They beheaded that poor Korean...

Originally posted by coiler
Really...then how come you still can't show me any PROOF? Where are the actual frigging WEAPONS are. I don't want just more of your hysterical, right wing, unsubstantiated guesses! I don't want "evidence" that is based on circumstantial conclusions that someone else jumped to for lack of anything concrete.

Spare me the hollow rhetoric and FOX propaganda. I've heard it all before and it doesn't hold water.

By the way I'm getting the opinion you guys don't like dissenting opinions here. Is this like some club where you're just suppost to make each other feel good by saying what is politically correct?


Ok.....Lets bring a sledgehammer at this from another direction.


I want you to tell me plain and simple why the prisoners are being BEHEADED instead of shot, blown up, injected, or poisoned.

My bet is you can't.

Answer this, and we will go from there.
Originally posted by coiler
There you go again. Not playing by your own rules. How typically Republican. Where are your sources...your links citing examples of the shit Michael Moore simply throws out there hoping some of it will stick? Have you read any of his books. Are you speaking of just a few of his facts or are you damning evrything he says.

It appears to me that you just threw that last one out there hoping some of it would stick didn't you?

Thanks for the compliment. Michael Moore is awesome. If you don't have his books I would encourage you to get them.

Sounds like you're getting a bit rattled.

You are pathetic - now you resort to deflection. Everyone all day have repeatedly asked you for sources and back up yet you decline. Put up or shut up already.
Perhaps you should read some of the posts that are here instead of coming in blind. gave me a lot to do and I'm a busy man. But I am checking out your sources. Here's what I've found so far.

The newsmax link won't open.
The Debka link is little more than supermarket,tabloid junk full of references to "our intelligence sources" and "our most exclusive sources". The style is obviously sensationalistic in the same vein as "cocaine crazed sharks eat swimmers" and "nine year old girl gives birth to twelve year old boy". Come've got to do better than that.
We won't even talk about the FOX link.
The Guardian link won't open.

You can be sure I'll get around to looking at the others but so far you're batting zero. Maybe tommorrow's research will be better.
Originally posted by coiler gave me a lot to do and I'm a busy man. But I am checking out your sources. Here's what I've found so far.

The newsmax link won't open.
The Debka link is little more than supermarket,tabloid junk full of references to "our intelligence sources" and "our most exclusive sources". The style is obviously sensationalistic in the same vein as "cocaine crazed sharks eat swimmers" and "nine year old girl gives birth to twelve year old boy". Come've got to do better than that.
We won't even talk about the FOX link.
The Guardian link won't open.

You can be sure I'll get around to looking at the others but so far you're batting zero. Maybe tommorrow's research will be better.

Captain Autism:

Check out the credentials for Debka before showing your single digit IQ.

You still didn't answer my question, "busy man".

Coiler, you were asked politely to prove your points, you have failed thus far.

At least two moderators and many others have asked you to do this, and you have ignored them or responded with less than credible liberal sites.

Not going to cut it.

Answer all of the requests for backup with legitimate documentation. That would be an AP affiliate news agency or a U.S. Government website.

You have 24 hours.

I'd get busy, you have alot of research to do. You won't be able to answer many of the requests with legit backup, for those problems simply say, 'I couldn't find it / doesn't exist / was full of shit', you make the call.

Tick, Tock.
Originally posted by NightTrain

Coiler, you were asked politely to prove your points, you have failed thus far.

At least two moderators and many others have asked you to do this, and you have ignored them or responded with less than credible liberal sites.

Not going to cut it.

Answer all of the requests for backup with legitimate documentation. That would be an AP affiliate news agency or a U.S. Government website.

You have 24 hours.

I'd get busy, you have alot of research to do. You won't be able to answer many of the requests with legit backup, for those problems simply say, 'I couldn't find it / doesn't exist / was full of shit', you make the call.

Tick, Tock.

Hee hee, you beat me to it.
Originally posted by coiler gave me a lot to do and I'm a busy man. But I am checking out your sources. Here's what I've found so far.

The newsmax link won't open.
The Debka link is little more than supermarket,tabloid junk full of references to "our intelligence sources" and "our most exclusive sources". The style is obviously sensationalistic in the same vein as "cocaine crazed sharks eat swimmers" and "nine year old girl gives birth to twelve year old boy". Come've got to do better than that.
We won't even talk about the FOX link.
The Guardian link won't open.

You can be sure I'll get around to looking at the others but so far you're batting zero. Maybe tommorrow's research will be better.

Sorry. I cut and pasted from my other post but not from the actually text. Here are the links.
WMD's in Syria. Terrorist Plot to kill 80,000 foiled.
Debka announces before the war began that weapons were being shipped to Syria.,2933,109338,00.html
Al Queda training camps in Iraq.,779359,00.html
Liberal Newspaper concurs.
Terrorists from Syria received training in IRaq.
And some new information that has just recently come to light that shows a DIRECT LINK with Saddam and Al Queda on 9/11.
Reiterated in the Wall Street Journal.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge Fox? Fox is probably the only credible news source of the Majors now. Debka is an all Arab news group that was started over a decade ago and covers nothing but Arab news stories. They know their area. check out their "About Us" on their site.

Your definitely burying yourself in the eyes of this board. We don't accept opinions as fact here. We demand proof. We also don't dismiss sources (except for KKK, Nazi or sites) as being not credible because they disagree with our ideology. I see your stay here being short with your mindset.

Coiler, you were asked politely to prove your points, you have failed thus far.

At least two moderators and many others have asked you to do this, and you have ignored them or responded with less than credible liberal sites.

Not going to cut it.

Answer all of the requests for backup with legitimate documentation. That would be an AP affiliate news agency or a U.S. Government website.

You have 24 hours.

Good morning all. Don't you guys ever sleep?
Who says that AP affiliates and U.S. government websites are the only legitimate authorities? That's ridiculous and quite frankly a bit narrow minded. I suppose those would seem like legitimate sources if one approached research with their mind already made up and was only seeking to confirm their opinions. I usually access about thirty or fourty news sources a day. Some are left-some are right., some are American-some are foreign. Yes I read FOX news just to see what their slant on a thing is. I find I usually learn more from what they aren't saying than from what they do.

I disagree that FOX is one of the more credible sites
For more info on FOX read "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them-A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" by Al Franken. It's a great read and full of valuable endnotes and facts which are indisputable.

Kathianne-save yourself some time. You don't have to look up all of George W's pre-war speeches. Just find me ONE where he tells Americans that Saddam Hussein actually had nothing to do with 9-11. Bet ya can't. Maybe in leiu of that you can find me one FOX news story in which they tell Americans before the war that there was no Iraq-9/11 connection. The absence of this vital pre war information in the right wing media is a damn good start towards proving that there has been a major neoconservative conspiracy to decieve the American people into supporting our government's illegal actions in Iraq

When all is said and done the final words on 9-11, Iraq-Al Qaeda, and WMD are going to be written by the commissions investigating these things

It is not going to matter that certain people had ideologies that supported this president's childish version of logic

and his twisted illusions of grandeur and divine guidance.
I wonder how many other megalomaniacal tyrants throughout history have shared George Bush's sense of "calling"

All the proof in the world won't help you if your mind is not open to it.

I've got to go teach a class. I'll look forward to your replies.
I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me anyway---Groucho Marx
Coiler from your first post you have been all talk and no facts. Now you want me to prove one of your negatives:

Kathianne-save yourself some time. You don't have to look up all of George W's pre-war speeches. Just find me ONE where he tells Americans that Saddam Hussein actually had nothing to do with 9-11.

That is one excercise in futility I'll skip, thanks for the offer. Why is it that losers often come up with this type of argument or rather diversion?

I've got to go teach a class.
Please, lord, no!:rolleyes:

You still have not answered my question.

Could someone full of so much hot air REALLY know what they are talking about?

If so, you ought to know why our people, when they are captured, are BEHEADED as opposed to being shot, poisoned, blown up, or any thing else.

Answer the question or consider yourself publicly shown stupid beyond all hope.
Originally posted by NewGuy

You still have not answered my question.

Could someone full of so much hot air REALLY know what they are talking about?

If so, you ought to know why our people, when they are captured, are BEHEADED as opposed to being shot, poisoned, blown up, or any thing else.

Answer the question or consider yourself publicly shown stupid beyond all hope.

Ah, New Guy, I don't think he is ABLE to answer, not that he would have.
Originally posted by coiler

I've got to go teach a class. I'll look forward to your replies.

Reminds me of when Psycho"can you dig it?"Blues says that he was a former government official, or whatever, as if that gives his drunken ramblings more weight... :p:

This guy is obviously not a teacher, or he would be well-versed in citing sources, etc.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
I could care less what they cited as their reasons. They are the ones reaping what they sow for blowing up our embassies, the USS Cole, Flying planes into the world trade center, refusing to disarm. etc. [/B]

To follow your logic U.S. forces can do anything to anyone because of 9/11. We can torture, murder, rape, demean, bomb villages, shred the constitution, violate U.S. law, international law and the laws of human decency.

I don't buy it. The Cole and 9/11 are not an excuse for Americans to torture and/or murder anyone in a U.S. detention facility.

Also if you do pay attention, youd realize that they kidnapped the first beheading victim. Mr Berg. before the Prison nonstory started. So tell me, if they were already planning to behead Foriegners before anything about the prisons was known. then How in the world could the prison stories have anything to do with their beheading other than a convienent excuse?!?!?!?!?!?!?! [/B][/QUOTE]

Berg was neither the first nor will he be the last. Unfortunately. So you think because some freaks murdered Berg that the Arab world in particular, and civilized society in general, have not been enraged by the sadistic abuses that have taken place in U.S. detention facilities?

Only a fool could conclude that this "nonstory" as you put it has not endangered the U.S. military who for the most part are doing difficult, admirable, and honorable work to win the support of the Iraqi man and woman on the street and to bring about some stability in that country so the democratic process can move forward. This non-story puts Americans and our coalition partners in far greater risk. Apart for obvious self-interest, it is also morally repugnant.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
You are walking a fine line here Shit_for_a_mind! If you are so against America why bother being part of it?

It's a battle against terrorism you turd! stop whining for the bad guys!

Against America? To disagree with you is not unamerican. You are not America. You don't represent America. Real Americans do not fear open debate. As President Bush said:

In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution.

-- Feb. 22, 2002, Qinghus University, Beijing China.

As for the substance of the debate, I find myself in agreement with the U.S. military not you and the radical neo-cons at the White House.

From today's Washington Post:

"The dissents include three classified memos written in the spring of 2003 by senior military lawyers in the Air Force, Marine Corps Army, and a classified memo by the Navy's top civilian lawyer, Alberto J. Mora..."

"...The military lawyers, the official said, argued that coercive interrogation techniques rarely produce data as reliable as the intelligence gleamed by rewarding prisoners who cooperate--a view also expressed in the Army's field manual..."

"...They also said that tough procedures being advocated were subject to abuse that could haunt U.S. policy makers and B]endanger U.S. military personnel detained by other countries.[/B]

"...Lawyers for the Joint Chiefs of Staff raised similar concerns..."

The entire article is worth reading and available at the post website. I have the print edition so no link for ya.

Real Americans do not fear debate or condone torture. I don't know where you're from, but perhaps you should consider going back.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Asswipe - calling your own murderer's and rapist is about as unAmerican as one can get in my opinion, and I am sure I am not the only one who has that opinion!

YES, I am American through and through Red, White, & Blue!

Funny how you can quote Bush now! you are joke pal!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Asswipe - calling your own murderer's and rapist is about as unAmerican as one can get in my opinion, and I am sure I am not the only one who has that opinion!

YES, I am American through and through Red, White, & Blue!

Funny how you can quote Bush now! you are joke pal!

Sir Feable, just what do you keep between your ears? Americans are accused of rape and murder in U.S. courts every day by prosecutors elected by the American public. Unamerican my ass. Putting on a uniform does not exempt anyone. Only a nitwit would suggest that military prosecutors in the JAG office prosecuting U.S. soldiers for torture and murder are unpatriotic.

More to the point, the highest ranking officers in the military have concluded that torture in UNPRODUCTIVE in intelligence gathering, undermines military tradition and morale, ENANGERS U.S. FORCES, and compromises the mission.

Just what is hard to understand about that?

True, you may not be the only one who feels otherwise, but the last time I checked, this is still a nation that respects the rule of law. If you don't like it...MOVE!
Originally posted by st8_o_mind
Sir Feable, just what do you keep between your ears? Americans are accused of rape and murder in U.S. courts every day by prosecutors elected by the American public. Unamerican my ass. Putting on a uniform does not exempt anyone. Only a nitwit would suggest that military prosecutors in the JAG office prosecuting U.S. soldiers for torture and murder are unpatriotic.

More to the point, the highest ranking officers in the military have concluded that torture in UNPRODUCTIVE in intelligence gathering, undermines military tradition and morale, ENANGERS U.S. FORCES, and compromises the mission.

Just what is hard to understand about that?

True, you may not be the only one who feels otherwise, but the last time I checked, this is still a nation that respects the rule of law. If you don't like it...MOVE!

Same to you Kathianne.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
you are no good little bleeding heart liberal of the worse kind!

I think you should join Moore in his effort's, you sound much alike!

Either respond to the ISSUES or keep your fingers off the keyboard.

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