This great Obama economy!


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.
This great Obama economy!

Can our economy ever improve?

What is our economy about?

We had an industrial economy and then the owners decided to fire Americans and move the jobs to low wage countries.

Then we were a service economy. Now we're a consumer economy.

How unsustainable is that? There is no longer anything to put people to work doing that pays a living wage.
March 9, 2015

The private sector has added 12 million jobs over 61 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record

Dubya LOST 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years. Even stopping in Dec 2008, PRE his great recession, it was a pathetic 4 million. That 'loser' Carter had 9+ million in a MUCH smaller economy... Weird right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

U.S. Economy Is Pulling Ahead, towing of Rest of the World & it's not a scam like Bush's sub-prime lending that caused the worlds biggest economic disaster

When hard-working people earn a living wage with benefits, they pay taxes instead of receiving government assistance and actually have more disposable income to spend on growing the (local) economy,

So many people refuse to recognize that poorly-paid workers have no choice but to be dependent on government and/or charities.
More jobs with better pay (so people could churn the economy) would solve a lot of our problems.

The Bush Era Tax Cuts Didn't Create The Wealth They Were Supposed To

The Bush tax cuts were a test of these claims about supply-side economic policies. To justify the tax cuts the nation was, in effect, given a business prospectus from the Republican Party.

We were promised that cutting taxes on the wealthy would result in much higher economic growth and broadly shared prosperity. For those who wondered how we would pay for such a large cut to the government’s revenue stream, the Republican prospectus had a remarkable claim.

The tax cuts wouldn’t cost us anything. Growth would be so strong that the tax cuts would more than pay for themselves. Even those who admitted that the tax cuts might not be fully self-financing still made strong claims about faster economic growth offsetting much of the lost revenue from the tax cuts.

The reality, of course, has been quite different

Bush Era Tax Cuts Didn t Fix Economy - Business Insider

Supply-Side Economics Sounds Good But It Hasn't Worked

Supply-Side Economics Sounds Good But It Hasn t Worked Byron Williams



126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
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126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
I think your talking about welfare recipients, they are at record numbers. If Obama created 8 million jobs. Welfare recipients would be low.
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
I think your talking about welfare recipients, they are at record numbers. If Obama created 8 million jobs. Welfare recipients would be low.

Really? Get off hate talk radio Bubba

Looks like the Fed will have to continue propping up the stock market for a while. Deflation is a bigger threat than inflation right now.

Maybe the international markets will turn around and save our asses.


Or the GOP could start caring about US versus just their ideology and the "job creators"???
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
Thank you Obama supporters.
So we can assume from this post that:

1. You believe the jobs report is a good measure of the economy
2. You believe the jobs report is a good measure of the President
3. You believe the jobs numbers are accurate

Where were you over the past few months? I must have missed the posts you made when job numbers were good, singing the praise of glorious leadership.
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
I think your talking about welfare recipients, they are at record numbers. If Obama created 8 million jobs. Welfare recipients would be low.

I have an idea!

How about we raise the minimum wage so we don't have as many welfare recipients?
126,000 new jobs, half of what was expected.
62% americans employed, lowest since the 70's.
0% growth.
Thank you Obama supporters.

8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
I think your talking about welfare recipients, they are at record numbers. If Obama created 8 million jobs. Welfare recipients would be low.

I have an idea!

How about we raise the minimum wage so we don't have as many welfare recipients?

They'd have to get jobs first....I don't see a lot of the leeches doing that
8 million new jobs total.......can we compare to the 1 million Bush gave us

Want to tell everyone how workforce participation has been dropping for 15 years due to 4 million Baby Boomers dropping out of the workforce every year?

You meant the nearly 2 million PUBLIC sector jobs under Dubya as he lost over 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 8 years (not even counting the 4+ million lost in 23009 thanks to his policies). You gave Dubya's policies to much credit

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Can you believe that our President has created more jobs just this year than Bush did in eight years?
I think your talking about welfare recipients, they are at record numbers. If Obama created 8 million jobs. Welfare recipients would be low.

I have an idea!

How about we raise the minimum wage so we don't have as many welfare recipients?

They'd have to get jobs first....I don't see a lot of the leeches doing that

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


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