Things Democrats Proved They Believe Are More Important than National Security


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In 2009 Obama and the Democrats rammed through Obama's failed $1.7 TRILLION dollar tax-payer-funded Stimulus Bill into law...

Obama promised to fund shovel-ready jobs...and later was forced to admit his ignorance and that there was no such thing...and the CBO's final report stated the cost PER JOB to tax payers for every job Obama claimed to have saved / created came out to approximately $774,000 ... per job!

Democrats today have chosen to stand with violent illegals, Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13, Human Traffickers, etc... by refusing to provide funding to ensure our national sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect American citizens.

$5 billion, which is being asked for no to go towards funding the wall in 4/100ths of 1 percent of our debt.

$5 Billion is less than half of the amount Democrats promised in foreign aid a week ago to Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico - corrupt oppressive governments who keep the money for themselves and facilitates the continuing illegal immigration / invasion. The United States continues to give billions foreign aid to these countries to improve their nations, despite the fact that there are over 20 million illegals in this country now with approx. 1500 more illegally crossing every day...which begs the question why are we giving these country money 'for their people' when millions of their people are here costing us billions more each year to care for.
*** Funny how Democrats are all for tax payer-funded Social / Freebie Handouts to criminals / deadbeats without demanding they respect this country / obey our laws....

So Democrats don't think ensuring our national security, securing our borders, and protecting Americans is not worth $5 Billion?! Ya wanna know what they thought WAS worth that amount and much more?

$1 billion for Amtrak, which hasn’t earned a profit in four decades.

$2 billion to help subsidize child care.

$400 million for research into global warming.

$2.4 billion for projects to demonstrate how carbon greenhouse gas can be safely removed from the atmosphere.

$650 million for coupons to help consumers convert their TV sets from analog to digital, part of the digital TV conversion.

$600 million to buy a new fleet of cars for federal employees and government departments.

$75 million to fund programs to help people quit smoking.

$21 million to re-sod the National Mall, which suffered heavy use during the Inauguration.

$2.25 billion for national parks. This item has sparked calls for an investigation, because the chief lobbyist of the National Parks Association is the son of Rep. David R. Obey, D-Wisc. The $2,25 billion is about equal to the National Park Service’s entire annual budget. The Washington Times reports it is a threefold increase over what was originally proposed for parks in the stimulus bill. Obey is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

$335 million for treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. $4.19 billion to stave off foreclosures via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The bill allows nonprofits to compete with cities and states for $3.44 billion of the money, which means a substantial amount of it will be captured by ACORN, the controversial activist group currently under federal investigation for vote fraud. Another $750 million would be exclusively reserved for nonprofits such as ACORN – meaning cities and states are barred from receiving that money. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., charges the money could appear to be a “payoff” for the partisan political activities community groups in the last election cycle.

$44 million to renovate the headquarters building of the Agriculture Department.

$32 billion for a “smart electricity grid to minimize waste.

$87 billion of Medicaid funds, to aid states.

$53.4 billion for science facilities, high speed Internet, and miscellaneous energy and environmental programs.

$13 billion to repair and weatherize public housing, help the homeless, repair foreclosed homes.

$20 billion for quicker depreciation and write-offs for equipment.

$10.3 billion for tax credits to help families defray the cost of college tuition.

$20 billion over five years for an expanded food stamp program.

The Stimulus Shopping List: $1.17 Trillion in Pork Goodies

Diane Feinstein will not agree to support $5 billion in funding for our national security / securing our borders, but she introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.
*** Of course it was revealed that Feinstein, who had become intimately connected to the ChiComm govt and best buds with the Chinese Leader while making millions over the years, was facilitating Chinese espionage against the US by having a Chinese spy in her inner circle for decades...a fact / issue that was quickly swept under the proverbial carpet while continuing to carry on with their Trump witch hunt.

EXCLUSIVE: Senator’s husband’s firm cashes in on crisis

It is 'interesting to see what Democrats think is more important to fund than $5 billion to ensure our sovereignty, securing our border, and protecting US citizens...
No money for our security, but....

I"n 2006 Barack Obama took a trip to Kenya on the taxpayer’s dime. While visiting Kenya as a guest of the government Obama campaigned for socialist Raila Odinga, who claims he is Obama’s cousin. Raila Odinga was later elected prime minister of Kenya – after days of bloodshed. Since he moved into the White House Obama’s still helping Odinga. Kenya is enjoying a spike in Obama administration funded projects."

Shocker... Obama Sends Millions of US Dollars to Kenya - Where His Socialist "Cousin" Is Prime Minister
"The Obama administration today [12/15/2010] told Congress to pass an omnibus spending bill containing $8 billion in earmark projects, even though just a few days ago the president said one of the lessons he learned from the 2010 midterm elections was to take more seriously the public's disapproval of — and his pledge to oppose — earmarks."

A politician's / Party's priorities and honesty can be found in his actions and where he spends your money, not in his words.

Government Waste on Parade
From g5000 --------are you a social conservative easy?
had no idea sleeping with hookers while your wife is at home nursing your baby is a social conservative principle!

I had no idea three marriages, and cheating on all three wives, was a social conservative principle!

I had no idea bribing your hookers to stay quiet was a social conservative principle!

I had no idea bilking senior citizens at a fraudulent university was a social conservative principle.

And casinos? And contests of the flesh? And reality TV shows which encourage the worst of human failings? These are social conservatism, too? Who knew!?!?
No money for securing our borders, but when it comes to spending YOUR money for THEIR benefit, Democrats have a recorded history of opening up the govt tax-payer-funded purse...

"Harry Reid Slapped With Ethics Complaint. At issue is over $100,000 of campaign contributions made by Nevada defense contractor Arcata Associates to both Reid and the Nevada Democrat Party. The small Nevada defense firm recently had a program terminated by the Department of Defense which was subsequently reinstated via an earmark request by Reid."

Government Waste on Parade
Obama throws Nelson a $500 million tax payer-funded 'bone' / incentive for voting for Obamacare...

"All things considered, the people of Nebraska let it be known that they preferred not to sell their birthright for a mess of pottage such as Obamacare. If the Obamacare legislation makes it to Obama, it is supposed to be minus the Cornhusker Kickback. Now Rowan Scarborough reports that the Obama administration has delivered another budget plum to Nelson and the state of Nebraska, adding more than a half-billion dollars for a new veterans hospital in Omaha."

Warning: Reading may cause nausea

Obama had no problem using tax payer money to bribe politicians to vote for Obamacare, and Democrats had no problem ramming the minority-supported socialist agenda down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it....but they say $5 billion for border security is a 'no-go'.
The dirty truth is that the Troglocrats put their greed for power and money ahead of American Citizens.
"Obama decries earmarks, then signs a law with 9,000 of them. As a candidate, Barack Obama once said that a president has to be able to do more than one thing at a time. Wednesday he proved it, though not in the way he had in mind. He criticized pork barrel spending in the form of "earmarks," urging changes in the way that Congress adopts the spending proposals. Then he signed a spending bill that contains nearly 9,000 of them, some that members of his own staff shoved in last year when they were still members of Congress."

More evidence that Democrats are not against spending tax payer dollars when it benefits them and that their current opposition to border security they voted for in 2007 has nothing to do with not wanting to 'waste money' but has everything to do with their hatred for the President and 100% commitment to obstructing and taking down Trump....

Government Waste on Parade
"Obama beats early retreat on promise to fight pork. Despite campaign promises to take a machete to lawmakers' pet projects, President Barack Obama is quietly caving to funding nearly 8,000 of them this year, drawing a stern rebuke Monday from his Republican challenger in last fall's election. Arizona Sen. John McCain said it is "insulting to the American people" for Obama's budget director to indicate over the weekend that the president will sign a $410 billion spending bill with what Republicans critics say is nearly $5.5 billion in pet projects known as earmarks."

Government Waste on Parade
Democrats spend tax dollars to HURT citizens but refuse to spend to protect them....

"Mayor Daley Seizes Land for Unfunded Project. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has kicked hundreds of families out of their homes and relocated a cemetery full of buried bodies to build a whopping $15 billion airport expansion Chicago residents oppose, airlines don't want and he doesn't have the money to build. The kicker is that Daley stands a solid chance of getting a good chunk of the boondoggle funded in Washington's forthcoming stimulus bill under Barack Obama's pledge to dramatically increase infrastructure spending."

Government Waste on Parade
I am not saying Republicans do not and have not wasted billions of tax payer dollars on pork - to do so would be ludicrous; however, Republicans are not the ones standing with violent illegals to ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, millions of unidentified illegals continue to pour into the country, and the American people continue to be victimized by them just so Democrats can gain millions of illegal votes / voters and regain / keep power.

If you count up all of the wasted tax payer dollars these self-serving partisan hypocritical Democrats, who are now standing with these violent illegals and against the American people who elected them, have spent over the years and used it for building a wall to secure out borders we could have had a border consisting of 3 layers of barrier / wall along every square inch of our southern border by now.

....but Democrats are declaring they will not agree to one small percent of the tax payer-funded money they have stolen / spent for their benefit in the past and continue to spend on ensuring our nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens.
In 2009 Obama and the Democrats rammed through Obama's failed $1.7 TRILLION dollar tax-payer-funded Stimulus Bill into law...

Obama promised to fund shovel-ready jobs...and later was forced to admit his ignorance and that there was no such thing...and the CBO's final report stated the cost PER JOB to tax payers for every job Obama claimed to have saved / created came out to approximately $774,000 ... per job!

Democrats today have chosen to stand with violent illegals, Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13, Human Traffickers, etc... by refusing to provide funding to ensure our national sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect American citizens.

$5 billion, which is being asked for no to go towards funding the wall in 4/100ths of 1 percent of our debt.

$5 Billion is less than half of the amount Democrats promised in foreign aid a week ago to Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico - corrupt oppressive governments who keep the money for themselves and facilitates the continuing illegal immigration / invasion. The United States continues to give billions foreign aid to these countries to improve their nations, despite the fact that there are over 20 million illegals in this country now with approx. 1500 more illegally crossing every day...which begs the question why are we giving these country money 'for their people' when millions of their people are here costing us billions more each year to care for.
*** Funny how Democrats are all for tax payer-funded Social / Freebie Handouts to criminals / deadbeats without demanding they respect this country / obey our laws....

So Democrats don't think ensuring our national security, securing our borders, and protecting Americans is not worth $5 Billion?! Ya wanna know what they thought WAS worth that amount and much more?

$1 billion for Amtrak, which hasn’t earned a profit in four decades.

$2 billion to help subsidize child care.

$400 million for research into global warming.

$2.4 billion for projects to demonstrate how carbon greenhouse gas can be safely removed from the atmosphere.

$650 million for coupons to help consumers convert their TV sets from analog to digital, part of the digital TV conversion.

$600 million to buy a new fleet of cars for federal employees and government departments.

$75 million to fund programs to help people quit smoking.

$21 million to re-sod the National Mall, which suffered heavy use during the Inauguration.

$2.25 billion for national parks. This item has sparked calls for an investigation, because the chief lobbyist of the National Parks Association is the son of Rep. David R. Obey, D-Wisc. The $2,25 billion is about equal to the National Park Service’s entire annual budget. The Washington Times reports it is a threefold increase over what was originally proposed for parks in the stimulus bill. Obey is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

$335 million for treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. $4.19 billion to stave off foreclosures via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The bill allows nonprofits to compete with cities and states for $3.44 billion of the money, which means a substantial amount of it will be captured by ACORN, the controversial activist group currently under federal investigation for vote fraud. Another $750 million would be exclusively reserved for nonprofits such as ACORN – meaning cities and states are barred from receiving that money. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., charges the money could appear to be a “payoff” for the partisan political activities community groups in the last election cycle.

$44 million to renovate the headquarters building of the Agriculture Department.

$32 billion for a “smart electricity grid to minimize waste.

$87 billion of Medicaid funds, to aid states.

$53.4 billion for science facilities, high speed Internet, and miscellaneous energy and environmental programs.

$13 billion to repair and weatherize public housing, help the homeless, repair foreclosed homes.

$20 billion for quicker depreciation and write-offs for equipment.

$10.3 billion for tax credits to help families defray the cost of college tuition.

$20 billion over five years for an expanded food stamp program.

The Stimulus Shopping List: $1.17 Trillion in Pork Goodies

Diane Feinstein will not agree to support $5 billion in funding for our national security / securing our borders, but she introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.
*** Of course it was revealed that Feinstein, who had become intimately connected to the ChiComm govt and best buds with the Chinese Leader while making millions over the years, was facilitating Chinese espionage against the US by having a Chinese spy in her inner circle for decades...a fact / issue that was quickly swept under the proverbial carpet while continuing to carry on with their Trump witch hunt.

EXCLUSIVE: Senator’s husband’s firm cashes in on crisis

It is 'interesting to see what Democrats think is more important to fund than $5 billion to ensure our sovereignty, securing our border, and protecting US citizens...
Yes....those things are more important than a wall of hate
Easy no disrespect intended but your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming from your mouth
Ed, is your latest personal attack in response to recorded, reported, documented, linked facts supposed to impress the other low IQ Trump-hating snowflakes on the board?

I hope so, because it failed miserable with me. As usual with you its just another case of 'SSDD'.
Each day passing with the shutdown just proves demos don’t care about border security. Nor about common sense in legal immigration. If they want to screw us over till 2020 when Republicans can get majority back. Then so be it.
It could have been meant for all the other dotarded Trumpettes They make it easy with their embracing an AH like trump
So you are admitting your ignorant personal attack was meant to try to impress, not be factual or as part of any serious it. Thanks for clearing that up. I can simply ignore you from now on then....

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