They're Trying To Snow Us, With Anti-Trump Ads


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
They're trying to snow us, with anti-Trump ads. They're taking every tidbit of information they can find, and twisting it, so as to make it appear unfavorable to Trump. They're also running pro-Rubio ads, while leaving out all the bad things about Rubio.

They then go around calling Trump supporters ignorant. Problem for them is if you ask them about things that really pertain to the important issues (immigration, Muslims, gun control, US trade relations, etc), they're stumped. They're clueless. I'm finding the anti-Trump bashers to be the ones who really are ignorant about what really matters in 2016.

Don't let them scam us. Everyone should go out and vote for Trump. And don't think because the polls report that Trump has a big lead (except in Ohio) that we can all stay home and Trump will win anyway. That's how elections get lost. Don't leave it for the next guy to do the voting. YOU ARE the next guy.

Their main gripe is Trump is socially insensitive. Which in liberal world is the single greatest sin on Earth.
Are y'all getting snowed? Be the judge.

"I want to do everything possible to see that regular Americans can enjoy the same opportunity for success and security that I have had. That means the American Dream unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax politics, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation."
-- Donald Trump; from 'The America We Deserve' (2000)

Their main gripe is Trump is socially insensitive. Which in liberal world is the single greatest sin on Earth.
But they have no concept of being sensitive TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, whose jobs are being swiped by invading immigrants and visa recipients, whose economy is being raided ($123 Billion/year) by these foreigners remittances$$$$, whose tax treasuries are being pillaged by a distortion of the 14th amendment (anchor baby racket) and false documentation, who are being infected by foreign diseases brought into the country, etc etc.

The also lack sensitivity TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE , when they endanger us by instead being sensitive to Syrian refugees, with whom ISIS can easily sneak in and wreak massive havoc (including nuclear bombing). They also miss the sensitivity TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, whose 2nd amendment gives us the right to defend ourselves from terrorists by carrying guns, and instead they enact gun free zones (AKA shooting galleries for terrorists)

Trump is NOT socially insensitive at all. He just happens to be sensitive to the things and people who s=need to be sensitive to, while the liberals have got their sensitivity direction all mixed up.
Are y'all getting snowed? Be the judge.

"I want to do everything possible to see that regular Americans can enjoy the same opportunity for success and security that I have had. That means the American Dream unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax politics, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation."
-- Donald Trump; from 'The America We Deserve' (2000)
I not seeing the point of this. Care to clarify ?
Are y'all getting snowed? Be the judge.

"I want to do everything possible to see that regular Americans can enjoy the same opportunity for success and security that I have had. That means the American Dream unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax politics, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation."
-- Donald Trump; from 'The America We Deserve' (2000)

By "snow" are you referring to the cocaine you are sniffing?
Are y'all getting snowed? Be the judge.

"I want to do everything possible to see that regular Americans can enjoy the same opportunity for success and security that I have had. That means the American Dream unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax politics, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation."
-- Donald Trump; from 'The America We Deserve' (2000)
I not seeing the point of this. Care to clarify ?

I'm sure a lot of backwoods bigots that support him would have a Crying Game type barf session, if they were able to read that. All I'm sayin'
I'm sure a lot of backwoods bigots that support him would have a Crying Game type barf session, if they were able to read that. All I'm sayin'
What your saying is dredged up from stuff 16 years out of date. Nuff said.
Well, they tried really hard to snow us here in Florida. They made grade A FOOLS out of themselves. They spent a fortune on prime time advertising on major TV networks, to make Trump lose in Florida. He won 66 out of 67 counties, and won the state by a LANDSLIDE.

If I would have known the dummies who spent all this money for nothing, were going to do that, I would have asked them to give it to me. :biggrin:
Trump had me chuckling during his victory speech in Florida last night; talking about having the commercials coming on while he was out n about.

Clearly their money was wasted.

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