This is a neocon board

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Nation building is a partisan and perjorative term. WOrld dominance always fails when it's done only through coercive means. Globalized free markets benefit everybody, we're battlling the tyrannical old school despots, who refuse freedom to their populations, and constitute a threat to free nations. It's a good thing.

Isn't it sort of ironic that we're using force to remove old school despots so we can globalize free markets in which the US dominates, but we're not using coercive means to bring about US world dominance by building nations that are US friendly. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
Isn't it sort of ironic that we're using force to remove old school despots so we can globalize free markets in which the US dominates, but we're not using coercive means to bring about US world dominance by building nations that are US friendly. :rolleyes:

No. Because we will eventually leave. And the people will be free, to operate businesses and pursue their dreams, instead of being tortured and terrorized by saddam hussein. Do you honestly see no difference? If you don't, you need new lenses.
I agree, rtwngavngr. And I like the idea of neoconservatism. BTW, do you ever think if we start being a more peaceful nation within, that could act as an example to other nations, and they would let us come help them more easily, if we promised not to squash their culture and religious beliefs?
Originally posted by OCA
Uh Janeeng, wrong sex for Matts. He's into the other gender.

I get the picture. Thanks for the graphic explanation. ;)

No. I'm a happily married heterosexual but I still think that "homosexual marriage" should be made legal.
Originally posted by rwing
I don't know: They both describe your aunt millie?

I don't know either, but it seemed like a great set-up for a joke. All my relatives are either liberal or conservative. NOBODY likes the neocons.
Originally posted by janeeng
mattskramer - I am sure I will now be in trouble, but you wanted to know, here is a small preview of a FATTY!!!!!

BTW - I went easy on you, could have been BIGGER!!!!!!!! I am sure Sandy and I could entertain both you and rtwngAvngr!!! just let us know, and your wish is our command!hahahahahah!

Now that I've lost my lunch...... :puke3:

I was kind of wondering what "neocon" meant too, since it isn't even a word. "Neoconservative" is, but is that what he means? "Neocon" makes me think of someone who espouses themselves as a "convict".
Originally posted by janeeng
here is a small preview of a FATTY!!!!!


My eyelids have slammed shut and refuse to open. Good thing I can touch type.

If I find out who you are, I'm getting a shyster.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Now that I've lost my lunch...... :puke3:

I was kind of wondering what "neocon" meant too, since it isn't even a word. "Neoconservative" is, but is that what he means? "Neocon" makes me think of someone who espouses themselves as a "convict".

Hmm. You must not get out much.
Originally posted by Merlin1047

My eyelids have slammed shut and refuse to open. Good thing I can touch type.

If I find out who you are, I'm getting a shyster.

Hey Merlin, now that wasn't nearly as bad as some that are posted, I told you, I went easy on you - that doesn't mean that Sandy would! hahahahahah
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Hmm. You must not get out much.

I just don't like fads, and see you using the conjured up term neocon as some sort of fad.

It reminds me of non words like "snippit", "snaffoo", and "closure", etc.. All words I can't stand, and regard people that use them as followers, not leaders.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
I just don't like fads, and see you using the conjured up term neocon as some sort of fad.

It reminds me of non words like "snippit", "snaffoo", and "closure", etc.. All words I can't stand, and regard people that use them as followers, not leaders.

It's just using terms accurately as they appear in the societal nomenclature. Try it. You'll like it. Follow my lead.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
I agree, rtwngavngr. And I like the idea of neoconservatism. BTW, do you ever think if we start being a more peaceful nation within, that could act as an example to other nations, and they would let us come help them more easily, if we promised not to squash their culture and religious beliefs?

I'm glad you like neoconservatism. I could tell you were quite smart, that's why i persisted with you.

The objections from despotic regimes are because despots LIKE To keep their people enslaved, and when the U.S. gives their people hope of liberation, it makes them harder to control.

We don't squash people's cultures, unless you consider tyranny and torture a culture.
Crazy C. If by a more peaceful nation internally, you mean more, harsher gun control laws, or complete outlaw of guns, I must respectfully say, "Hell no".

I think all adults should be REQUIRED to carry a sidearm. Crime as we know it would virtually end.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
I guess you are not going to answer my question RW so I will answer it myself!:D
This is a message board that obviously has more conservatives, but it also has a share of other good people that dont share that view. Unfortunately there are all too many people that join the board to just flame or troll and then they are dismissed!

We have Bully,Psycho,and Spilly that represent the absolute opposite as well as many other's that are somewhere in between with their opinions, and they are all welcomed members.

Many member's just don't get past the politics of the board to even recognize the lower section, and those who don't are the one's that will make this statement more often then not! check it out sometime, you might like it.

What I meant is that neoconservatism is dominant on this board, cuz I own it and I own you, Sir EVil.:D
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
It's just using terms accurately as they appear in the societal nomenclature. Try it. You'll like it. Follow my lead.

Nice to see you at least have a sense of humor.

But I've always assumed roles in my life as a leader, not a follower. Especially of idiom fads. I don't say "not", or "right on", or "far out", or "dude", or "groovy", or "snippit", or "snaffoo", or "closure", or any one of hundreds of other idioms like "neocon". So, no thank you to your invitation to follow.

I usually expect more from my fellow conservatives. I hold them in much higher regard than liberals.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Nice to see you at least have a sense of humor.

But I've always assumed roles in my life as a leader, not a follower. Especially of idiom fads. I don't say "not", or "right on", or "far out", or "dude", or "groovy", or "snippit", or "snaffoo", or "closure", or any one of hundreds of other idioms like "neocon". So, no thank you to your invitation to follow.

I usually expect more from my fellow conservatives. I hold them in much higher regard than liberals.

Frick you and your expectations! How about that one!:D
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
What I meant is that neoconservatism is dominant on this board, cuz I own it and I own you, Sir EVil.:D

Damn rtwngAvngr, this almost sounds like it should be int he GAY section! :p:
I hate to keep beating the same drum, but since so few others do...

"Neoconservatism" is related to communism, socialism, Marxism, Freudianism, feminism, liberalism, multiculturalism and relativism much more closely than actual conservatism. What's the common thread? A way for Jews to promote their own interests without appearing to do so.

In this sense, "Zionism" is preferable to "neoconservatism". At least it's honest.
If you wish to learn about the origins of neocons, read anything by Leo Strauss, he was the father of the movement.
The lastest issue of Harper's has a brief history of Strauss and the movement he started in this country. Ironically, many of the original people who fall under this category worked for and supported Dems like JFK. Richard Perle, one of the modern proponents of the movement said recently on C-Span's Washinton Journal that he was a registered Democrat. Around and around we go.

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