us, when the Constitution gets in the way at every turn, with all its provisions to safeguard a system based on a self-governing people?

Much more on this by Dr. Thomas Sowell: Townhall - Thomas Sowell - Dismantling America - Page 2
Someone should run a military service-connected disability and career pensions survey here by political leanings. I bet the center and the left here have more than the right.
The republic into which I was born no longer, culturally, exists, for good or bad.

Our lives cannot be static.

The America I was born into was ever-growing, and never static. It was a place where hope could become a reality. One could dream, and reachng those dreams was far more a possibility than now.

Change was an absolute, but In the true America change was usually good or could produce good. Not so now. Obama wanted to cvhange the country (which he is doing) but in the process ignored the good of improving her rather than creating something that would destroy her.

What was wrong with the American culture?

Apparently the America you were born into produced nothing but feel good platitudes.
The republic into which I was born no longer, culturally, exists, for good or bad.

Our lives cannot static.

The America I was born into had Blacks kept seperate. Seperate businesses, ride in the back of the bus, etc.
Also girls could not wear pants to school.
Indoor plumbing was a rarity.
No fast food joints.
No cellphones and few even had phones.
many had no electricity in rural areas.

The only thing that seems to stay constant is wars.

The only issue that you addressed here that was an American issue was the race one. I agree, we certainly had problems. Take a look, we did get over that one. It took a while, but it did happen.

How about gender discrimination? I could not have been a Naval Aviator for 21 years in your America. If I were allowed in the military at all, it would have been as a nurse or a clerk.
Someone born in 1845 would be upset that the America they now live in no longer has slavery. Someone born in 1895 would be upset because the America they now live in no longer bans women from voting. Someone born in 1935 would be upset because the America they now live in no longer segregates Blacks and Whites. Someone born in 1955 would be upset because the America they now live in gives 18 year olds the right to vote, assures women are not discriminated against when it comes to equal pay for equal work and no longer turns a blind eye to industrial pollution.

Thank God we evolve as a nation.

We have evolved to the place of becoming an immoral and even evil nation. What used to be good is bad.

We have an Unamerican as President, we will be the largest Muslim nation in the world, and thus a nation that kills anyone who will not be willing to deny their own faith and enter their religion. That is soon to come.

We provide for the illegals that which we cannot even get for our own poor. We have made it nearly illegal to use words that offend, and that is an unconstitutional state to be in.

This country is dying, and Christians don't belong. Sad.

Ah, a Birther.
The only issue that you addressed here that was an American issue was the race one. I agree, we certainly had problems. Take a look, we did get over that one. It took a while, but it did happen.

We clearly are still not over the race issue.

That is true, ther blacks will not let it go. The whites are able to let it go and live peacefully with the blacks,.

Ah....THAT's what you're whining about.
The America I was born into promised equality and freedom.

The Republican Party has butchered those promises dividing the country into two separate nations.

One nation of "white Christians".

The other nation of "everyone else".

The Conservative Confederate Republican nation has no respect for the rest of America. They accuse other religions of being Nazis. They live off lies and slander and threats of violence. They've damaged this country in every way imaginable, chipping away at it's foundation. Working to destroy the constitution. Working to bring down the educational system. Delegitimizing any opinion but the extreme far right.

It's a shame, really.

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