They're Here!

Its NOT thousands of miles away. Its 30 miles.

Better move somewhere safe, then.

nahh...we'll keep our own areas safe..they're the ones who are going to have to "move"

So what are your parameters? Exceptions for women and children? Upper and lower age limits? Ask for ID, or draw down on all brown people just to feel safe? Or just "shoot on sight"?

yeah, sure..whatever you say, son..

Those are questions. If you can't or won't deny them, the conclusion is that you agree. So noted.
uh huh..whatever you say, son...
Its NOT thousands of miles away. Its 30 miles.

Better move somewhere safe, then.

nahh...we'll keep our own areas safe..they're the ones who are going to have to "move"

So what are your parameters? Exceptions for women and children? Upper and lower age limits? Ask for ID, or draw down on all brown people just to feel safe? Or just "shoot on sight"?

yeah, sure..whatever you say, son..

Those are questions. If you can't or won't deny them, the conclusion is that you agree. So noted.
I'll ask double-barrel questions. That'll fix em. LOL
Can't wait to see them protest in Alaska!

Now, now, we are an open and tolerant state, welcoming of all cultures. They are more than welcome to stay so long as the follow /our/ laws.

Of course, they'll find Alaska quite hostile to a religious take-over and any who attempt a terrorist attack will find their efforts much hindered by "civilian" gunfire. [Which likely isn't exactly "civilian" given that the populated areas of our state are pretty much built on military soldiers.]
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!

While not as reactionary as others, even I don't want actual middle-eatsern Muslims moving in here. If a Muslim grows up here I don't have a problem with that. They're as American as I am. But importing these tribal-based, honor-killing, hardcore militant type Muslims straight from a 3rd world hellhole to here makes no sense.
Jindal demands answers about Syrian refugees arriving to Louisiana after Paris attacks

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks by an IS (Islamic State) in Paris, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal released a letter addressed to President Obama in regards to Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Louisiana.

The letter was also copied to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security and James Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations.

The letter is as follows:

November 14, 2015

The Honorable Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Obama,

In the wake of another round of appalling terrorist attacks, I write to express great sadness at the events in Paris, as well as my grave concern about the unreported diffusion of Syrian refugees in the United States.

Last week, the city of New Orleans began receiving its first wave of Syrian refugees. As with former immigration crises and federal relocation policy, Louisiana has been kept in the dark about those seeking refuge in the state. It is irresponsible and severely disconcerting to place individuals, who may have ties to ISIS, in a state without the state's knowledge or involvement.

As Governor of Louisiana, I demand information about the Syrian refugees being placed in Louisiana in hopes that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here. In the wake of these atrocities, I also ask for details on the below:

What level of background screening was conducted prior to entry in the United States?
In light of the fact that some of those responsible for last night's attacks held Syrian passports, what additional protections and screenings will be put in place?

Will all Syrian refugees seeking relocation in the United States now be cleared by the Terrorist Screening Center?
What degree of monitoring will be sustained after initial placement in Louisiana?

As Americans, we embolden freedom and opportunity to the rest of the world, but by opening up our borders and refusing to collaborate or share information with states, you are threatening that reality.

Mr. President, in light of these attacks on Paris and reports that one of the attackers was a refugee from Syria, it would be prudent to pause the process of refugees coming to the United States. Authorities need to investigate what happened in Europe before this problem comes to the United States.

Governor Bobby Jindal

Jindal demands answers about Syrian refugees arriving to Louisiana after Paris attacks
I hope everyone here realizes who the Americans are that welcome these so-called refugees into the U.S. and the West in general.
They are the liberals, they are the Dimocrats, they believe in multiculturalism, they want a weak America.
As long as you continue to vote Dimocrats into offices across this country, this problem will grow massively.
The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed!

And your proof that they're "islamic terrorists" instead of people fleeing from terrorism is what, exactly? The stain in your underwear? Not conclusive.

If the U.S. hadn't looked the other way when Hitler said "take our Jews or we'll slaughter them all" at the Bermuda Conference, you'd be exactly the type to say "Germans? They're obviously Nazis. Let 'em die."

That's one of the reasons your ilk is pro-Israeli now. Pure guilt.

Why dont you ask the french?

Because one of the Paris terrorists was a Frenchman and seven more were Belgian?

I was out in the woods all weekend and I really havent looked into what actually went down,but were they french muslims?
The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed!

And your proof that they're "islamic terrorists" instead of people fleeing from terrorism is what, exactly? The stain in your underwear? Not conclusive.

If the U.S. hadn't looked the other way when Hitler said "take our Jews or we'll slaughter them all" at the Bermuda Conference, you'd be exactly the type to say "Germans? They're obviously Nazis. Let 'em die."

That's one of the reasons your ilk is pro-Israeli now. Pure guilt.

Why dont you ask the french?

Because one of the Paris terrorists was a Frenchman and seven more were Belgian?

I was out in the woods all weekend and I really havent looked into what actually went down,but were they french muslims?

They were all Muslims.
Here's some sanity.
Wonder how soon the Obama administration will sue ?

The Latest: Alabama Will Refuse Syrian Refugees

The latest on the deadly attacks in Paris. (All times local):

5:56 a.m.

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has announced he is refusing Syrian refugees relocating to his state.

In a news release Sunday Bentley said, "After full consideration of this weekend's attacks of terror on innocent citizens in Paris, I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. As your Governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm's way."

According to the release Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is working diligently with federal agencies to monitor any possible threats. To date there has been no credible intelligence of terror threats in Alabama.


4:51 a.m.

French foreign minister Laurent Fabius says France had the "legitimacy" to take action against Islamic State after Friday's terror attacks in Paris.

Fabius said Sunday on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Turkey that the decision to conduct airstrikes in Raqqa against Islamic State targets was a "political" one and that France had to be "present and active" following Friday's attacks that killed 129 people.


1:58 a.m.

Authorities have named two more of the suicide bombers responsible for the Friday the 13th terrorist rampage across Paris that killed 129 people and wounded hundreds more.

A judicial source speaking on condition of anonymity because she wasn't authorized to speak publicly said the 20-year-old Frenchman police identified as one of the three suicide bombers to strike at the Stade de France stadium was Bilal Hadfi.

A 31-year-old identified by police as the suicide bomber who detonated his explosive vest on Boulevard Voltaire in Paris was named as Brahim Abdeslam, the source said. Abdeslam is the older brother of 26-year-old Saleh Abdeslam, 26, who is currently the subject of an international manhunt.

A third suicide bomber, Ismael Mostefai, 29, had already been named by police, after being identified through remains found at the Bataclan music hall, another of the six separate attack sites across Paris and its suburbs.

--Philippe Sotto in Paris


1:20 a.m.

The U.S. flag is being lowered to half-staff at the White House, federal buildings across the country and American military and diplomatic stations around the world as a mark of respect for victims of the Paris attacks.

President Barack Obama ordered the gesture of solidarity with France by proclamation Sunday. The flags will be flown at half-staff until sunset Thursday. Earlier, in the day, House Speaker Paul Ryan ordered flags lowered at the U.S. Capitol.

In his proclamation, Obama says the "terror attacks" were an assault on all of humanity.

He declares that those values will endure beyond the acts of terrorists, and the U.S. and allies, as he put it, "do not give in to fear, nor will we be divided, nor will anyone change our way of life."

The Latest: Alabama Will Refuse Syrian Refugees
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!
All 14 of them..what a wave of an invasion...
The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed!

And your proof that they're "islamic terrorists" instead of people fleeing from terrorism is what, exactly? The stain in your underwear? Not conclusive.

If the U.S. hadn't looked the other way when Hitler said "take our Jews or we'll slaughter them all" at the Bermuda Conference, you'd be exactly the type to say "Germans? They're obviously Nazis. Let 'em die."

That's one of the reasons your ilk is pro-Israeli now. Pure guilt.

Why dont you ask the french?

Because one of the Paris terrorists was a Frenchman and seven more were Belgian?

I was out in the woods all weekend and I really havent looked into what actually went down,but were they french muslims?

They were all Muslims.

So in other words arianrhod is full of shit again...surprise,surprise.
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!
All 14 of them..what a wave of an invasion...

So how many did it take to pull off 9/11.....?
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!

These folks are normal people trying to escape FROM the Islamofascist fucktards. That is why they are called refugees. IS would love for them to stay in Syria and take part in their little caliphate building, but they don't want that, they want to live in peace and democracy, that is why they are FLEEING the country to the west.

Most IS fucktards have western passports and come from western countries (France, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, even the US), they are not hiding among the refugee hordes - they can easily fly to the US with no issues whatsoever.

So please, take it easy and stop the nonsensical fear mongering.

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