Zone1 This Doesn't Sound Right ; Doesn't Smell Right


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
San Jose, Calfornia, being one of the nation's premier bastions of Democrat goofyness, one has to take with a grain of salt anything coming out if there, that looks like it could be political. Wasn't too long ago that a Trump rally made national headlines, when Trump supporters were chased and beaten bloody by anti-Trump thugs, while unscrupulous Democrat mayor Sam Liccardo had his cops stand down, and allow the criminal carnage to proceed unimpeded.

Now here's a case of what BuzzFeed News (not known for being non-partisan), describes as a shooting of an "unarmed black man" (how many times have we heard that phrase before?). BFN says that San Jose police and the Santa Clara County district attorney's office are describing this as an "unprovoked attack."

Yeah ? So the shooter, 66-year-old Mark Waters, exited a home and "quickly approached him" while holding a handgun, and then just opened fire on the 21-year-old "unarmed Black man", so says the officals.
According to BFN, prosecutors are claiming "The victim tried to run away, but as his back was turned, Waters fired his weapon, striking the young man in the leg."

Waters was arrested on felony assault with a semi-automatic firearm resulting in great bodily injury, and personal use of a firearm in connection with the shooting. He is due to be arraigned on the charges in San Jose on Monday. Authorities are also investigating potential hate crime allegations, (red flag folks) but officials declined to provide additional information or a possible motive for the shooting, saying the case is still under investigation.

"We thank the San Jose Police Department as well as the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office for their work to hold the perpetrator accountable," the spokesperson said, "and to send a message that hate crimes have no place in our society."
Oh yes, we all recognize what model citizens the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, Mayors office of San Jose, San Jose police brass, ad nauseum are (if they are citizens at all - with California, who knows ?)

So here's the scenario in a nutshell.
We are being led to believe that : A 66 year old white man (not exactly a high crime demographic), for no reason at all (they're calling it "unprovoked" - how do they know that ?), is alleged to have shot an "unarmed" (highly debateable word), black man (why do they have to mention the race ?). We are also told that the "victim" (as BFN describes him), "tried to run away, but as his back was turned, Waters fired his weapon," ( how do we know it happened like that ?

Is there a video of this encounter ? Eyewitnesses ? How do we know there wasn't even a fight between these two, and in the struggle, the gun went off ? How do we know Waters wasn't being attacked by the "victim" (name seems to be withheld), and was simply exercising his 2nd amendment rights, and legally defending himself ?

In light of all the pandering to blacks to avoid riots (except for attacks on Trump rallygoers), that we've seen in recent years, and considering the reputation of San Jose & Santa Clara County (not stellar), the story we're getting doesn't seem quite likely, plausible, or true.

The fact that they are bringing "hate crime" into it, makes it all the more suspect.

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Odd how there is no mention of the name of the so-called "victim", while Mark Waters'
name is mentioned, and his picture is blasted at us large enough to see all his facial wrinkles.
So as this issue moves along here (ignored by everyone in this forum), we are now told that there is a video of the shooting. According to CBS BAY AREA >>"Following the shooting, police rendered first aid to the victim and obtained video of the shooting from a neighbor, prosecutors said."

So do we get to see this video ? (if there actually is one)

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