This 38 billion is a drop in the bucket. Don't let the government scam you!

Yeah, it's a pittance, but it is movement in the right direction.

The next battle is in 2 weeks - we'll get more cuts and demand enforceable spending caps. This is going to be hard, hard work. We have deeply entrenched special interests fighting for the pork and a moron in the white house. It is going to be hard work to right this ship.....
Hey i thought their earlier proposed $60 Billion in cuts was a drop in the bucket. So i'm not real happy with this deal but it is as good as it's gonna get. Boehner is right. The Democrats still control the Senate & White House. Nothing can really change until people boot the Democrats in 2012. Lets hope & pray that happens. But for now we'll just have to take what we can get. I am proud the Republican Party is finally getting back on track. I was especially impressed with Paul Ryan's leadership on this. He got this done with no help from this President and the Democrats. He is a rising star in the party for sure. He showed more leadership on this than this current President ever showed on anything when he was a Senator. So Paul Ryan for President? I guess we'll see.
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I know the knee-jerk thing to do for some is to criticize the Republicans for not getting enough but there just isn't much more they could have done. If you want real cuts in spending then get out in 2012 and take the Senate & White House back. Boehner and Ryan got what they could get. I think they both deserve much kudos for their leadership on this. It's refreshing to see the Republican Party acting like Conservatives again. I haven't seen that in many many years. So it's not enough but it's a start. Gotta stay positive and look to 2012.
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The GOP has firm control of just one third of government at the national level. It's been a slow but steady start in the right direction IMHO.

John Boehner closes the deal to avoid government shutdown - John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman -

In a larger sense, Boehner has achieved more than just a short-term budget victory — in his first three months as speaker, he’s helped turn the entire Washington dialogue into a debate about the size and scope of government. He started the year by getting rid of earmarks, he’s pushing through some of the deepest spending cuts in American history, and he’ll now try to get most of the GOP Conference on board with Rep. Paul Ryan’s fiscal 2012 budget — one of the most audacious long-term spending plans in recent memory

Read more: Who Won the Shutdown Showdown? It Wasn't Even Close -

The deal mandates a host of studies and audits of Obama administration policies.(and where there is smoke we will find some fires) It also blocks additional funds for the IRS sought by the Obama administration and bans federal funding of abortion in Washington, D.C.

The history of offers on this bill goes something like this. Democrats first offered no cuts, then $4 billion, then $6.5 billion, then $33 billion, then settled at $38.5 billion.

Both POLITICO and FOX make this a little bigger deal than it actually is but then again, outside November, it's been a long time since reason and logic could claim a small victory in government spending. Yeah, we need to turn the car around and soon. But at least we can claim we tapped the breaks when the cliffs edge was in sight. It's a start.
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Republicans acting like Conservatives again? Man,i didn't think i would ever see that again. $38 Billion is clearly not enough but it is a move in the right direction. You want more? Vote all Democrats out in 2012. Boehner & Ryan did the best they could do with only controlling the House of Representatives. People shouldn't be too quick to criticize them on this compromise.
Boehner has no balls

this is a joke, trying to make himself look tough on spending for 1% of the total budget

if the GOP actually believed in limited government, they'd shut it down and stop trying to make deals with Harry Reid and Obama
Boehner has no balls

this is a joke, trying to make himself look tough on spending for 1% of the total budget

if the GOP actually believed in limited government, they'd shut it down and stop trying to make deals with Harry Reid and Obama

I understand your frustration but there really isn't much more they could have done. In the end they got what they could get. They're finally behaving like Conservatives again and that's a nice start. These cuts wouldn't have happened at all if the Democrats still controlled the House of Representatives. So you have to try and stay positive and look to 2012. Nothing will truly change until the Republicans take the Senate & White House back. So make 2012 count. Boot the Dems.
Boehner has no balls

this is a joke, trying to make himself look tough on spending for 1% of the total budget

if the GOP actually believed in limited government, they'd shut it down and stop trying to make deals with Harry Reid and Obama
Shutting down the government is bad politics. The "threat" of a shutdown is far more powerful. We've won $79 billion in cuts so far in 2011 and we will get more.


In 2 weeks we have another showdown on the budget ceiling- more cuts will come from that. Then there is Ryan's budget -with massive reforms and cuts. It's movement in the right direction.
Boehner has no balls

this is a joke, trying to make himself look tough on spending for 1% of the total budget

if the GOP actually believed in limited government, they'd shut it down and stop trying to make deals with Harry Reid and Obama

Deals will still have to be made with Reid and Obama. That is just how the system works. (and it's a good system, warts and all)

Here be an under-reported win too:

Minutes to shutdown, Congress strikes budget deal | Susan Ferrechio | Congress | Washington Examiner
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, agreed to remove the Planned Parenthood provision in exchange for an agreement that would allow Congress to take up the funding issue separately.The Republicans also won inclusion of a provision that will require the Senate to vote on a bill to de-fund the health care reform law.

Coming up: a Senate vote on ObamaCare « Hot Air

So this isn’t important because it holds some new hope for a quicker repeal. Rather, it forces Democrats to defend the massive government expansion of control yet again, this time closer to the 2012 election. Democrats didn’t run on ObamaCare in 2010, except in reliably liberal districts for House races, and the last thing they need in an already-difficult cycle is another reminder to voters of the unpopular program. By forcing a floor vote in this agreement, Reid will have to get his caucus — now reduced to 53 rather than 59 — to entirely back ObamaCare in a new vote.

That means Senators like Bill Nelson in Florida will have to back it, even with the latest Quinnipiac poll showing voters there opposing it 41/49 more than a year after its rollout. Jon Tester in Montana will have to explain yet again to his constituents why he wants the IRS to be health-insurance cops. Claire McCaskill already has enough problems in Missouri, as does Ben Nelson in Nebraska. Even Democrats running for re-election in 2014 — like Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Mark Pryor in Arkansas — will have to go back on the record to support it in order to keep the repeal from passing Congress, and that comes after the clear expression of voter disapproval in last year’s midterms.

There are a lot of Democrat Senators in for a rough election ride in 2012. In the meantime (thanks in part to Boehner) voters will be reminded once again of the bums rush to push Obamacare down their collective throats. Some of those arms may be a little harder to twist (and bribe) this time around.
until the Republicans take the Senate & White House back. So make 2012 count. Boot the Dems.

last time they had both the Senate & White House, we got Medicare Drug, Sarbanes-Oxley, No Child Left Behind, and more new spending than we had under Clinton

the GOP likes saying limited government, they don't like doing it, a tradition Boehner kept up with this soft attempt to cut the deficit
until the Republicans take the Senate & White House back. So make 2012 count. Boot the Dems.

last time they had both the Senate & White House, we got Medicare Drug, Sarbanes-Oxley, No Child Left Behind, and more new spending than we had under Clinton

the GOP likes saying limited government, they don't like doing it, a tradition Boehner kept up with this soft attempt to cut the deficit

Oh i hear ya. But that was then and this is now. Gotta live in the now. I see the Republicans at least attempting to get back to Conservatism. I have to be encouraged by this. I don't want to get too bogged down complaining about these cuts not being enough. Because there would be no cuts at all if the Democrats still controlled the House. I have to take what i can get at this point. 2012 could bring real change. I hope so anyway.
Boehner has no balls

this is a joke, trying to make himself look tough on spending for 1% of the total budget

if the GOP actually believed in limited government, they'd shut it down and stop trying to make deals with Harry Reid and Obama
Shutting down the government is bad politics. The "threat" of a shutdown is far more powerful. We've won $79 billion in cuts so far in 2011 and we will get more.

Yeah..... Rosemary's baby.
I don't know about anyone else but i'm getting pretty sick of Tea Partiers who are always whining & complaining. I support Tea Partiers for the most part and i do truly believe in their principles. But their constant attacks & complaining is becoming a bit tiresome. They constantly attack the only people in our Government trying to cut spending and make Government smaller. All of their anger & frustration seems to be only directed at the ones trying to advance Tea Party ideals. They're relentlessly attacking Paul Ryan & John Boehner on this Budget Deal. I agree $38 Billion is not nearly enough in cuts but i just don't think Ryan & Boehner could have gotten anything more. The GOP only controls the House of Representatives. The Democrats still control the Senate & White House. The Tea Partiers need to start directing their anger & frustration at the people who don't want to make serious cuts and only want to make Government bigger. And that's the Democratic Party. Boehner & Ryan worked hard and got the best deal they could get. It's not right to keep ripping them when they are the only reason we got any cuts at all. The anger should be directed at the Democratic Party instead.

It's getting a little old watching Tea Partiers only blasting the people who are actually trying to fix things. They really do run the risk of many Republican Politicians turning on them. No one likes a constant whiner. At some point many Republican Politicians might just tell the Tea Partiers to bugger off. They might not be worth the trouble anymore. Tea Partiers need to shift from negativity & constant complaining to a more positive and encouraging approach. They have the Republican Party moving in the right direction. Now don't blow it by pissing everyone off. Just applaud Ryan & Boehner's efforts and encourage them to continue the fight. You want to be angry? Be anry at the Democrats and vote them all out in 2012. Because that's the only way things will truly change. Personally i'm not happy with only $38 Billion in cuts but it is a start. Lets be positive and encourage the GOP to keep on moving back to Conservatism. All the sniping & negativity isn't helping the Tea Partiers. Positivity and encouragement is the right way forward. I hope Tea Partiers get this message because they really do risk being dumped by all Politicians in our Government.
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What they want is to stick to principle...and that takes effort and sometimes you can't compromise. Sometimes you have to plant your foot in the ground for what is right. That's what the TEA party people want...they don't want to worry about their kids growing up in a world that has imploded economically.

Whatever the consequence, whatever is necessary, we need to get our shit together and that is going to be hard. I think the people know that it will be hard, but in the long run it will benefit everyone. So...the compromise was dumb, and if they compromise on the debt ceiling it will be another dumb move.

I see what you are saying but we are past that point. It's do or die time (figuratively). No more patience.
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What they want is to stick to principle...and that takes effort and sometimes you can't compromise. Sometimes you have to plant your foot in the ground for what is right. That's what the TEA party people want...they don't want to worry about their kids growing up in a world that has imploded economically.

Whatever the consequence, whatever is necessary, we need to get our shit together and that is going to be hard. I think the people know that it will be hard, but in the long run it will benefit everyone. So...the compromise was dumb, and if they compromise on the debt ceiling it will be another dumb move.

I see what you are saying but we are past that point. It's do or die time (figuratively). No more patience.

Hey i'm a big Tea Party supporter. I've attended some events in the past. But this constant sniping at the only people trying to get Big Government under control is getting to be very tiresome. The Republicans only control the House of Representatives. How much can they really do? Maybe in 2012 they'll control the Senate & White House too? But that's not the case right now. Tea Partiers seem to only focus on attacking the politicians who are at least trying to fix things. This anger is misdirected and unjust for the most part. Boehner and Ryan did what they could. They should be applauded and encouraged to do more. They do not deserve to be viciously attacked by Tea Partiers.

I'm actually beginning to think many of these Tea Partiers are just frauds. The Republicans are moving back towards Conservatism. The Tea Partiers need to be more positive and encouraging. All these attacks on the people trying to do the right thing are just old at this point. They really are risking losing a lot of support and becoming irrelevant. They don't want make it a No-Win situation for Politicians. Because they will dump the Tea Partiers if that happens. Tea Partiers need to reconsider all these attacks. Just my opinion anyway.
I don't know if attacks is the right word. It is important to express that it is not satisfactory so that the politicians don't start patting themselves on the back. I think it is great that the people are taking control of the politicians instead of the reverse. So I don't think it is an attack as much as it is saying what the hell in a confused way. You're right the conservatives are the minority right now though, but the compromise was not worth it in my opinion.

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