They beheaded that poor Korean...

Originally posted by HGROKIT
Hey there 'lil - question asked and not really answered. Back about I don't know, a bunch of posts. Here was his response:

"What claim do you need further back up on? I've supplied you with the numbers. You can access the Iraqi Body Count Project at".

It was obvious he was posting crap when he got all defensive about having to provide a source.

But we did search out and vet the sources. We can let that one go. I think those other questions are worthy of an answer though.

I also think he should be able to post what he wanted to this morning.
Originally posted by Kathianne
But we did search out and vet the sources. We can let that one go. I think those other questions are worthy of an answer though.

I also think he should be able to post what he wanted to this morning.

You are right, and I should be able ot post that it was crap especially when I provided source to prove it.
It's not polite to talk about people once they leave. While you guys are jumping up and down patting each other on the back in congratulations perhaps someone should point out how they've proven a single thing I've said wrong.

Typically people who believe they can refute the facts that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Qaeda terrorism

are people who just generally enjoy listening to themselves for the heck of it.

I find it odd that the same crowd that insists I provide evidence for my every claim are conspicuously silent on the absence of WMD proof. Don't you guys play by your own rules?
Originally posted by coiler
It's not polite to talk about people once they leave. While you guys are jumping up and down patting each other on the back in congratulations perhaps someone should point out how they've proven a single thing I've said wrong.

Typically people who believe they can refute the facts that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Qaeda terrorism

are people who just generally enjoy listening to themselves for the heck of it.

I find it odd that the same crowd that insists I provide evidence for my every claim are conspicuously silent on the absence of WMD proof. Don't you guys play by your own rules?

First off, your link won't open. We have discussed the WMD countless times, I will find you some links if you like. Normally if someone is new, they will try and follow what has been going on, though it was your choice to do it differently.

Let's see where things go from here.
Originally posted by coiler
It's not polite to talk about people once they leave.

Awwwwwwwww... did we hurt your poor wittle feewings? You poor thing, you.


Aren't you missing out on your circle-jerk at the DU website?
Care to elaborate on your brilliant conspiracy theory about the "story not adding up" and us being "force fed" or do you prefer to be Michael Moore Jr. and simply throw shit out there and hope some of it sticks.

There you go again. Not playing by your own rules. How typically Republican. Where are your sources...your links citing examples of the shit Michael Moore simply throws out there hoping some of it will stick? Have you read any of his books. Are you speaking of just a few of his facts or are you damning evrything he says.

It appears to me that you just threw that last one out there hoping some of it would stick didn't you?

Thanks for the compliment. Michael Moore is awesome. If you don't have his books I would encourage you to get them.

Sounds like you're getting a bit rattled.
Originally posted by coiler
At least these beheaded hostages are dying relatively quickly and humanely.

Originally posted by coiler
I think some people are taking my "humane beheading" statement a little too far.
When I mentioned dying by beheading versus dying by burning I was spoofing on semantics. My intent was to make the point that they both suck.

That is a load of crap! Of course they both suck, nothing like stating the obvious! Your intent read that the actions by terrorist were humane, where as casualties of war on the side of the enemy(you did not mention anything of coalition forces dying) were less humane. Go ahead try to spin your words, it still does not go over very well.
Beheading of South Korean Hostage Shown on Web Site
Wed Jun 23, 2004 06:21 PM ET

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Islamist Web site has posted a videotape of the beheading of the South Korean hostage killed by militants in Iraq.
Kim Sun-il, an Arabic-speaking translator, was executed on Tuesday by his captors after Seoul rejected demands for South Korea to stop contributing troops to U.S.-led forces in Iraq.

The tape shows heavily armed and masked men standing over a kneeling Kim, who was blindfolded and wearing an orange tunic.

One man read from a written statement while another in a black mask grabbed Kim, hurled him to the floor and severed his head with a sword.

The head was then placed on the body, which was later found by U.S. forces.

Text on the Web site read: "visual video of the execution of the Korean missionary in Iraq." Sections of news reports of Kim's execution were also posted on the site.

Kim was an evangelical Christian who had worked in Iraq for a year for a South Korean firm supplying the U.S. army.

The Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera aired some of the tape Tuesday, but did not broadcast the beheading.


I suppose broadcasting a beheading is humane as well? :rolleyes:
Sir Evil I know you say it is stating the obvious to say that both beheading and burning to death both suck but but I don't think you really believe it. If you do though check out
and you won't be surprised.

There is a conspiracy going on. Not only that we have a president who is setting a bad example to the world by showing open contempt for international law.
This is endangering our troops because it opens the door for world anarchy and abuses towards American prisoners.
You disgust me with your misguided, psuedo, so called support for our troops. With friends like you our troops don't really need enemies.

Those guys got beheaded because people like our President are sending the message that international law doesn't matter anymore.
Het Jerkweed-there is more at hand here than WMD's....

Really...then how come you still can't show me any PROOF? Where are the actual frigging WEAPONS are. I don't want just more of your hysterical, right wing, unsubstantiated guesses! I don't want "evidence" that is based on circumstantial conclusions that someone else jumped to for lack of anything concrete.

Spare me the hollow rhetoric and FOX propaganda. I've heard it all before and it doesn't hold water.

By the way I'm getting the opinion you guys don't like dissenting opinions here. Is this like some club where you're just suppost to make each other feel good by saying what is politically correct?

Originally posted by coiler
It's not polite to talk about people once they leave. While you guys are jumping up and down patting each other on the back in congratulations perhaps someone should point out how they've proven a single thing I've said wrong.

Typically people who believe they can refute the facts that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Qaeda terrorism

are people who just generally enjoy listening to themselves for the heck of it.

I find it odd that the same crowd that insists I provide evidence for my every claim are conspicuously silent on the absence of WMD proof. Don't you guys play by your own rules?

Perhaps you should read some of the posts that are here instead of just coming in blind.

Have some evidence on me.
WMD's in Syria. Terrorist Plot to kill 80,000 foiled.
Debka announces before the war began that weapons were being shipped to Syria.,2933,109338,00.html
Al Queda training camps in Iraq.,779359,00.html
Liberal Newspaper concurs.
Terrorists from Syria received training in IRaq.
And some new information that has just recently come to light that shows a DIRECT LINK with Saddam and Al Queda on 9/11.
Reiterated in the Wall Street Journal.

Digest that for a bit and get back to me.
Originally posted by menewa
However, these human rights groups are only allowed to get up close and personal with governments, such as ours, because we allow them to under the terms of the Geneva Convention. But these terrorists don't give a damn about the Geneva Conventions.

The White House has been unmistakenly clear that detainees captured in Afghanistan and Iraq are not subject to the Geneva Convention.

In addition, just last week it was reported that Rummy authorized hiding so-called "ghost prisoners" from the Red Cross and approved of their names not being entered into rolls kept of prisoners.

Moreover, the justice department provided legal cover to the White House when they determined that actions (such as torture) which are illegal under the terms of the convention, under U.S. civilian law, and under military law and tradition, would none-the-less be legal if the President ordered it in his capacity as commander in chief.

So much for the Geneva Convention. It is not just the terrorists that don't seem to give a damn.

Regarding the ranks of terrorists being decimated. I believe that it was Rummy that several months ago noted in a statement released to the press that terrorists in Iraq were growing faster than we could capture or kill them. The 500 plus deaths of U.S. soldiers not to mention the Iraqi's killed in terrorist attacks in the last few months make it difficult to conclude that Rummy is not right on the money in this regard.

Finally, I think the terrorists dressing up the Korean dude in an orange jumpsuit was a pretty obvious point. They are doing unto others and we have done unto them. Or to butcher another biblical script, we seem to be reaping what we have sown.
Originally posted by coiler
Really...then how come you still can't show me any PROOF? Where are the actual frigging WEAPONS are. I don't want just more of your hysterical, right wing, unsubstantiated guesses! I don't want "evidence" that is based on circumstantial conclusions that someone else jumped to for lack of anything concrete.

Spare me the hollow rhetoric and FOX propaganda. I've heard it all before and it doesn't hold water.

By the way I'm getting the opinion you guys don't like dissenting opinions here. Is this like some club where you're just suppost to make each other feel good by saying what is politically correct?


What they have found so far are sarin and mustard gas, not in great quantities.

But perhaps most telling of all is what has been found outside of Iraq:

Now, I have some things to do, then I'll find you GW's speeches that will put lie to your claim of what the threat claims were.

ta ta
Originally posted by Sir Evil
that claim has been misconstrude from day one by people like this. The reasons for this war are of multiple reasons, and I can agree with any single one of them. that is just my opinion though.

Exactly. Bush's State of the Union Speech, his speech to the UN, Colin Powell's testimony to UN all gave multiple reasons, including Saddam's torture and killings of his people.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Finally you are sounding just like the fool I constanly tell you that you are! there is no comparison in the two incidents, nothing makes what these animal have done just. Give it a break shit_for_a_mind!


Others who do read a newspaper might remind you that the terrorists who murdered the Raython worker (I chose the word murdered deliberately) specifically cited the abuses at U.S. detention facilities as a reason for taking and killing hostages which makes your statement that "there is no comparison in the two incidents" a tough sell. Not to mention the obvious intent when they dressed him in orange. If you can't add two and two, Sir Feable, that's not my problem.

Also, I never wrote anything to suggest that "what these animals have done [is] just." Not a single word.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind

Others who do read a newspaper might remind you that the terrorists who murdered the Raython worker (I chose the word murdered deliberately) specifically cited the abuses at U.S. detention facilities as a reason for taking and killing hostages which makes your statement that "there is no comparison in the two incidents" a tough sell. Not to mention the obvious intent when they dressed him in orange. If you can't add two and two, Sir Feable, that's not my problem.

Also, I never wrote anything to suggest that "what these animals have done [is] just." Not a single word.

Did it ever occur to you that they grabbed onto the prison scandal for the simple reason that it has been the #1 story for how long now? That is served as justification for something there is no justification for? Your moral relevance is insane.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
hey butt wipe - you just said what? "we seem to be reaping what we have sown." Hmmm, seems to me that you are the one trying to make a tough sell. :rolleyes:

Arg. I'll type slowly for ya. The statement you quoted does not imply, infer, nor suggest that the murders are therefore "just." Quite the contrary, torture and murder is just as bad when we do it as when they do it.
Originally posted by coiler
It's not polite to talk about people once they leave. While you guys are jumping up and down patting each other on the back in congratulations perhaps someone should point out how they've proven a single thing I've said wrong.

Typically people who believe they can refute the facts that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Qaeda terrorism

are people who just generally enjoy listening to themselves for the heck of it.

I find it odd that the same crowd that insists I provide evidence for my every claim are conspicuously silent on the absence of WMD proof. Don't you guys play by your own rules?

I find it odd that you make baseless assertions and expect people to refute them with evidence, while you do nothing to support them.

You were right about one thing. it doesnt matter if its getting its people getting their heads sawed off or dying under the rubble of burning buildings, either way its wrong and that is exactly why we have to make these terrorists extinct. We dont need another beheading or another 911.
Originally posted by st8_o_mind

Others who do read a newspaper might remind you that the terrorists who murdered the Raython worker (I chose the word murdered deliberately) specifically cited the abuses at U.S. detention facilities as a reason for taking and killing hostages which makes your statement that "there is no comparison in the two incidents" a tough sell. Not to mention the obvious intent when they dressed him in orange. If you can't add two and two, Sir Feable, that's not my problem.

Also, I never wrote anything to suggest that "what these animals have done [is] just." Not a single word.

I could care less what they cited as their reasons. They are the ones reaping what they sow for blowing up our embassies, the USS Cole, Flying planes into the world trade center, refusing to disarm. etc.

Also if you do pay attention, youd realize that they kidnapped the first beheading victim. Mr Berg. before the Prison nonstory started. So tell me, if they were already planning to behead Foriegners before anything about the prisons was known. then How in the world could the prison stories have anything to do with their beheading other than a convienent excuse?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Originally posted by coiler
Sir Evil I know you say it is stating the obvious to say that both beheading and burning to death both suck but but I don't think you really believe it.

Why are you addressing Sir Evil in response to my statement. Futhermore you have no idea what I believe and are in no position to claim so!

You disgust me with your misguided, psuedo, so called support for our troops. With friends like you our troops don't really need enemies.

Those guys got beheaded because people like our President are sending the message that international law doesn't matter anymore.

Show me where I have said anything about US troops and how it is misguided. Again you are making claims that have absolutely no merit.

Those sick bastards beheaded people because they are evil!

Moral equivalent sycophant bullshit doesn't float here!

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