They Were For It....And Now They're For It.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. You know who.....the party of lying and lynching.
They went to war to enforce slavery.
Under Lyndon Johnson they did that dog-leg in policy......they bought the black vote with what is called 'welfare.'
And they went right back to racism....just altered the target from black to white.

That's the Democrats.

2. One glaring example is Kristen Clarke.
"Kristen Clarke, Bigot and Liar
President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division offered a series of answers that strained credulity and veered into outright falsehood.

The most bald-faced of the lies Kristen Clarke offered in her own defense relates to her activism while a Harvard University undergraduate in the 1990s.
Pressed about a 1994 letter published in the Harvard Crimson making the case that blacks are intellectually and physically superior to whites, Clarke waved it off as a "satirical" attempt to refute The Bell Curve, which came out the same year.

3. Everybody knew she was joking, she said, when she wrote that "black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites," and, in a demonstration of scholarly rigor, pointed to the work of the writer Carol Barnes to assert that "human mental processes are controlled by melanin—that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities."
The letter concluded: "It is completely naïve to say that Blacks have achieved economic equality with whites. It seems that whites have grown tired of hearing about racism."

4. The editors of the Crimson called on her to retract her claims. In an editorial titled, "Clarke Should Retract Statements," they wrote: "We searched in vain for a hint of irony in Clarke's letter." She had, they concluded, "resorted to bigotry, pure and simple "a joke", too?

5. A glaring example of the sort of cognitive dissonance that is necessary to vote Democrat, is that every one of 'em will claim to oppose racism....whatever that means......but will vote for the party that has always....ALWAYS.....supported, advanced, and fought to preserve racism.

Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'
You as dumb as Cornyn, eh?

If you claim to oppose 'racism,' how come you vote for the party of racism?

Consistency, logic, common sense.....truth.

Harder to find any of those in Democrat voters than it is to find references to 'cats' in the Bible.

Racism is but one example.....

Two things Democrats love….children and Planned Parenthood.
1. You know who.....the party of lying and lynching.
They went to war to enforce slavery.
Under Lyndon Johnson they did that dog-leg in policy......they bought the black vote with what is called 'welfare.'
And they went right back to racism....just altered the target from black to white.

That's the Democrats.

2. One glaring example is Kristen Clarke.
"Kristen Clarke, Bigot and Liar
President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division offered a series of answers that strained credulity and veered into outright falsehood.

The most bald-faced of the lies Kristen Clarke offered in her own defense relates to her activism while a Harvard University undergraduate in the 1990s.
Pressed about a 1994 letter published in the Harvard Crimson making the case that blacks are intellectually and physically superior to whites, Clarke waved it off as a "satirical" attempt to refute The Bell Curve, which came out the same year.

3. Everybody knew she was joking, she said, when she wrote that "black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites," and, in a demonstration of scholarly rigor, pointed to the work of the writer Carol Barnes to assert that "human mental processes are controlled by melanin—that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities."
The letter concluded: "It is completely naïve to say that Blacks have achieved economic equality with whites. It seems that whites have grown tired of hearing about racism."

4. The editors of the Crimson called on her to retract her claims. In an editorial titled, "Clarke Should Retract Statements," they wrote: "We searched in vain for a hint of irony in Clarke's letter." She had, they concluded, "resorted to bigotry, pure and simple "a joke", too?

5. A glaring example of the sort of cognitive dissonance that is necessary to vote Democrat, is that every one of 'em will claim to oppose racism....whatever that means......but will vote for the party that has always....ALWAYS.....supported, advanced, and fought to preserve racism.

Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'
OMG. I've seen this woman before. I think of a wood chipper too.

As in every other case, no Biden voters are either willing nor capable of defending the issues they this case, blatant racism.
The reason for the spate of riots is that Democrats encourage same.

“Biden Justice Department Pick Opposed Enforcing Civil Rights Laws Against Blacks
he incoming Justice Department civil rights chief has a history of opposing civil rights prosecutions of black defendants, opposing a complaint against an African-American Democratic leader who discriminated against white voters.

As an NAACP lawyer, Kristen Clarke lambasted the Justice Department for bringing a complaint against an African-American party boss in Mississippi who worked to suppress white votes, according to a federal probe. On a separate occasion, a federal oversight commission investigated claims that Clarke worked with allies at the Justice Department to quash the prosecution of the Black Panthers who menaced voters outside a Philadelphia precinct in 2008.

Clarke's professional history suggests a staunchly ideological approach to civil rights enforcement where touchstone civil rights laws are applied to advantage some demographic groups but not others.”
Biden Justice Department Pick Opposed Enforcing Civil Rights Laws Against Blacks

Where have we seen this sort of 'thinking' before?

Nor is this overt racism out of the ordinary for the, Democrat Party. It goes back before Biden chose the black equivalent of the KKK for the laughingly called ‘Department of Justice.’

Obama chose the same sort of individual:

"For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades.

What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling? “Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”

When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video |

The skin color party in power…

This is what you imposed on America, Democrat voter.
She’ll be leading the civil rights division of the justice department and racists will be screwed. Tucker is panicked. PoliChi as well. I’ll swim in their tears.
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Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'

Dismissed for the opprobrious broad brush it is.
She’ll be leading the civil rights division of the justice department and racists will be screwed. Tucker is panicked. PoliChi as well. I’ll swim in their tears.

I guess you can't read: she is the quintessential racist.

Kristen Clarke, Bigot and Liar
President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division offered a series of answers that strained credulity and veered into outright falsehood.
The most bald-faced of the lies Kristen Clarke offered in her own defense relates to her activism while a Harvard University undergraduate in the 1990s.
Pressed about a 1994 letter published in the Harvard Crimson making the case that blacks are intellectually and physically superior to whites, Clarke waved it off as a "satirical" attempt to refute The Bell Curve, which came out the same year.
Everybody knew she was joking, she said, when she wrote that "black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites," and, in a demonstration of scholarly rigor, pointed to the work of the writer Carol Barnes to assert that "human mental processes are controlled by melanin—that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities."
The letter concluded: "It is completely naive to say that Blacks have achieved economic equality with whites. It seems that whites have grown tired of hearing about racism." Was that False. The editors of the Crimson called on her to retract her claims. In an editorial titled, "Clarke Should Retract Statements," they wrote: "We searched in vain for a hint of irony in Clarke's letter." She had, they concluded, "resorted to bigotry, pure and simple.

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'

Dismissed for the opprobrious broad brush it is.

Every Biden voter put this racist in charge.

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...

Soooo..... are you a fool or a liar????
So, you went from:

Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'


Every Biden voter put this racist in charge.

One absurd fallacy to the next one....
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So, you went from:

Every Democrat voter is a 'racist.'


Every Biden voter put this racist in charge.

One absurd fallacy to the next one....

So you are fine with the DoJ being under the control of a party that believes skin color is the defining characteristic for humanity.

You are no different than any Nazi or ideologue of any hue.

As in every other case, no Biden voters are either willing nor capable of defending the issues they this case, blatant racism.

As in every other case, no Biden voters are either willing nor capable of defending the issues they this case, blatant racism.



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