This fits my definition of hell on earth


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
Imagine you are an 80 year old widow living alone and three street bums are camping out below and just outside your window smoking dope

The police do not respond to your calls

When you son tries to roust them out and away from your home he is beaten to within an inch of his life

Then the lib Soros DA blames the incident on him instead of the homeless bums

This is the piss covered rat infested trash dump that California has become

Imagine you are an 80 year old widow living alone and three street bums are camping out below and just outside your window smoking dope

The police do not respond to your calls

When you son tries to roust them out and away from your home he is beaten to within an inch of his life

Then the lib Soros DA blames the incident on him instead of the homeless bums

This is the piss covered rat infested trash dump that California has become

You cons who live in Texas sure do care a lot about what's going on in the great state of California.

What state do you live in? Besides denial.
Imagine you are an 80 year old widow living alone and three street bums are camping out below and just outside your window smoking dope

The police do not respond to your calls

When you son tries to roust them out and away from your home he is beaten to within an inch of his life

Then the lib Soros DA blames the incident on him instead of the homeless bums

This is the piss covered rat infested trash dump that California has become

Living anywhere in California would be my worst nightmare
You cons who live in Texas sure do care a lot about what's going on in the great state of California.

What state do you live in? Besides denial.
I give California credit for being a bell weather state that influences the whole country

I dont want to see the state I live in make the same mistakes that california has
Living anywhere in California would be my worst nightmare

Yea right. One of the best places on earth to live and you'd hate it. Anywhere on the coast. You'd hate that?


A man who ignores the fact that innocent people are being beaten by homeless Dems speaks of "denial." Classic!

You cherry pick one story and want us to do what? I could do the same thing in Detroit I'm sure. I could go find ONE fucked up story where someone did something fucked up to someone somewhere in Texas or Oklahoma.

Smoking pot is legal in California. Sorry Granny but mind your own business.
Imagine you are an 80 year old widow living alone and three street bums are camping out below and just outside your window smoking dope

The police do not respond to your calls

When you son tries to roust them out and away from your home he is beaten to within an inch of his life

Then the lib Soros DA blames the incident on him instead of the homeless bums

This is the piss covered rat infested trash dump that California has become

The problem is Democrat leadership. They screw up everything they touch.

When homeless thugs are considered a protected class by the Democrat leadership then you know things are screwed up.

Of course I would bet money that the 80 year old woman and probably her son voted for the Democrat filth.
Not a big fan of the ocean. I'd rather be in the mountains. and don't forget the old saying it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
I live on a small lake. Everyone was surprised that I was going up north to my brother's 65 acres in the woods rather than play on the lake. First, I have all summer. 2, it wasn't even 80 this weekend. 3. I LOVE the Mountains/woods. We did a lot of manly work. We build a box blind and we collected fire wood for winter. Mountain men shit. You got to do it now because the ticks, mosquitos and horse flies rule that place in the summer. Jerassic Park but only insects.

My parents best man has a place in the California Desert? They say it's beautiful and I'm sure it is but desert is not my thing. I don't want to go to a place where I will die if I don't drink water in 2 hours.

I don't like the ocean either. Salt, shark. I was at Lake Charelevoix this weekend. Pretty much Lake Michigan. Better because your dock doesn't get swept away with a bad storm

Looks like mom had a advantageous position to deal with the problem. I'd just hose them down from the second story window every time they gathered close. ;)
The story is not clear if they were on public or private property

But either way they probably need a bath anyway

Even so, why should good citizens - particularly the elderly- have to put put up with such indignity?
Probably so

Libs in california do not seem to learn from their mistakes
Of course when they have had enough of the damage caused by the Democrats they will pack up and move elsewhere.

We see it here in Florida with those Yankees moving here from the North East, especially New York.

However, like the dumbasses they are when they get here they seem to forget the reason they left and continue to vote Democrat.

I am not saying that a person can't be redeemed but if you ever voted Democrat then chances are you are too stupid to ever pull your head out of your ass.
You won't even address the violence in the OP.

Talk about denial.

What do you want? That shit happens everywhere in America. This is not national news. It's fucked up I'll give you that.

Let us know what happens to the criminals. Right now you are telling us a story but not the ending. Let us know it the 3 walk.

This reminds me of the story in NYC. I see both sides. Instead of chocking the man, did they try to talk to him first? Did he actually assault anyone?

But then again, where are the cops? If a society allows insane people to hang out on the subway pretending to be Michael Jackson and one day the guys on drugs or off his meds and he's threatening people, then if citizens have to take action into their own hands, I would give those citizens a benefit of the doubt.

We need to do something with these homeless people. Whatever Rudy did to clean up NYC, do that.

Imagine how many more nut jobs we will have if women who don't want kids can't get abortions.

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