They Get More Demanding Every Day


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Atheists Take Controversial Anti-Prayer Message to the Super Bowl - Stories by Billy Hallowell

American Atheists, a secular activist group, is sponsoring a new digital billboard outside New Jersey’s Metlife Stadium — the venue for this weekend’s Super Bowl. It pokes fun at prayer, specifically citing the “Hail Mary,” a popular Christian invocation.

You think gays are militant? I don't wonder if atheists aren't more so! Read more @ Atheists Take Controversial Anti-Prayer Message to the Super Bowl |
If G-d doesn't exist in any way shape or form, you shouldn't need to prove it. Similarly, if it does, that too shouldn't need proving. So I'm kinda perplexed at what atheist 'activists' are hoping to accomplish. I think it's more about being anti-given religions than convincing anyone there's no gods.
Don't worry...there will be alot of praying at the Superbowl

Dear God......let my team cover the spread
I cannot understand why Atheists do this.

OTOH I cannot understand why religious people put up billboards, either.

Frankly all these zealots make me nervous.
As an atheist, I find these type of billboards to be petty and unnecessary. If someone wants to believe...let them

I also object when Christians put up these billboards. If someone doesn't want to believe...leave them alone
let the billboarders have at it ... it's the Super Bowl - let the best one make the headlines and a trip to Hawaii.

If G-d doesn't exist in any way shape or form, you shouldn't need to prove it. Similarly, if it does, that too shouldn't need proving. So I'm kinda perplexed at what atheist 'activists' are hoping to accomplish. I think it's more about being anti-given religions than convincing anyone there's no gods.

Fear is the reason theists and atheists promote their ideas to the world. The Truth can't be seen because of the world that everyone thinks is real. They see the "tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL" and this causes confusion and fear. All you have to do is define good and evil to see that there's no Truth in either of these words. These words were meant to deceive God's people during this age.
If they want to waste money trying to convince people not to pray they have the right to. I think it's rather foolish and no amount of advertising will convince me not to pray. I have too much experience with prayer working to stop now.
You think gays are militant? I don't wonder if atheists aren't more so!

Of course they are. Gays know what they want, understand what it is, and how to get it. It just happens to be a non-standard form of behavior that much of society is still (understandably, I think) uncomfortable with.

Atheists realize on one level or another that they need something, but they have been taught and/or convinced themselves that they cannot admit to it. Their existential fear and frustration breeds impotent rage for which they seek ever-more disruptive outlets. They seem to think the attention that aggravating the vast majority of humanity brings will slake their thirst, but it cannot. The more they drink, the more thirsty they become. A progressively worsening, self-imposed condition.
Most atheists come from religious backgrounds and have been taught by our Creator that religion is false and so are there false gods. The true Creator chose all His prophets and saints and those who would listen to them ( believers ). Religious people think they made a decision to worship their gods but they had no choice in the matter. Our Creator chose their religious lives for them to deceive them from who they are within His mind.
Most atheists come from religious backgrounds and have been taught by our Creator that religion is false and so are there false gods. The true Creator chose all His prophets and saints and those who would listen to them ( believers ). Religious people think they made a decision to worship their gods but they had no choice in the matter. Our Creator chose their religious lives for them to deceive them from who they are within His mind.

I was raised in a religious background. Went to church every Sunday. By the time I was 12, it started to seem that what they were teaching didn't make sense. As a kid, I realized religion was no different than any of the other myths and fables I learned growing up
Atheism is just as extreme as any fundamental religion.

IMO the only reasonable position on the existence of a supreme being is agnosticism.

I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure
Clarence Darrow
Atheism is just as extreme as any fundamental religion.

IMO the only reasonable position on the existence of a supreme being is agnosticism.

I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure
Clarence Darrow

Is it still reasonable if you have a personal experience with God? Say God appears to you, is it still reasonable?
Atheism is just as extreme as any fundamental religion.

IMO the only reasonable position on the existence of a supreme being is agnosticism.

I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure
Clarence Darrow

Is it still reasonable if you have a personal experience with God? Say God appears to you, is it still reasonable?

If a deity ever appeared to me I would have to acknowledge its existence but if I could not show evidence of that existence other than what I perceived I would still be skeptical.
Most atheists come from religious backgrounds and have been taught by our Creator that religion is false and so are there false gods. The true Creator chose all His prophets and saints and those who would listen to them ( believers ). Religious people think they made a decision to worship their gods but they had no choice in the matter. Our Creator chose their religious lives for them to deceive them from who they are within His mind.

I was raised in a religious background. Went to church every Sunday. By the time I was 12, it started to seem that what they were teaching didn't make sense. As a kid, I realized religion was no different than any of the other myths and fables I learned growing up

reggie jackson is not a myth!!!

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