THIS IS HUGE! — BREAKING NEWS FROM ARIZONA AUDIT: The Number Of Illegal Votes In Maricopa County Could Easily Reach More Than 250,000 Votes

It's obvious Dems cheated and stole the election. Biden is 100% illegitimate.

It's obvious you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, and Trump lost the election by a very large margin.
The orange cult is still stuck in the Denial stage of grief over their lard & god losing the election.
Everyone who loves freedom is grieving. Only servile toads are happy with the result.

And mooching Dem losers who can't land a real job and pay their own bills.
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


Hahaha....poor, gullible white wingers... You guys will believe ANYTHING
Now OANN is involved in Arizona's Senate election audit? Can this thing get any more absurd?
Opinion: The Arizona Senate's auditors have selected their broadcast partner for the election audit, a right-wing cable TV network renowned for spreading conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised?
Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic

OANN will livestream Arizona's election audit? That's just absurd (

The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[41] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy for advertising a false cure for COVID-19.[39]
One America News Network - Wikipedia
Fake news. OAN has the same access and camara video stream as everybody else. Other media sources are just afraid to report on this story.

BULLSHIT. Other media sources are being BARRED from entry. Only OAN is in their. One journalist snuck in as a poll watcher, and she was barred from entry the second day, after they found out who she was.

A fake cyber security company is doing an "audit" of the votes, without the following the state guidelines for an audit, using untrained workers, using blue and black pens which spoil the ballots. All of this is being records by an fake new network, which is financing this fiasco, based on the Donald Trump's lie that the election was "stolen".

What could possibly go wrong???

The Press is barred entry?'d think it was a tax payer funded ICE detention center....

Are you ok with a private firm being given access to ballots which they can alter with no oversight?

as opposed to a "public" firm? someone has to do the audit. I would imagine if they want to present their evidence in Court...since this part of a Court proceeding, they would have to swear under oath...just like anyone else presenting evidence, including "public" firms...So, I am fine with it

Oh? What court ordered this audit?

Maricopa County Superior Court.

The Senate order the audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said, fine, you can have an injuction....but you have to pay the folks that were about to do the audit for the time and prep, or it will go forward. The Dems didn't pay. The Court Order the audit to go forward.

Not quite. The Republican Senate didn't just order the audit, they subpoenaed the ballots. That's not a court proceeding. Not even with a court denying Democrats' attempts in court to prevent the audit.

Well the Senate doesn't belong to one party or the's just the Senate. The Senate order a forensic audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said they could have an injuction if they payed the cost already expended by the companies retained, they didn't...and order the audit to continue

Their Senate is under Republican control. Who the fuck knows why you tried to ignore that? Still, it's not a court ordered audit. It was ordered by Arizona Republican Senators who first issued the subpoenas. All the court did was to affirm the Senate had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas. That in no way makes this a court ordered audit as the court never ordered it. At most, they allowed it and even then, only because Arizona law allows their state Senate to authorize it.

Still, it's a sham audit. Despite some 80% of all ballots in all of Arizona being mail-in ballots, this audit is examining only ballots from the state's most left-leaning county. Rather than hire a reputable and qualified firm to perform the audit, they hired a company with zero auditing experience, led by a conspiracy nut who himself promoted the Big Lie. Now they're in possession of the ballots where their reportedly marking them up illegally with wrong colored pens and there's no oversight. They could be destroying ballots by marking votes for all anyone knows. Who knows why you're ok with that?
No surprise this got moved to the conspiracy section,there’s that fascist censorship by our mods who censor facts and out just as much fascists as YouTube,Facebook and Twitter.
Spot on. Any lefty on this site can report a thread that is politically inconvenient for the left and request that a mod move it to the conspiracy subforum.
OAN has access to the counting facility...

No other media has that.
YOU, the lefty media, and everybody in the world has the same access as OAN. Click on the live links and see for yourself:

Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:

Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:


Even after you're shown OANN was given exclusive coverage, you still deny it. :cuckoo:
Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:


Even after you're shown OANN was given exclusive coverage, you still deny it. :cuckoo:
Fake news... yawn...
Excellent news!

Now only lacking in a proclamation by the Ninjas on which side benefitted from the cheating?
Now you understand why the Dims didn't want to examine the ballots. If they audit all the toss-up states, then there will be a call for Biden to step down.

On Saturday, the Arizona forensic audit continued at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.
In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in this large and crucial county.
The Board members guaranteed everything was fine but they won’t let anyone get close to their results.
They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.
However, regardless of their efforts to prevent an audit of the Maricopa County results the forensic audit is now taking place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
The audit is being live-streamed from 9 different angles from the arena floor at
The election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots!
Something HUGE is being revealed there right now!
Here’s what we’ve received on Sunday morning:


Biden never won shit
Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:


Even after you're shown OANN was given exclusive coverage, you still deny it. :cuckoo:
Fake news... yawn...

Dumbfuck, it was OANN who said they have exclusive coverage. OANN is lying like you are?


Here's more, just so I can watch you lie and run some more. Here's an OANN reporter inside the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. See if you can find another reporter from any other news agency reporting from inside...

Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:


Even after you're shown OANN was given exclusive coverage, you still deny it. :cuckoo:
Fake news... yawn...

Dumbfuck, it was OANN who said they have exclusive coverage. OANN is lying like you are?


Here's more, just so I can watch you lie and run some more. Here's an OANN reporter inside the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. See if you can find another reporter from any other news agency reporting from inside...

Stop with the fake news and lies.
Why lie?

OAN has access to the counting facility...
OAN has the same access as all the rest of the media. Stop perpetuating fake news.
You just can't stop lying, can you?

The legal fight comes amid mounting questions about the transparency of the Senate's recount. The effort's funders remain a mystery, for example, and reporters have not been allowed inside, except as observers working six-hour shifts, during which time they are not allowed cameras.

Meanwhile, OANN is granted exclusive coverage...

Join One America News for exclusive, live reporting in Phoenix, Arizona, as we provide transparent coverage of this historic process.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Stop lying. Use the live feed links that OAN uses:


Even after you're shown OANN was given exclusive coverage, you still deny it. :cuckoo:
Fake news... yawn...

Dumbfuck, it was OANN who said they have exclusive coverage. OANN is lying like you are?


Here's more, just so I can watch you lie and run some more. Here's an OANN reporter inside the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. See if you can find another reporter from any other news agency reporting from inside...

Stop with the fake news and lies.

You're fucking deranged calling this fake news. I literally posted video evidence proving OANN is reporting from inside the venue any yet because you're so brain-damaged, you still deny it.

Screenshot_20210427-153644_Samsung Internet.jpg

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Now OANN is involved in Arizona's Senate election audit? Can this thing get any more absurd?
Opinion: The Arizona Senate's auditors have selected their broadcast partner for the election audit, a right-wing cable TV network renowned for spreading conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised?
Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic

OANN will livestream Arizona's election audit? That's just absurd (

The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[41] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy for advertising a false cure for COVID-19.[39]
One America News Network - Wikipedia
Fake news. OAN has the same access and camara video stream as everybody else. Other media sources are just afraid to report on this story.

BULLSHIT. Other media sources are being BARRED from entry. Only OAN is in their. One journalist snuck in as a poll watcher, and she was barred from entry the second day, after they found out who she was.

A fake cyber security company is doing an "audit" of the votes, without the following the state guidelines for an audit, using untrained workers, using blue and black pens which spoil the ballots. All of this is being records by an fake new network, which is financing this fiasco, based on the Donald Trump's lie that the election was "stolen".

What could possibly go wrong???

The Press is barred entry?'d think it was a tax payer funded ICE detention center....

Are you ok with a private firm being given access to ballots which they can alter with no oversight?

as opposed to a "public" firm? someone has to do the audit. I would imagine if they want to present their evidence in Court...since this part of a Court proceeding, they would have to swear under oath...just like anyone else presenting evidence, including "public" firms...So, I am fine with it

Oh? What court ordered this audit?

Maricopa County Superior Court.

The Senate order the audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said, fine, you can have an injuction....but you have to pay the folks that were about to do the audit for the time and prep, or it will go forward. The Dems didn't pay. The Court Order the audit to go forward.

Not quite. The Republican Senate didn't just order the audit, they subpoenaed the ballots. That's not a court proceeding. Not even with a court denying Democrats' attempts in court to prevent the audit.

Well the Senate doesn't belong to one party or the's just the Senate. The Senate order a forensic audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said they could have an injuction if they payed the cost already expended by the companies retained, they didn't...and order the audit to continue

Their Senate is under Republican control. Who the fuck knows why you tried to ignore that? Still, it's not a court ordered audit. It was ordered by Arizona Republican Senators who first issued the subpoenas. All the court did was to affirm the Senate had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas. That in no way makes this a court ordered audit as the court never ordered it. At most, they allowed it and even then, only because Arizona law allows their state Senate to authorize it.

Still, it's a sham audit. Despite some 80% of all ballots in all of Arizona being mail-in ballots, this audit is examining only ballots from the state's most left-leaning county. Rather than hire a reputable and qualified firm to perform the audit, they hired a company with zero auditing experience, led by a conspiracy nut who himself promoted the Big Lie. Now they're in possession of the ballots where their reportedly marking them up illegally with wrong colored pens and there's no oversight. They could be destroying ballots by marking votes for all anyone knows. Who knows why you're ok with that?

The Senate is the Senate...but whatever..

The Senate order the audit, the elected representatives of the people. The Dems filed a lawsuit, the Judge granted the injunction, if they paid the cost to the companies for the cost of what they have spent, if not the audit was to go forward...they didn't, those the Court's Order for the audit to continue went forward.

This isn't rocket science.
Now OANN is involved in Arizona's Senate election audit? Can this thing get any more absurd?
Opinion: The Arizona Senate's auditors have selected their broadcast partner for the election audit, a right-wing cable TV network renowned for spreading conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised?
Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic

OANN will livestream Arizona's election audit? That's just absurd (

The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[41] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy for advertising a false cure for COVID-19.[39]
One America News Network - Wikipedia
Fake news. OAN has the same access and camara video stream as everybody else. Other media sources are just afraid to report on this story.

BULLSHIT. Other media sources are being BARRED from entry. Only OAN is in their. One journalist snuck in as a poll watcher, and she was barred from entry the second day, after they found out who she was.

A fake cyber security company is doing an "audit" of the votes, without the following the state guidelines for an audit, using untrained workers, using blue and black pens which spoil the ballots. All of this is being records by an fake new network, which is financing this fiasco, based on the Donald Trump's lie that the election was "stolen".

What could possibly go wrong???

The Press is barred entry?'d think it was a tax payer funded ICE detention center....

Are you ok with a private firm being given access to ballots which they can alter with no oversight?

as opposed to a "public" firm? someone has to do the audit. I would imagine if they want to present their evidence in Court...since this part of a Court proceeding, they would have to swear under oath...just like anyone else presenting evidence, including "public" firms...So, I am fine with it

Oh? What court ordered this audit?

Maricopa County Superior Court.

The Senate order the audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said, fine, you can have an injuction....but you have to pay the folks that were about to do the audit for the time and prep, or it will go forward. The Dems didn't pay. The Court Order the audit to go forward.

Not quite. The Republican Senate didn't just order the audit, they subpoenaed the ballots. That's not a court proceeding. Not even with a court denying Democrats' attempts in court to prevent the audit.

Well the Senate doesn't belong to one party or the's just the Senate. The Senate order a forensic audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said they could have an injuction if they payed the cost already expended by the companies retained, they didn't...and order the audit to continue

Their Senate is under Republican control. Who the fuck knows why you tried to ignore that? Still, it's not a court ordered audit. It was ordered by Arizona Republican Senators who first issued the subpoenas. All the court did was to affirm the Senate had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas. That in no way makes this a court ordered audit as the court never ordered it. At most, they allowed it and even then, only because Arizona law allows their state Senate to authorize it.

Still, it's a sham audit. Despite some 80% of all ballots in all of Arizona being mail-in ballots, this audit is examining only ballots from the state's most left-leaning county. Rather than hire a reputable and qualified firm to perform the audit, they hired a company with zero auditing experience, led by a conspiracy nut who himself promoted the Big Lie. Now they're in possession of the ballots where their reportedly marking them up illegally with wrong colored pens and there's no oversight. They could be destroying ballots by marking votes for all anyone knows. Who knows why you're ok with that?

The Senate is the Senate...but whatever..

The Senate order the audit, the elected representatives of the people. The Dems filed a lawsuit, the Judge granted the injunction, if they paid the cost to the companies for the cost of what they have spent, if not the audit was to go forward...they didn't, those the Court's Order for the audit to continue went forward.

This isn't rocket science.

No, it's not, which leaves me wondering why you lied and referred to the audit as "court ordered" when it was really ordered by Arizona's Republican-led state Senate?
Now OANN is involved in Arizona's Senate election audit? Can this thing get any more absurd?
Opinion: The Arizona Senate's auditors have selected their broadcast partner for the election audit, a right-wing cable TV network renowned for spreading conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised?
Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic

OANN will livestream Arizona's election audit? That's just absurd (

The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[41] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy for advertising a false cure for COVID-19.[39]
One America News Network - Wikipedia
Fake news. OAN has the same access and camara video stream as everybody else. Other media sources are just afraid to report on this story.

BULLSHIT. Other media sources are being BARRED from entry. Only OAN is in their. One journalist snuck in as a poll watcher, and she was barred from entry the second day, after they found out who she was.

A fake cyber security company is doing an "audit" of the votes, without the following the state guidelines for an audit, using untrained workers, using blue and black pens which spoil the ballots. All of this is being records by an fake new network, which is financing this fiasco, based on the Donald Trump's lie that the election was "stolen".

What could possibly go wrong???

The Press is barred entry?'d think it was a tax payer funded ICE detention center....

Are you ok with a private firm being given access to ballots which they can alter with no oversight?

as opposed to a "public" firm? someone has to do the audit. I would imagine if they want to present their evidence in Court...since this part of a Court proceeding, they would have to swear under oath...just like anyone else presenting evidence, including "public" firms...So, I am fine with it

Oh? What court ordered this audit?

Maricopa County Superior Court.

The Senate order the audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said, fine, you can have an injuction....but you have to pay the folks that were about to do the audit for the time and prep, or it will go forward. The Dems didn't pay. The Court Order the audit to go forward.

Not quite. The Republican Senate didn't just order the audit, they subpoenaed the ballots. That's not a court proceeding. Not even with a court denying Democrats' attempts in court to prevent the audit.

Well the Senate doesn't belong to one party or the's just the Senate. The Senate order a forensic audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said they could have an injuction if they payed the cost already expended by the companies retained, they didn't...and order the audit to continue

Their Senate is under Republican control. Who the fuck knows why you tried to ignore that? Still, it's not a court ordered audit. It was ordered by Arizona Republican Senators who first issued the subpoenas. All the court did was to affirm the Senate had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas. That in no way makes this a court ordered audit as the court never ordered it. At most, they allowed it and even then, only because Arizona law allows their state Senate to authorize it.

Still, it's a sham audit. Despite some 80% of all ballots in all of Arizona being mail-in ballots, this audit is examining only ballots from the state's most left-leaning county. Rather than hire a reputable and qualified firm to perform the audit, they hired a company with zero auditing experience, led by a conspiracy nut who himself promoted the Big Lie. Now they're in possession of the ballots where their reportedly marking them up illegally with wrong colored pens and there's no oversight. They could be destroying ballots by marking votes for all anyone knows. Who knows why you're ok with that?

The Senate is the Senate...but whatever..

The Senate order the audit, the elected representatives of the people. The Dems filed a lawsuit, the Judge granted the injunction, if they paid the cost to the companies for the cost of what they have spent, if not the audit was to go forward...they didn't, those the Court's Order for the audit to continue went forward.

This isn't rocket science.

No, it's not, which leaves me wondering why you lied and referred to the audit as "court ordered" when it was really ordered by Arizona's Republican-led state Senate?

Because it was...the Court Ordered that the Audit continue, unless the Dems paid the contractors. They didn't...thus the Order was enforced.

This really isn't hard to grasp.
Now OANN is involved in Arizona's Senate election audit? Can this thing get any more absurd?
Opinion: The Arizona Senate's auditors have selected their broadcast partner for the election audit, a right-wing cable TV network renowned for spreading conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised?
Laurie Roberts
Arizona Republic

OANN will livestream Arizona's election audit? That's just absurd (

The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[41] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy for advertising a false cure for COVID-19.[39]
One America News Network - Wikipedia
Fake news. OAN has the same access and camara video stream as everybody else. Other media sources are just afraid to report on this story.

BULLSHIT. Other media sources are being BARRED from entry. Only OAN is in their. One journalist snuck in as a poll watcher, and she was barred from entry the second day, after they found out who she was.

A fake cyber security company is doing an "audit" of the votes, without the following the state guidelines for an audit, using untrained workers, using blue and black pens which spoil the ballots. All of this is being records by an fake new network, which is financing this fiasco, based on the Donald Trump's lie that the election was "stolen".

What could possibly go wrong???

The Press is barred entry?'d think it was a tax payer funded ICE detention center....

Are you ok with a private firm being given access to ballots which they can alter with no oversight?

as opposed to a "public" firm? someone has to do the audit. I would imagine if they want to present their evidence in Court...since this part of a Court proceeding, they would have to swear under oath...just like anyone else presenting evidence, including "public" firms...So, I am fine with it

Oh? What court ordered this audit?

Maricopa County Superior Court.

The Senate order the audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said, fine, you can have an injuction....but you have to pay the folks that were about to do the audit for the time and prep, or it will go forward. The Dems didn't pay. The Court Order the audit to go forward.

Not quite. The Republican Senate didn't just order the audit, they subpoenaed the ballots. That's not a court proceeding. Not even with a court denying Democrats' attempts in court to prevent the audit.

Well the Senate doesn't belong to one party or the's just the Senate. The Senate order a forensic audit...the Dems filed a lawsuit, the Court said they could have an injuction if they payed the cost already expended by the companies retained, they didn't...and order the audit to continue

Their Senate is under Republican control. Who the fuck knows why you tried to ignore that? Still, it's not a court ordered audit. It was ordered by Arizona Republican Senators who first issued the subpoenas. All the court did was to affirm the Senate had the legal authority to issue the subpoenas. That in no way makes this a court ordered audit as the court never ordered it. At most, they allowed it and even then, only because Arizona law allows their state Senate to authorize it.

Still, it's a sham audit. Despite some 80% of all ballots in all of Arizona being mail-in ballots, this audit is examining only ballots from the state's most left-leaning county. Rather than hire a reputable and qualified firm to perform the audit, they hired a company with zero auditing experience, led by a conspiracy nut who himself promoted the Big Lie. Now they're in possession of the ballots where their reportedly marking them up illegally with wrong colored pens and there's no oversight. They could be destroying ballots by marking votes for all anyone knows. Who knows why you're ok with that?

The Senate is the Senate...but whatever..

The Senate order the audit, the elected representatives of the people. The Dems filed a lawsuit, the Judge granted the injunction, if they paid the cost to the companies for the cost of what they have spent, if not the audit was to go forward...they didn't, those the Court's Order for the audit to continue went forward.

This isn't rocket science.

No, it's not, which leaves me wondering why you lied and referred to the audit as "court ordered" when it was really ordered by Arizona's Republican-led state Senate?

Which is their Constitutional right. You do not have to like it. Your ass sucks cottonwood.

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