They're addmitting it's true, they just don't care it's true and he lied

No side has a monopoly on hypocrisy.

Dems spent so much time and effort apologizing for Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton that they can't say shit about rape. They knew he did it and wanted him anyway.

Fuck all of you worthless hypocrites.
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.

C'mon man, it was 1983 and apparently the "attack" was so serious that there was no police investigation, police report, no authorities were called to investigate....nothing.

Show me where the victim was legitimately in fear of her life and took the standard and customary steps of calling the authorities, and I'll change my mind in a moment about this. But really....what's next? He jaywalked in 1985, stiffed a waitress on her tip in 1989...downloaded music from Napster in 1990 and scalped tickets to the Red Sox/Yankees playoff game?

I'm all for examining the man's record. The full professional record should be under scrutiny--something that the Republicans are hiding by the way. He may have committed some form of violence against this person; he may not have. But unless you report it; you can't play the card 35 years later and say it happened. I'll use the example again; if we got into a fist fight today and I don't call the police to investigate it or the College Dean or our supervisor at work (if it happened at work)...I cannot come back in the year 2053 and say you assaulted me, can I?
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.

C'mon man, it was 1983 and apparently the "attack" was so serious that there was no police investigation, police report, no authorities were called to investigate....nothing.

Show me where the victim was legitimately in fear of her life and took the standard and customary steps of calling the authorities, and I'll change my mind in a moment about this. But really....what's next? He jaywalked in 1985, stiffed a waitress on her tip in 1989...downloaded music from Napster in 1990 and scalped tickets to the Red Sox/Yankees playoff game?

I'm all for examining the man's record. The full professional record should be under scrutiny--something that the Republicans are hiding by the way. He may have committed some form of violence against this person; he may not have. But unless you report it; you can't play the card 35 years later and say it happened. I'll use the example again; if we got into a fist fight today and I don't call the police to investigate it or the College Dean or our supervisor at work (if it happened at work)...I cannot come back in the year 2053 and say you assaulted me, can I?
And this is an example of the ignorance and acceptance of sexual assault that results in women refraining reporting being attacked.

How long ago a sexual assault occurred and whether it was reported to the authorities or not in no manner mitigates or undermines the legitimacy and severity of the attack, and it does not absolve the attacker of being responsible for the attack, or suffering the consequences of his actions.
Oh for crying out loud, neither Ford or Kavanaugh have testified. I'm sick of the lynch mob mentality. Let's let this play out.
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.
The accuser is a proven flaming Trump-hating, puss hat-wearing, women's march participating democratic party donor and activist whose family hates Kacanaugh because his mother presided over their foreclosure...and the witness she claims was not only there when it happened but broke it up has said IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Feinstein supposedly held onto this for months, releasing it only at the most politically separate and opportune time, proving she dies not give a damn about women or the 'victim'.

64 meetings were held during that time, and Feinstein never brought this up.

It's 'Herman Cain' all over again.

The Democrats are desperate, vile, immoral, and unethical - this is the type behavior that caused them to lose the House, the Senate, and the WH.
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.

Yes, were Trump a Democrat, the religious right would be horrified by the antics he has gotten up to.

As he's a Republican, they don't care.

It's true.

Fuck the Jesus Nazis.
She doesn't remember when it happened. Not even the year. She doesn't remember where it happened. She has an eye witness that says it never happened at all. She doesn't remember anyone else that was there.
This is a last-minute desperate effort by the left to keep the court from becoming conservative. They always trot out the fragile woman card from 30 years ago when all else fails. How many times have we seen this now?
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.
Only a brain damaged SJW would claim that means they agree he did it.

"Logic" like the above post is why it's pointless to debate snowflakes. They are incapable of committing logic. They believe claims because they want to believe them, not because they are true. Relentless ridicule is the only thing these vermin understand. Humanity is doomed unless society gets to the point of laughing whenever these brain damaged imbeciles open their mouths.
No side has a monopoly on hypocrisy.

Dems spent so much time and effort apologizing for Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton that they can't say shit about rape. They knew he did it and wanted him anyway.

Fuck all of you worthless hypocrites.
Actually, the Democrats do have a monopoly on hypocrisy. Whenever they invoke the crime of "whataboutism," they are admitting they are hypocrites. They admit they don't care what their side has done, only what Republicans have done.

Dims are fucking scum.
Here's another version of the same Op-Ed that is everywhere...

Is Brett Kavanaugh a nice guy? That's irrelevant. So is alleged sexual assault as a teen.

Paraphrasing -- he did it. He lied about it. We knew about it. We don't care we want our judge.

Situational ethics.

C'mon man, it was 1983 and apparently the "attack" was so serious that there was no police investigation, police report, no authorities were called to investigate....nothing.

Show me where the victim was legitimately in fear of her life and took the standard and customary steps of calling the authorities, and I'll change my mind in a moment about this. But really....what's next? He jaywalked in 1985, stiffed a waitress on her tip in 1989...downloaded music from Napster in 1990 and scalped tickets to the Red Sox/Yankees playoff game?

I'm all for examining the man's record. The full professional record should be under scrutiny--something that the Republicans are hiding by the way. He may have committed some form of violence against this person; he may not have. But unless you report it; you can't play the card 35 years later and say it happened. I'll use the example again; if we got into a fist fight today and I don't call the police to investigate it or the College Dean or our supervisor at work (if it happened at work)...I cannot come back in the year 2053 and say you assaulted me, can I?
And this is an example of the ignorance and acceptance of sexual assault that results in women refraining reporting being attacked.

How long ago a sexual assault occurred and whether it was reported to the authorities or not in no manner mitigates or undermines the legitimacy and severity of the attack, and it does not absolve the attacker of being responsible for the attack, or suffering the consequences of his actions.
The fact that Ms Ford is an obvious lying koo-koo bird is in no way a comment on the acceptability of sexual assault.

It takes a special kind of douchebag to claim that denying her claims means you endorse sexual assault, but that's the kind of person you are.
This is a last-minute desperate effort by the left to keep the court from becoming conservative. They always trot out the fragile woman card from 30 years ago when all else fails. How many times have we seen this now?

It does reek of desperation on the part of the Democrats. We'll see what happens in the hearings.

I hope to heck the woman absolutely falls apart--and this looks like a fair bet. By her professor rating, she looks plain nuts. And I must say the Democrats richly, richly deserve the public humiliation if she DOES fall apart. Oh, they richly deserve it.
No side has a monopoly on hypocrisy.

Dems spent so much time and effort apologizing for Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton that they can't say shit about rape. They knew he did it and wanted him anyway.

Fuck all of you worthless hypocrites.
Actually, the Democrats do have a monopoly on hypocrisy. Whenever they invoke the crime of "whataboutism," they are admitting they are hypocrites. They admit they don't care what their side has done, only what Republicans have done.

Dims are fucking scum.

They had to invent "whataboutism" because they know whenever it's invoked, they lose. That's what they do, like children on a second grade playground. Establish rules and they establish NEW rules when they start losing.

My contempt just hardens further, really, and I don't like saying that. But Dems, you really should stand up when your people employ these rotten dirty tricks. HIGH SCHOOL. Really?
No side has a monopoly on hypocrisy.

Dems spent so much time and effort apologizing for Bill "Boogie Nights" Clinton that they can't say shit about rape. They knew he did it and wanted him anyway.

Fuck all of you worthless hypocrites.
Actually, the Democrats do have a monopoly on hypocrisy. Whenever they invoke the crime of "whataboutism," they are admitting they are hypocrites. They admit they don't care what their side has done, only what Republicans have done.

Dims are fucking scum.

They had to invent "whataboutism" because they know whenever it's invoked, they lose. That's what they do, like children on a second grade playground. Establish rules and they establish NEW rules when they start losing.

My contempt just hardens further, really, and I don't like saying that. But Dems, you really should stand up when your people employ these rotten dirty tricks. HIGH SCHOOL. Really?
Rotten dirty tricks, like congress flat out refusing to meet with a SCOTUS nominee? Changing the rules, like getting rid of filibuster in order to get a SCOTUS nominee confirmed? Whataboutism or "appeal to hypocrisy" like it is actually called is a logical fallacy used by both sides, or even all humans. Just come on this board when Trump has one of his many scandals. If the right comments on them, just see how many use,"what about Hillary" or " what about Obama".
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