This Alphabet Soup Thing Is Getting Ridiculous

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I especially like the part about how there are people choosing to identify as horses and moons or whatever. Not much different from our country unfortunately. It's completely laughable.

I especially like the part about how there are people choosing to identify as horses and moons or whatever. Not much different from our country unfortunately. It's completely laughable.

How is this your business? Don't you have some problems you've been whining about of your own?
I especially like the part about how there are people choosing to identify as horses and moons or whatever. Not much different from our country unfortunately. It's completely laughable.

Like talking to invisible dieties.
Oh yeah and dinosaurs was the other thing that they chose to identify as. :rolleyes:
Lol. Talk about worrying about things that do not effect you. Hilarious. I have been on this planet a very long time. I have yet to run into one of these people described in the OP.. Maybe the OP should find a way to be useful instead of collecting disability.Some real problems to deal with might be good for the OP.
Lol. Talk about worrying about things that do not effect you. Hilarious. I have been on this planet a very long time. I have yet to run into one of these people described in the OP.. Maybe the OP should find a way to be useful instead of collecting disability.Some real problems to deal with might be good for the OP.

When people expect me to go along with their delusions that effects me.
I especially like the part about how there are people choosing to identify as horses and moons or whatever. Not much different from our country unfortunately. It's completely laughable.

so we welcome new voters and new blocs. it is what we do in a multicultural secular democracy. add the neocons, never trumpers, and "rinos" . who will be left to press the "trump" button.
When people expect me to go along with their delusions that effects me.
Lol, just when exactly has this happened in real life? Ya run into to people who identify as dinosaurs do ya? Guess what ass clown, you have no control over peoples expectations. Your retarded ass thinks God should smite people for ya. Yet God seems to have his own mind. Ya, don't wanna call some one a dinosaurs then don't call them a dinosaur. Problem solved. I am not going to call anyone a dinosaur either. How ever they can want me to all they want. They just aren't going to get what they want from me.
Lol, just when exactly has this happened in real life? Ya run into to people who identify as dinosaurs do ya? Guess what ass clown, you have no control over peoples expectations. Your retarded ass thinks God should smite people for ya. Yet God seems to have his own mind. Ya, don't wanna call some one a dinosaurs then don't call them a dinosaur. Problem solved. I am not going to call anyone a dinosaur either. How ever they can want me to all they want. They just aren't going to get what they want from me.
if ya say you're a girl. i'm not looking under the hood or checking air in the tires. what does it hurt to be polite? but if i screw up and say he? so what? i'd never bully someone weaker than myself, which many of these guys are not.
if ya say you're a girl. i'm not looking under the hood or checking air in the tires. what does it hurt to be polite? but if i screw up and say he? so what? i'd never bully someone weaker than myself, which many of these guys are not.
I miss the day when conservatives backed having manners. Ya. I am not checking under the hood either.
Lol. Talk about worrying about things that do not effect you. Hilarious. I have been on this planet a very long time. I have yet to run into one of these people described in the OP.. Maybe the OP should find a way to be useful instead of collecting disability.Some real problems to deal with might be good for the OP.

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