They Must Destroy It To Rebuild The Nation

There's no destruction coming as long as people listen to president Trump and stay home. For the next least.
1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia.
No it wouldn't, anymore that Social Security made this country a utopia after the Great Depression. SS did make things better for many people though.

After Pearl Harbor the US built up an invinciable military to ensure we'd never be surprised like that again. And we haven't been.

You may not agree but I don't think it is a bad thing to learn to do things better and a crisis is when you see what was broken.

Well....I know it's not exactly the same scenario, but it's not out of context either... As you note, the world changes and efforts to remedy one crisis are often times outdated by the time the next one arrives. The post 9/11 extreme knee-jerk response by the government may well be outdated by the time it got fully implemented, though it certainly restricted plenty of the things Americans came to expect prior to that crisis

This is the “Orange Man Bad” theory of causation, where everything bad is ultimately Trump’s fault, and the proponents of this theory evidently can’t understand why it has cost them their credibility. When journalists insist on interpreting every event from a partisan perspective — “How can we spin this to hurt Trump?”
Orange Man lies.
Have you noticed?
When you support a thin-skinned pathological liar whose room temperature IQ tells him to eliminate key elements of the NSC pandemic response team, ignores weeks of warning from his intelligence agencies, and labels the current pandemic the latest Democratic hoax, your only defense is spin

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"When: Friday, March 6
The claim: 'Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.'
The truth: The country’s testing capabilities are severely limited. Many states have experienced a lack of testing kits, as my colleagues Alexis Madrigal and Robinson Meyer have reported. Trump made this claim one day after his own vice president, Mike Pence, admitted that 'we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.'"
Trump must be doing REALLY bad if this racist OP is pulling out this old racist trope out the woodwork.

1.The re-built nation would, of course, be Utopia. But there is no hiding the truth….they mean to shatter and divide, cause death and chaos, and they know how to use it.

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’”
It appears someone was listening and doesn't intend to waste a good crisis:

AJO, Ariz. — Motels, mobile home camps and Airbnbs in this small Arizona border town are full up. Work crews stream into eateries for takeout orders. License plates on trucks parked outside the crowded laundromat come from as far away as Alaska.

Around the country, some states have cut back on construction activity to curb the spread of the coronavirus, and hotels and restaurants in many cities have closed. But here in Arizona, the federal government is embarking on a frenetic new phase of construction of the border wall.
The Trump administration contends that the wall will help prevent the spread of the virus into the United States from Mexico, though epidemiologists and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say such a barrier would not mitigate the outbreaks already occurring in every state.

The intensification of construction during the pandemic is raising fears among residents of Ajo, Ariz., and other nearby border communities that the growing influx of workers increases their risk of exposure. Some disease specialists in Arizona are warning that workers clustered in tight quarters along the border could spread the virus around the country when they return to their families.

“This administration’s priority is to get the wall done. The rest of us might as well be damned,” said Maria Singleton, 57, an Ajo resident who has documented in Facebook posts how wall construction is affecting the town — with traffic, noise, dust and, now, new worries about getting sick.
This is the “Orange Man Bad” theory of causation, where everything bad is ultimately Trump’s fault, and the proponents of this theory evidently can’t understand why it has cost them their credibility. When journalists insist on interpreting every event from a partisan perspective — “How can we spin this to hurt Trump?”
Orange Man lies.
Have you noticed?
When you support a thin-skinned pathological liar whose room temperature IQ tells him to eliminate key elements of the NSC pandemic response team, ignores weeks of warning from his intelligence agencies, and labels the current pandemic the latest Democratic hoax, your only defense is spin

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"When: Friday, March 6
The claim: 'Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.'
The truth: The country’s testing capabilities are severely limited. Many states have experienced a lack of testing kits, as my colleagues Alexis Madrigal and Robinson Meyer have reported. Trump made this claim one day after his own vice president, Mike Pence, admitted that 'we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.'"
Trump must be doing REALLY bad if this racist OP is pulling out this old racist trope out the woodwork.


Let’s begin with a challenge: aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency? If any Obama-voter can’t provide a cogent answer, it is proof of the charge that Liberals/Democrats use emotion rather than intellect in choosing a candidate. And the party knows how to use it: the only number greater than infinity is how often they used the term ‘racist.’ That's how they silenced any critiques.
what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?
His messages, Hope & Change, resonated with progressives and Democrats in much the same way that MAGA resonated with conservatives.


You based it on research of his many accomplishments, and achievements of course.

Perhaps you noted his support for infanticide before you made the selection.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





"Hope" for death and "change" from living, it seems.

You Leftists should heed the words of the greatest President in 100 years: "Trust, but verify."
what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?
His messages, Hope & Change, resonated with progressives and Democrats in much the same way that MAGA resonated with conservatives.

You based it on research of his many accomplishments, and achievements of course.
I don't know what country you're in but here in the US we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments' we elect them for the opposite reasons. We prefer outsiders with little or no political experience, we especially love famous movie or TV stars. We also don't really care what their policies are (Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’; Reagan legalized most illegal immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1982), we just want them to be bigger-than-life, confident, and someone we'd like to have a beer with.
what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?
His messages, Hope & Change, resonated with progressives and Democrats in much the same way that MAGA resonated with conservatives.

You based it on research of his many accomplishments, and achievements of course.
I don't know what country you're in but here in the US we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments' we elect them for the opposite reasons. We prefer outsiders with little or no political experience, we especially love famous movie or TV stars. We also don't really care what their policies are (Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’; Reagan legalized most illegal immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1982), we just want them to be bigger-than-life, confident, and someone we'd like to have a beer with.

"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."

I'm you search for the most inane comments to post, or do they just come naturally?
"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."

I'm you search for the most inane comments to post, or do they just come naturally?
Inane? Yes. Factual? Unfortunately, yes.

So, you imagine (I almost said 'think') that most voters are as stupid as you are?

"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."
You simply vote however the Democrat Party tells you to.
"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."

I'm you search for the most inane comments to post, or do they just come naturally?
Inane? Yes. Factual? Unfortunately, yes.

So, you imagine (I almost said 'think') that most voters are as stupid as you are?

"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."
You simply vote however the Democrat Party tells you to.
It's always obvious when you can't refute what I write because that's when I get the insults.

How many presidents have we elected whose policies were deeply unpopular?

Both in and out of office, Reagan was always well-liked by the American public -- based on ratings measuring the public's personal opinion rather than its assessment of his job performance. Between 1984 and 1988, Gallup consistently found more than 6 in 10 Americans holding a favorable view of Reagan, including a substantial 81% in October 1986. Even during the 1982 recession, when only about 4 in 10 Americans approved of the job Reagan was doing as president, 6 in 10 Americans rated him on the positive end of a 10-point rating scale.
"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."

I'm you search for the most inane comments to post, or do they just come naturally?
Inane? Yes. Factual? Unfortunately, yes.

So, you imagine (I almost said 'think') that most voters are as stupid as you are?

"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."
You simply vote however the Democrat Party tells you to.
It's always obvious when you can't refute what I write because that's when I get the insults.

How many presidents have we elected whose policies were deeply unpopular?

Both in and out of office, Reagan was always well-liked by the American public -- based on ratings measuring the public's personal opinion rather than its assessment of his job performance. Between 1984 and 1988, Gallup consistently found more than 6 in 10 Americans holding a favorable view of Reagan, including a substantial 81% in October 1986. Even during the 1982 recession, when only about 4 in 10 Americans approved of the job Reagan was doing as president, 6 in 10 Americans rated him on the positive end of a 10-point rating scale.


I simply proved you the fool that you are.

Different day, same result.
"So, you imagine (I almost said 'think') that most voters are as stupid as you are?

"...we don't elect our Presidents based on their 'accomplishments'..."
You simply vote however the Democrat Party tells you to."


I simply proved you the fool that you are.

Different day, same result.
verb: prove; 3rd person present: proves; past tense: proved; gerund or present participle: proving; past participle: proven
  1. 1.
    demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument.
You must have been out sick from school the day they explained what 'proved' meant so I thought I'd help you out. Please note, your opinions of me do not constitute evidence or argument.
This is the “Orange Man Bad” theory of causation, where everything bad is ultimately Trump’s fault, and the proponents of this theory evidently can’t understand why it has cost them their credibility. When journalists insist on interpreting every event from a partisan perspective — “How can we spin this to hurt Trump?”
Orange Man lies.
Have you noticed?
When you support a thin-skinned pathological liar whose room temperature IQ tells him to eliminate key elements of the NSC pandemic response team, ignores weeks of warning from his intelligence agencies, and labels the current pandemic the latest Democratic hoax, your only defense is spin

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"When: Friday, March 6
The claim: 'Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.'
The truth: The country’s testing capabilities are severely limited. Many states have experienced a lack of testing kits, as my colleagues Alexis Madrigal and Robinson Meyer have reported. Trump made this claim one day after his own vice president, Mike Pence, admitted that 'we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.'"
View attachment 317451
Wanna buy a bridge, Rube?:auiqs.jpg:

With this coronavirus calendar, even Donald Trump can't gaslight the problem away

"While the U.S. and South Korea each reported their first case on the same day in mid-January, South Korean officials went to work immediately developing a coronavirus test and then rolling out mass testing nationwide, testing an average of 10,000 citizens per day. Meanwhile in the U.S., patients in hot zones like Seattle are still waiting for tests."

The Recount
This is the “Orange Man Bad” theory of causation, where everything bad is ultimately Trump’s fault, and the proponents of this theory evidently can’t understand why it has cost them their credibility. When journalists insist on interpreting every event from a partisan perspective — “How can we spin this to hurt Trump?”
Orange Man lies.
Have you noticed?
When you support a thin-skinned pathological liar whose room temperature IQ tells him to eliminate key elements of the NSC pandemic response team, ignores weeks of warning from his intelligence agencies, and labels the current pandemic the latest Democratic hoax, your only defense is spin

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"When: Friday, March 6
The claim: 'Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.'
The truth: The country’s testing capabilities are severely limited. Many states have experienced a lack of testing kits, as my colleagues Alexis Madrigal and Robinson Meyer have reported. Trump made this claim one day after his own vice president, Mike Pence, admitted that 'we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.'"
View attachment 317451
Wanna buy a bridge, Rube?:auiqs.jpg:

With this coronavirus calendar, even Donald Trump can't gaslight the problem away

"While the U.S. and South Korea each reported their first case on the same day in mid-January, South Korean officials went to work immediately developing a coronavirus test and then rolling out mass testing nationwide, testing an average of 10,000 citizens per day. Meanwhile in the U.S., patients in hot zones like Seattle are still waiting for tests."

The Recount

I sure appreciate your praise of my homecountry.....

Here's the fact you don't know:

"United States is about 99 times bigger than South Korea."

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