This has nothing to do with anything but



I've been a new member of this chatroom for about a couple days now(i think three) and I just wasnted to say this palce is awesome and even though i totaly diagree with some people I think the conversations have made me understand my postitions much clearier
I'd like to qoute a French Philosopher by the name of Pico that should illistrate why forums like this are important

"Consequently, anyone very weak can and should not only not disparage them, but slao seek them voluntarily(arguments), since the loser truly receives benefit and not injury from the winner, for through him the loser returns home richer, that is, more learned and readier for future fights." Pico, "on the dignity of man" pg 20.

Thanks Guys:D
Not sure if I properly welcomed you to the board or not. Better late than never.

Welcome to the board, kcmcdonald :)
Ditto on the welcomes.

BTW, that's Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, and he was Italian. He'll probably be better accepted on this board for not being a frog. ;)
Welcome kcmcdonald.

And Bry, welcome back! Hadn't seen you around for a while, but glad to see someone else who can argue the liberal side of things articulately (DK had been the only one for a while).
I havn`t been here very long either, and I agree with your thoughts. I have been to many boards far and wide, and I must say this is by far one of the best boards around.
Originally posted by kcmcdonald
I've been a new member of this chatroom for about a couple days now(i think three) and I just wasnted to say this palce is awesome and even though i totaly diagree with some people I think the conversations have made me understand my postitions much clearier
I'd like to qoute a French Philosopher by the name of Pico that should illistrate why forums like this are important

"Consequently, anyone very weak can and should not only not disparage them, but slao seek them voluntarily(arguments), since the loser truly receives benefit and not injury from the winner, for through him the loser returns home richer, that is, more learned and readier for future fights." Pico, "on the dignity of man" pg 20.

Thanks Guys:D
Welcome aboard!

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