They Want Your IRA (White House pushes investors toward government accounts)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is a serious threat to your welfare, folks. That last thing this country needs is to give government control over our savings. Look what a fine job they did of looting . . . er, managing our Social Security accounts. The worst part about it is that once again Obama is bypassing Congress with his pen and his phone. The guy is a fucking dictator.

President Obama’s regulators aren’t slowing down, alas. And on Wednesday they unveiled another part of their plan to push Americans out of private investment accounts and into government-run plans.
When government, especially Dems, see money, they start coming up with ideas to get their grubby hands on it.

Like SS, this money would be spent for things other than it's intended purpose. They'd borrow it for their social programs, much of which goes to illegal aliens and now refugees. They already think that illegal aliens should be entitled to all benefits citizens have.

Government cannot be trusted with our money and they've proven that time and time again. This is another hit on middle class. The wealthy do not have to worry about this because the regulations favor them, as always, and it's only the middle class that will be dropped by the private sector because of the regulations. It appears that the regulations will cause them to lose money for the smaller, middle class accounts. It's designed to force them to drop people, leaving government as the only option. So, you will no longer have any say over your own retirement account that you've been investing in your entire working life. It's a way to force people to allow government to take over their retirement.

People have saved for years and have done fine. There is no crisis, yet Obama isn't going to ignore all that money out there when he sees a way to put it into the government coffers.

SS has been in trouble for years, just like Medicare. Retirement accounts will end up in the same trouble. And don't expect that you will ever get back all your money. They will give you what they think you should have. The rest will go to those who didn't earn it.
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I have had this feeling for some time now.
But I think the Dems will nationalize our private accounts.
They will get someone like a Bernie Sanders in power and our retirement accounts will be run by the government.
We will get a monthly check that they feel will be enough for us to live on.
The day will come....

There is just way too much money that's invested in IRA and 401k plans and the government....The Libs
are dying to get their hands on it.
This is a serious threat to your welfare, folks. That last thing this country needs is to give government control over our savings. Look what a fine job they did of looting . . . er, managing our Social Security accounts. The worst part about it is that once again Obama is bypassing Congress with his pen and his phone. The guy is a fucking dictator.

President Obama’s regulators aren’t slowing down, alas. And on Wednesday they unveiled another part of their plan to push Americans out of private investment accounts and into government-run plans.

USA.INC all all their subsidiaries that make up this corporate composite "gubermint' are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets and cash. Don't believe me? Do some research about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports or go to They have been skimming money off the top and investing it. The money from all their investment returns has grown to the point that they own majority stocks in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Money is like crack cocaine to them....they can never get enough of it and they see trillions more that they want to get their grubby little hands on in the way of people saving for retirement. USA.INC annually brings in more revenue than the GDP of the entire private sector. People need to wake up to this unbelievable, almost too big to comprehend outright thievery of these corporate officers in D.C.

USA.INC and their subsidiaries are always claiming empty pockets and coming to us for more and more of what we earn while sitting on mountains of wealth. This has got to be exposed and stopped while there is still time.
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In the next big downturn the gov't will move to put a "haircut" on retirement accounts and other savings accounts, issuing gov't bonds in a forced exchange for cash.
IRAs and 401ks are not the deal they tell you they are

In all honesty you'd be better off saving after taxes in a portfolio than in an IRA or 401k

Here's why

You get charged regular income tax on every cent in your retirement account rather than the lower capital gains rate on the growth and the growth always is far more than contributions

The government then tells you when and how much money you have to withdraw so as to maximize their income tax collections from you in retirement

So pay your taxes up front and then save in a private portfolio.

You will pay less tax on the gains and you will be able to decide when and how much to withdraw
Another rubber room thread for paranoid knee-jerk reactionary Obama bashers. You know damn well nobody is coming for your IRA's.
IRAs and 401ks are not the deal they tell you they are

In all honesty you'd be better off saving after taxes in a portfolio than in an IRA or 401k

Here's why

You get charged regular income tax on every cent in your retirement account rather than the lower capital gains rate on the growth and the growth always is far more than contributions

The government then tells you when and how much money you have to withdraw so as to maximize their income tax collections from you in retirement

So pay your taxes up front and then save in a private portfolio.

You will pay less tax on the gains and you will be able to decide when and how much to withdraw
Just keep the government out of what is none of there business...

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