They Said on the TV this Morning that the Dimocwats have a new Stratagey..


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
They've been in a huddle and come up with a NEW plan. Are ya ready? Can ya stand it? Wait......................................

They're going to blame everyhing on Republicans.

Obama will not rest until every American that wants a job has one.

And after his vacation he will reveal his specific plan in September.


And if those terrorists in Congress don't pass it then he's gonna blame them for stopping him from creating jobs for every American that wants one.

So far his plan is to spend more money.

The Republicans gave Obama unlimited refills on his spending crack pipe until the end of his miserable one term

So if blaming the GOP is the best he can do then why reelect him????

If he fails in his second term what's stopping him from blaming everyone else for his failures once again?

Shouldn't we elect someone with different ideas?

No idea why he has to wait till Sept to reveal his ideas. Whats wrong with now??

He certainly doesn't need Congress in session to reveal anything.

Of course it could be another 27,0000 page document that nobody will read.

Thats gotta be it.
No idea why he has to wait till Sept to reveal his ideas. Whats wrong with now??

He certainly doesn't need Congress in session to reveal anything.

Of course it could be another 27,0000 page document that nobody will read.

Thats gotta be it.

Him needs a little vacation don'tchyaknow?
No idea why he has to wait till Sept to reveal his ideas. Whats wrong with now??

He certainly doesn't need Congress in session to reveal anything.

Of course it could be another 27,0000 page document that nobody will read.

Thats gotta be it.
Obama has already revealed his plan.

Tax the rich.

Blame Congress if they don't vote for the plan.

Attend several $30,000 a plate fundraisers.

Take more time off.

Give a bunch of speeches.

Propose several unneeded education programs.

Act like you're doing something.

Go on vacation.

Spend like a drunken sailor.

That's the plan.
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I keep paying my taxes, anyone want to do an intervention on me?

Paying taxes is not wrong.

Saying you can't wait to pay more is a sickness.

We need a government program for the treatment of revenue addicts.


Oh, and I'd like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the new Revenue Addicts Treatment Czar.

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