Third party rhetoric monkeys need not apply.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Third party rhetoric monkeys need not apply. All you conservatish slanted third party rhetoric monkeys, can't you see you're being manipulated to split the vote against Bush? Focusing on general problems with "the establishment" at this point in time draws necessary attention from the real issue involving the existence of our nation, The War on Terror, and supporting our president.

I know, I know:
"The kind of rights being taken away to fight the war on terror are making this a nation not worth fighting for anyway."

Of course. I am a 3rd party supporter and a 1st party supporter as well.

I donated money, persuaded some friends and did myself vote for GWBush.
Since then I have continued to do so, and will vote Bush again.

But , the republicans in my home state were too feeble to even field a candidate against fat ted kennedy in his last automatic re-election. Nor did they offer any good ballet questions, But the Libertarins did. They ran Carla Howell. Who is a good person, and a good Constitutionalist American.

We almost abolished the State income tax last time , in the midst of a viscious media black-out. And our elected for life Democratic machine heard us, for once.

Imagine, O, anti 3rd party person, if Massachussets were to become a fighting ground between the Republicans and the Libertarians, with the Democrats becoming the whining tiny minority they ought to be.....
we absolutely need 3rd and 4th parties involved in our general elections, when we don't thats how we end up with the division we have today.
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I am sensitive to some third party issues. But their stances on the big issues of the day, including national security, are simply unwise.

Third parties have a time and place; this ain't either.
rtwngAvngr said:
I am sensitive to some third party issues. But their stances on the big issues of the day, including national security, are simply unwise.

Third parties have a time and place; this ain't either.

I have to agree with that part anyway, none of the third parties out there have the WOT mindset we need.
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From the Libertarian Party Platform

LPPlatform said:
IV. Foreign Affairs
American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world and the defense -- against attack from abroad -- of the lives, liberty, and property of the American people on American soil. Provision of such defense must respect the individual rights of people everywhere.

The principle of non-intervention should guide relationships between governments. The United States government should return to the historic libertarian tradition of avoiding entangling alliances, abstaining totally from foreign quarrels and imperialist adventures, and recognizing the right to unrestricted trade, travel, and immigration.

Diplomatic Policy


The Issue: Intervention by the government in Washington in the affairs of other nations is an attempt to impose our values on those nations by force.

The Principle: The important principle in foreign policy should be the elimination of intervention by the United States government in the affairs of other nations.

Solutions: We favor a drastic reduction in cost and size of our total diplomatic establishment. We would negotiate with any foreign government without necessarily conceding moral legitimacy to that government

Transitional Action: We favor the repeal of the Logan Act, which prohibits private American citizens from engaging in diplomatic negotiations with foreign governments.

I bolded some sentences I found particularyly troubling. I'm afraid this type of isolationist thinking has been proven unsafe in the era we live in, unfortunately.

And this thing about the logan act? I don't want Jesse Jackson representing any of us anywhere.
rtwngAvngr said:
From the Libertarian Party Platform

I bolded some sentences I found particularyly troubling. I'm afraid this type of isolationist thinking has been proven unsafe in the era we live in, unfortunately.

And this thing about the logan act? I don't want Jesse Jackson representing any of us anywhere.

First off, Jesse Jackson is a racist, and though he's starting to figure out that Bill Cosby is right, I wouldn't even want him ordering for me at a drive through.

Yes, isolationism doesn't work. We tried it as much as we could, but two world wars later, we figured out that it's a bad idea, and if you don't think we need to keep an eye on international affairs, play Splinter Cell. It's a totally believable plot that shows how technology has made it much easier for smaller forces to wage war on larger forces.
So what do you all feel about the Libertarians running for smaller offices ? Statehouse Senators, Selectmen, maybe US Congress ?

bear in mind I would only be supporting the candidate who ran against a Dem.

I know half of their platform is nuts, but the central theme to every Libertarian I ever saw was the repeal and reduction of laws. One of their stock mottos is " i want to go to Washington with an eraser , not a pen."
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fubar said:
So what do you all feel about the Libertarians running for smaller offices ? Statehouse Senators, Selectmen, maybe US Congress ?

bear in mind I would only be supporting the candidate who ran against a Dem.

I know half of their platform is nuts, but the central theme to every Libertarian I ever saw was the repeal and reduction of laws. One of their stock mottos is " i want to go to Washington with an eraser , not a pen."

True. On the local level it may make more sense to consider it. Absolutely.
rtwngAvngr said:
Third party rhetoric monkeys need not apply. All you conservatish slanted third party rhetoric monkeys, can't you see you're being manipulated to split the vote against Bush? Focusing on general problems with "the establishment" at this point in time draws necessary attention from the real issue involving the existence of our nation, The War on Terror, and supporting our president.

LOL - you state you don't want to hear from "third party rhetoric monkeys" but address your post to those same simians. Excuse me while I put down my banana.

Let's look at what is going on in mainstream American politics today. The Democrat party is a conglomerate of special interests, single-issue fanatics and an assortment of homosexuals. The Democrat answer to EVERYTHING is more taxing, more spending and more government programs. Ultimately that translates into fewer freedoms for the individual as government regulations become ever more invasive. Libs bitch about loss rights due to the Patriot Act, but they are unable to provide documentation of those assertions. I can give you literally hundreds of examples of the loss of civil liberties as a result of regulations brought about by government programs. The recent emphasis on punishing so-called "hate" speech and its retarded cousin, "hate crime" are perhaps the best examples. Politically correct speech is finding its way into corporate America. You can get fired for violating your company's speech code. Thank your lib friends for this Nazi-ish work environment. Whatever happened to "free" speech? Today, you can get sent to jail for exercising that right. Somehow it has become a crime to offend someone. Again, thank your lib friends.

And the Republicans - they are nothing more than a weak copy of the Democrats in much the same way that "new" Coca Cola was simply a weak copy of a Pepsi. The Republican party has lost its roots and our current president is largely responsible for hastening the party's slide into liberalism. He has continued to enlarge government - and I'm not counting the enlargement required by homeland security requirements. Pres. Bush has refused to secure our borders. He has reduced taxes, but has not reduced spending - again not counting the WOT expenditures. The upshot is that Republicans are no longer conservative. Matter of fact, the Democrats during the days of the Kennedy presidency were more conservative than the Republican party is today.

So that leaves those of us who want to get the control of government back into the hands of the people with no place to go. If you want to downsize government, you cannot look for support to either of the major parties. If you want to restore civil liberties, neither party will support you. Oh, the liberals scream about civil liberties, but they will only support you so long as you agree with them, otherwise they will use any means at their disposal to stifle you.

The problem I see with both political parties is that they have lost their vision. They no longer seek the betterment of the nation through application of their philosophies of government. Instead, their first and foremost aim is the cosolidation and acquisition of power within the party. Party first, country a distant second, even an afterthought. This is the reason for the polarization of the electorate today. Democrat demagogues villify Pres. Bush as being divisive but they ignore and deny the fact that their hateful diatribes are the major catalyst in the divisions separating us today.

We need to bring both parties to heel. The only way to do this is to introduce more competitors into the field. But, I agree than now is not the time. Unlike TPAHL, I will not support any third party candidate this election. Like the 1992 election where a vote for Ross Perot was a vote for William Clinton, today a vote for any third party conservative would be a vote for Kerry. So I'll suck it up and pull that Bush lever in November. I won't like it, but it's the best I can do for my country under the circumstances.
As long as Republicans and Democrats remain the two parties with power and with little difference between the two of them then government will continue to grow, taxes will continue to be raised and freedoms and rights will continue to erode. That being said I will vote for Bush but this will be the last chance for the Repubs, take action on social issues or go away.

Think about it, how long have Republicans been railing against issues like homosexuality and abortion? How long have they been saying we will slash your taxes? Have either of them really happened? Socially not a damn thing. Taxes? yeah Bush gave us a teeny little tax relief but i'm talking take the taxes down to levels around 10-15% instead of the 30 some odd% we have now. Its not going to happen though, because its all about POWER and not what is best for Americans.
Merlin1047 said:
LOL - you state you don't want to hear from "third party rhetoric monkeys" but address your post to those same simians. Excuse me while I put down my banana.

Yeah. well. That's just due to the company I keep. :slap: :usa:

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