This is How Trumps Bollard Fence/Wall is Made


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Bollard fence is made of concrete filled square tubes. The steel is probably stainless steel, which is a very hard steel, usually. Still, you can get tools to cut through it, but that is true of any wall if you know anything about construction methods.

What is a Bollard-Style Border Wall or Fence? |

U.S. Customs and Border Protection includes the following definition on its website: “A steel-bollard style wall provides significant impedance and denial capability. These are hollow steel beams that are filled with concrete and rebar. The space between the bollards satisfies a visibility requirement.”

The company “Long Fence,” which has been installing commercial and residential fencing since 1945, describes bollards as such: “Bollards are upright steel posts mounted in or alongside roads and parking lots to control, direct or obstruct vehicular traffic or impact.”​


The time it takes to cut through the wall, and the fact that the vast majority of illegal immigrants wont have access to such expensive tools is a huge force multiplier for the Border Patrol. Note too the bollard cut through in the photo is old stuff, likely part of the 20 foot fence sections being replaced.

And the BP detects the cutting the vibration sensors and goes and apprehends the culprits anyway,

Also saphire coated ceramic sticks can be combined with the rebar to make the the tools get irreparably damaged much like the peeps who spiked trees out in the forests a while back.

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“We’re going to build some bollards, and America’s going to pay for it!!!”

I can see why the fat bastard preferred the lie over that.
The only thing I would add is razor wire on the top slanted towards Mexico. Looks like damned good fencing.
The only thing I would add is razor wire on the top slanted towards Mexico. Looks like damned good fencing.

Yeah, concertina wire would complete the look, a sort of Early American KEEP THE HELL OUT fashion.

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