‘This is getting sicker by the day’: Viewers blast TV show asking about rewards for snitching on neighbours breaking Covid rules

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Same story, different day....

ITV’s ‘Good Morning Britain’ came under fire from viewers after it controversially asked whether Brits should receive a financial reward for turning their coronavirus rule-breaking neighbours in to the police.

“Should people be rewarded for snitching on their neighbours who break lockdown rules?”asked presenter Kate Garraway during Friday’s show. Acknowledging that the UK is in “such a serious situation,” Garraway added, “But should we incentivise people by giving them money?”

In September, UK Crime and Policing Minister Kit Malthouse encouraged Brits to report neighbours who were taking part in meetings of more than six people

Viewers argued it was a “revolting proposition” and compared it to Nazi Germany and the East German Stasi’s practices, with one Brit arguing that those who do snitch to the government “should be shunned by the communities in which they live.”

Continued - ‘This is getting sicker by the day’: Viewers blast TV show asking about rewards for snitching on neighbours breaking Covid rules

It's kind of repulsive the way they're so gleeful when promoting the notion on the show...
In New York City, when Mayor DeBlasio asked people to snitch and provided a phone line, he got thousands of dic pics from his constituents. I was heartened when I heard that, feeling that the American spirit is still alive.

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