Things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Can anyone tell me what all these cities have in common ( besides being shitholes).....

Based on their grading methodology and then published by Forbes, New York was characterized as the city "in the worst fiscal condition," followed by Chicago, Philadelphia, Honolulu, and San Francisco. The report labeled New York as the worst "because of its significant and growing liabilities," highlighting that it "has only 58.5 billion in assets to pay $244 billion in liabilities." Moreover, New York City had only put aside $4.7 billion to fund the $100.6 billion of pledged retiree benefits, thus burgeoning every resident's tax amount by an average of $1600 per year every year since 2016.

The TIA accused the city of "not being as transparent as it should be," indicating that $312.3 million of pension debt was being obscured from its balance sheet.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Cuomo has friends?
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
No, moron. The topic is things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency. That has nothing to do with Trump's across the board tax cuts. You are too stupid to address the topic, so you are here to derail.
Remember folks, according to Cuomo "America was never that great".


cuomo hates my country

which is typical of many democrats

and now he’s doing CYA

Does Cuomo have enough in his budget left to cover urns?

He expects trump to supply them

I think its cuomo‘s responsibility

Actually it's the immediate surviving family's responsibility, and then Cuomos.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
No, moron. The topic is things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency. That has nothing to do with Trump's across the board tax cuts. You are too stupid to address the topic, so you are here to derail.
Things people spent money on before the virus was a thing.

A trillion dollars for their wealthy friends and businesses?

Was that Cuomo?

I don't think it was.

Imagine how much better off we would be without that trillion dollars debt?

An extra few billion to keep the economy going, anyone?

How about some money for medical research and development of fires?

A few billion for the rural hospitals?

Nostrils, if you wanna try and stack bullshit the biggest pile is in the Whitehouse.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
No, moron. The topic is things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency. That has nothing to do with Trump's across the board tax cuts. You are too stupid to address the topic, so you are here to derail.
Things people spent money on before the virus was a thing.

A trillion dollars for their wealthy friends and businesses?

Was that Cuomo?

I don't think it was.

Imagine how much better off we would be without that trillion dollars debt?

An extra few billion to keep the economy going, anyone?

How about some money for medical research and development of fires?

A few billion for the rural hospitals?

Nostrils, if you wanna try and stack bullshit the biggest pile is in the Whitehouse.

You are missing our point. You are pointing to individuals, as if your guy did better than another guy.

No, he didn't.

If any government at all, should be saving money for emergency purposes, it should be very cities where a crisis like this hits.

And here's the other problem....

If you are ever going to blame someone else for not helping, first you need to be wise with your own money.

It's like this... if your broke brother-in-law was smoking pot every day, getting plastered every night, and buying junk he didn't need... and then he came to you because he was about to have the house repossessed.

Would you want to hear from him, about how terrible your spending habits are? Would you give a crap what he thinks about your debt?

That's where the problem is. When you look at the budget of New York City, it's insane.

Why is NYC funding:

Varsity Club of Staten Island, Inc.
Victory Music and Dance Company, Inc.
Vision Urbana, Inc.
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center Relating to the Caribbean
Vivian Beaumont Theater, Inc., The
Wayside Out-Reach Development (WORD), Inc.

All of this is just utter crap. And that's just on 2 pages of the NYC spending budget, of 300+ pages of funding.

And this doesn't include the fact, that 10% of the entire city budget, is paying debts of previous loans. Loans that likely paid for budget spending like this.

After all this trash you have blown all this money on, then you want to complain that the Federal government should be giving you stuff?

No, you fix your own house, before you complain about my house. First do your job right, and then you can show me by your example.

This is the same thing the Trump said the the Squad, and he was dead on right. All their home countries are screwed up messes, and then they come here and want to say our system sucks?

Nah, go fix your own place first. When NYC is running a surplus, and has millions of dollars in a rainy day fund, then they can complain if the Feds don't have spare ventilators.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
No, moron. The topic is things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency. That has nothing to do with Trump's across the board tax cuts. You are too stupid to address the topic, so you are here to derail.
Things people spent money on before the virus was a thing.

A trillion dollars for their wealthy friends and businesses?

Was that Cuomo?

I don't think it was.

Imagine how much better off we would be without that trillion dollars debt?

An extra few billion to keep the economy going, anyone?

How about some money for medical research and development of fires?

A few billion for the rural hospitals?

Nostrils, if you wanna try and stack bullshit the biggest pile is in the Whitehouse.

You are missing our point. You are pointing to individuals, as if your guy did better than another guy.

No, he didn't.

If any government at all, should be saving money for emergency purposes, it should be very cities where a crisis like this hits.

And here's the other problem....

If you are ever going to blame someone else for not helping, first you need to be wise with your own money.

It's like this... if your broke brother-in-law was smoking pot every day, getting plastered every night, and buying junk he didn't need... and then he came to you because he was about to have the house repossessed.

Would you want to hear from him, about how terrible your spending habits are? Would you give a crap what he thinks about your debt?

That's where the problem is. When you look at the budget of New York City, it's insane.

Why is NYC funding:

Varsity Club of Staten Island, Inc.
Victory Music and Dance Company, Inc.
Vision Urbana, Inc.
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center Relating to the Caribbean
Vivian Beaumont Theater, Inc., The
Wayside Out-Reach Development (WORD), Inc.

All of this is just utter crap. And that's just on 2 pages of the NYC spending budget, of 300+ pages of funding.

And this doesn't include the fact, that 10% of the entire city budget, is paying debts of previous loans. Loans that likely paid for budget spending like this.

After all this trash you have blown all this money on, then you want to complain that the Federal government should be giving you stuff?

No, you fix your own house, before you complain about my house. First do your job right, and then you can show me by your example.

This is the same thing the Trump said the the Squad, and he was dead on right. All their home countries are screwed up messes, and then they come here and want to say our system sucks?

Nah, go fix your own place first. When NYC is running a surplus, and has millions of dollars in a rainy day fund, then they can complain if the Feds don't have spare ventilators.
I'm pointing out hypocrisy, not individuals.
Cuomo is a fraud............which is why Dimsocialists are in love with him.

Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening coronavirus crisis in New York

But critics contend Cuomo also needs to look closer to home.

"Although the public is only now becoming aware of the problem, emergency room shortages have long plagued the state's healthcare system. In addition, New York bypassed an opportunity five years ago to purchase 16,000 ventilators at a total cost of under $600 million," Joel Griffith, a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Fox News.

"This sum represented just 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 enacted budgetvc— a year in which more than $2.3 billion was set aside for 'economic development,' an amorphous category riddled with cronyism. This potential shortage was both avoidable and warned about," he said.

The state's track record for apparent fiscal exhaustion has been brought to the forefront countless times over the years. Cuomo was condemned two years ago after he reportedly ordered that the money-beggared MTA spend around $30 million on retiling two city tunnels with the state's blue-and-gold motif rather than using the funds for much-needed repairs.

In 2018, critics also called Cuomo out for massive overspending on endeavors that did not see the light of day.

For one, there were the millions injected into a solar-panel factory, which was touted as becoming the largest manufacturing facility in the nation, only to be taken over by Tesla which scaled back solar endeavors, leaving its future – and the reported $50 million paid for by New Yorkers – in limbo.

And then there was a 2014 partnership with California light bulb company Soraa, which saw a $90 million factory erected outside Syracuse, only for the business deal to go bust and a taxpayer-financed factory with lights that failed to flicker on. Many also lamented the millions spent on putting up 500 "I Love New York" promotions signs across state highways, despite being called a violation of state and federal highway safety regulations.

"Just last year we saw Governor Cuomo allocate $30 million to provide college tuition to those here illegally – that's $30 million worth of ventilators and personal protective equipment that we can't send to our heroes working on the front lines during this pandemic today," argued GOP Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who currently serves in New York's 9th district. "Governor Cuomo likes to tout his 'excelsior' motto – onward and upward he says – when the sad reality is his history of mismanagement, and misguided policies have kept us firmly planted in the difficult situation we face here today."

A 2019 Market Review examination of New York's fiscal health pointed out that almost all "governments spend money like it's going out of style, with very little regard to the long-term consequences."

But New York, on both a city and state level, is already at the top of the nation in terms of local and state tax burdens.

"New Yorkers pay the highest state and local business taxes in the nation, the second-highest individual income taxes, the highest workers, compensation costs, and the fifth-highest property taxes. Don't expect a lightening of these economic burdens anytime soon," Griffith said. "The state's underfunded public sector pensions represent financial time bombs which will require a combination of higher taxes and diminished essential government services—such as emergency medical responses and functioning mass transit."

Did he give a trillion dollars tax cut to his buddies and their business?


The STFU tRumpkin.
Anything on topic, Window Licker?
That is on topic, butt licker.
No, moron. The topic is things Cuomo spent money on instead of preparing for an emergency. That has nothing to do with Trump's across the board tax cuts. You are too stupid to address the topic, so you are here to derail.
Things people spent money on before the virus was a thing.

A trillion dollars for their wealthy friends and businesses?

Was that Cuomo?

I don't think it was.

Imagine how much better off we would be without that trillion dollars debt?

An extra few billion to keep the economy going, anyone?

How about some money for medical research and development of fires?

A few billion for the rural hospitals?

Nostrils, if you wanna try and stack bullshit the biggest pile is in the Whitehouse.

You are missing our point. You are pointing to individuals, as if your guy did better than another guy.

No, he didn't.

If any government at all, should be saving money for emergency purposes, it should be very cities where a crisis like this hits.

And here's the other problem....

If you are ever going to blame someone else for not helping, first you need to be wise with your own money.

It's like this... if your broke brother-in-law was smoking pot every day, getting plastered every night, and buying junk he didn't need... and then he came to you because he was about to have the house repossessed.

Would you want to hear from him, about how terrible your spending habits are? Would you give a crap what he thinks about your debt?

That's where the problem is. When you look at the budget of New York City, it's insane.

Why is NYC funding:

Varsity Club of Staten Island, Inc.
Victory Music and Dance Company, Inc.
Vision Urbana, Inc.
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center Relating to the Caribbean
Vivian Beaumont Theater, Inc., The
Wayside Out-Reach Development (WORD), Inc.

All of this is just utter crap. And that's just on 2 pages of the NYC spending budget, of 300+ pages of funding.

And this doesn't include the fact, that 10% of the entire city budget, is paying debts of previous loans. Loans that likely paid for budget spending like this.

After all this trash you have blown all this money on, then you want to complain that the Federal government should be giving you stuff?

No, you fix your own house, before you complain about my house. First do your job right, and then you can show me by your example.

This is the same thing the Trump said the the Squad, and he was dead on right. All their home countries are screwed up messes, and then they come here and want to say our system sucks?

Nah, go fix your own place first. When NYC is running a surplus, and has millions of dollars in a rainy day fund, then they can complain if the Feds don't have spare ventilators.
I'm pointing out hypocrisy, not individuals.

That's kind of my point. If you are going to blow money on stuff, and then cry when you need money... it's a bit hypocritical to then point your finger at others and say they are not doing enough, and shouldn't be blowing money on stuff.

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