They Must Destroy It To Rebuild The Nation


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia. But there is no hiding the truth….they mean to shatter and divide, cause death and chaos, and they know how to use it.

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. Shocking, as Americans were dying, and Democrats saw this as the moment to strike. This has been the Left’s method for some time, to sow discord. Right from the start. The preacher that Obama selected for the invocation at his inauguration separated Americans by race.

And race has been their keynote ever since.

“An officer-involved shooting in Newburgh resulted in rioting after a city councilman lied.

Newburgh, NY – Newburgh City Councilman Omari Shakur posted a video on Facebook right after the incident that said “an unarmed black man” had been shot and killed by police, Mid Hudson News reported. Shakur referred to the officers as “pigs” and said they are “killers.”

Groups of activists gathered near the hospital and the scene of the shooting in response. “They’re killing us for nothing,”…

The City of Newburgh released bodycam images Saturday from an officer-involved shooting after a city councilman incited rioting by claiming the suspect was unarmed.

“Normally in an investigation of this type of incident we would not be releasing images this early in the investigation,” District Attorney David Hoovler said, according to Record Online. “However, to allay community concerns, which quite frankly have been stoked by misinformation coming from a city official, we are releasing these images showing the armed man discharging his gun.”

The images clearly show that the suspect had a pistol in his hand.” Police Release Images Of 'Unarmed Black Man' Killed While Shooting At Police


This is but the most recent such incident where Democrats have poured gasoline on the fire

July 2009:
Not having heard all the facts, Obama accused Cambridge, Mass., police of "acting stupidly" in arresting a friend of his, Harvard professor Henry Gates, for disorderly conduct, dangling race as a motive for the arrest.
This is why the dems were telling people to not worry and go out and hug a Chinaman.....they wanted a mass infection to happen here...and so did China......when this is over if we and the rest of the free world don't take China out we will deserve what they do to us and the world the next time...I will never believe this wasn't intentional on their part...maybe with the encouragement of globalist around the world...
This is why the dems were telling people to not worry and go out and hug a Chinaman.....they wanted a mass infection to happen here...and so did China......when this is over if we and the rest of the free world don't take China out we will deserve what they do to us and the world the next time...I will never believe this wasn't intentional on their part...maybe with the encouragement of globalist around the world...

I doubt that the Chinese planned it this way...perhaps as a weapon at a later time....but you are spot on about who is our enemy.

Gertz lays it out, here:

No surprise, the only surprise is that they let the truth get out.

Nor is it a surprise that now Nancy is saying they will be launching an investigation into Trump's handling of this crisis, so they can wring maximum political advantage out of this by creating their own stage and performing on it again like a bunch of rabid gibbons.

They've been utterly nuts since 2016 and it only gets progressively worse, pun very much intended.
July 2009: Not having heard all the facts, Obama accused Cambridge, Mass., police of "acting stupidly" in arresting a friend of his, Harvard professor Henry Gates, for disorderly conduct, dangling race as a motive for the arrest.
that went a long way toward sewing distrust between obama and white people

Not enough: he was re-elected.

The cowardice of those who voted for him was exploited by the use of the smear "racist!"

Nothing will change until we wrest the schools from the Leftists the way earlier Republicans pried their slaves away from them.
4. There is an adage, ”Fool me once, shame on you….fool me twice, shame on me.”

That only applies to those who don’t want to be fooled. It doesn’t apply to Democrat voters, they don’t fear being made fools of, they fear being called ‘racists.’

Easily proven: aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency? If any Obama-voter can’t provide a cogent answer, it is proof of the charge that Liberals/Democrats don’t fear being made fools of, they fear being called ‘racists.’

And the party knows how to use it: the only number greater than infinity is how often they used the term ‘racist.’ That's how they silenced any critiques.

5. The ‘fooling,’ being lied to, began early.

“Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”
Obama's Inspiring 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech

Yet, all we got from the Obama regime was identity politics, division, intersectionality, racialism.
1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia. But there is no hiding the truth….they mean to shatter and divide, cause death and chaos, and they know how to use it.

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. Shocking, as Americans were dying, and Democrats saw this as the moment to strike. This has been the Left’s method for some time, to sow discord. Right from the start. The preacher that Obama selected for the invocation at his inauguration separated Americans by race.

And race has been their keynote ever since.

“An officer-involved shooting in Newburgh resulted in rioting after a city councilman lied.

Newburgh, NY – Newburgh City Councilman Omari Shakur posted a video on Facebook right after the incident that said “an unarmed black man” had been shot and killed by police, Mid Hudson News reported. Shakur referred to the officers as “pigs” and said they are “killers.”

Groups of activists gathered near the hospital and the scene of the shooting in response. “They’re killing us for nothing,”…

The City of Newburgh released bodycam images Saturday from an officer-involved shooting after a city councilman incited rioting by claiming the suspect was unarmed.

“Normally in an investigation of this type of incident we would not be releasing images this early in the investigation,” District Attorney David Hoovler said, according to Record Online. “However, to allay community concerns, which quite frankly have been stoked by misinformation coming from a city official, we are releasing these images showing the armed man discharging his gun.”

The images clearly show that the suspect had a pistol in his hand.” Police Release Images Of 'Unarmed Black Man' Killed While Shooting At Police

View attachment 317097

This is but the most recent such incident where Democrats have poured gasoline on the fire

July 2009:
Not having heard all the facts, Obama accused Cambridge, Mass., police of "acting stupidly" in arresting a friend of his, Harvard professor Henry Gates, for disorderly conduct, dangling race as a motive for the arrest.

Shocking, as Americans are dying Trump is still consumed with his TV ratings:

1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia. But there is no hiding the truth….they mean to shatter and divide, cause death and chaos, and they know how to use it.

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’” Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. Shocking, as Americans were dying, and Democrats saw this as the moment to strike. This has been the Left’s method for some time, to sow discord. Right from the start. The preacher that Obama selected for the invocation at his inauguration separated Americans by race.

And race has been their keynote ever since.

“An officer-involved shooting in Newburgh resulted in rioting after a city councilman lied.

Newburgh, NY – Newburgh City Councilman Omari Shakur posted a video on Facebook right after the incident that said “an unarmed black man” had been shot and killed by police, Mid Hudson News reported. Shakur referred to the officers as “pigs” and said they are “killers.”

Groups of activists gathered near the hospital and the scene of the shooting in response. “They’re killing us for nothing,”…

The City of Newburgh released bodycam images Saturday from an officer-involved shooting after a city councilman incited rioting by claiming the suspect was unarmed.

“Normally in an investigation of this type of incident we would not be releasing images this early in the investigation,” District Attorney David Hoovler said, according to Record Online. “However, to allay community concerns, which quite frankly have been stoked by misinformation coming from a city official, we are releasing these images showing the armed man discharging his gun.”

The images clearly show that the suspect had a pistol in his hand.” Police Release Images Of 'Unarmed Black Man' Killed While Shooting At Police

View attachment 317097

This is but the most recent such incident where Democrats have poured gasoline on the fire

July 2009:
Not having heard all the facts, Obama accused Cambridge, Mass., police of "acting stupidly" in arresting a friend of his, Harvard professor Henry Gates, for disorderly conduct, dangling race as a motive for the arrest.

Shocking, as Americans are dying Trump is still consumed with his TV ratings:

View attachment 317112

First.....Trump never said the virus is as hoax.



Pretty good job this guy, Trump, is doing, huh?
This is why the dems were telling people to not worry and go out and hug a Chinaman.....they wanted a mass infection to happen here...and so did China......when this is over if we and the rest of the free world don't take China out we will deserve what they do to us and the world the next time...I will never believe this wasn't intentional on their part...maybe with the encouragement of globalist around the world...
Think outside the box designed to make you believe China is your enemy.

Follow the money, follow the agenda.
The country is not being destroyed. It's doing what needs to be done. President Trump knows this and has done the correct thing in extending the guidelines of self isolation. He is smart and knows the virus controls the timeline. He cares about our people . He had also done the correct thing by sending average Americans $$$ as we currently hold the greatest workforce in the world and them losing their jobs is not their fault and they should receive some help.
1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia.
No it wouldn't, anymore that Social Security made this country a utopia after the Great Depression. SS did make things better for many people though.

After Pearl Harbor the US built up an invinciable military to ensure we'd never be surprised like that again. And we haven't been.

You may not agree but I don't think it is a bad thing to learn to do things better and a crisis is when you see what was broken.
This is why the dems were telling people to not worry and go out and hug a Chinaman.....they wanted a mass infection to happen here...and so did China......when this is over if we and the rest of the free world don't take China out we will deserve what they do to us and the world the next time...I will never believe this wasn't intentional on their part...maybe with the encouragement of globalist around the world...
Think outside the box designed to make you believe China is your enemy.

Follow the money, follow the agenda.

A pity you don't read......this book would set you straight.

He had also done the correct thing by sending average Americans $$$
For how long? Is eternity ok with you? We are already, I did say we, in debt beyond your kids, kids, kids, kids ability to even put a dent in it. But, hey, that's ok it ain't real money, UNTIL it's distributed (trickled down from the top [keynesean economics for a monarchy]) at which time the user fees (taxes on ALL transactions) kick in and are paid from printed fiat currency that devalues the fiat currency you have in your (and in the future, their) possession.

SMH - the ignorance of the sheeple is run amok.
A pity you don't read......this book would set you straight.
A pity you don't read too- that book is horseshit written by a fucking jew- follow the money, follow the agenda.
The biggest enemy "we the people" have are within our borders- like Kruschev said- they needn't worry, we'll bring ourselves down-

Like I said darlin- "think outside the box"- that would be outside the official (China is your enemy) narrative I refer to, including propaganda by those with a contrarian populist entertaining Israeli allegiance POV-

The Chinese people don't give a fuck about you or us- the Chinese gov't, like even those with their hands out for our free, easy, fiat money, despises OUR godvernment- not us. They have reason to, since our godvernment has strayed way off course IF the founders beliefs are to be believed.
Our godvernment makes enemies and demands US citizens accept their decree- that is ONE (if not the main) reason free trade and free markets are verboten in the US- they would prove the US godvernment is bullshit propagandist intent on maintaining ill perceived and ill gained authority.

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