They Are The Democrat Party

Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.

The American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.....who warned about your sort infecting the Democrat Party???

That guy????

It is the political activism itself that interests them, in that it makes them feel good about themselves for a number of reasons. The particular cause they fight for is relevant only insofar as different causes stroke different emotional needs (moral superiority, intellectual superiority, group acceptance, aversion to emotional trauma, etc).

Let’s take an easy example, same-sex marriage (I’ll come to many more examples later on). Liberals see themselves as fighting the “bigots†on behalf of the “oppressed†minorities, and they constantly compare the battle to the civil rights movement. It isn’t anywhere near, but they do it because it makes them feel important, which is also the reason why this is an issue at the national forefront today.

Liberals press the issue because it makes them feel important, and they support it because it makes them feel morally superior. Whether same-sex couples actually end up “marrying†or not is irrelevant (except to homosexual-leftists, to whom social acceptance is a great ego need), as are the consequences of that. It’s the battle itself that matters to liberals, and as soon as the issue is resolved, you can bet the farm that they’ll move onto something else.

As I said, liberalism is a psychology, not an ideology. And as such, it’s unreasonable to expect it to be limited to a person’s politics; it should show through to many different aspects of a person’s life, and it does. Liberals tend to dominate fields like academia, the news and entertainment media, and the legal professions, and they populate the elite social circles, all because they’re so concerned with their egos.

In academia, teachers and professors are revered as wise and accomplished, and they exercise almost absolute power over dozens to hundreds of students. People in the media are famous and seen as powerful, intelligent, charismatic, and accomplished. Lawyers have enormous power over people’s lives, and like celebrities are seen as intelligent, charismatic, and accomplished, and are also generally seen as moral people (by people who substitute law for morality). Judges are esteemed and seen as a source of wisdom and knowledge, and they too hold enormous power over people’s lives and are seen as moral in the same way lawyers are. I won’t even get into liberal politicians (yet).

Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
1.James Lee Burke, one of my favorite authors, writes this about alcoholics: “If you seriously commit yourself to alcohol, I mean full-bore, the way you take up a new religion, and join that great host of revelers who sing and lock arms as they bid farewell to all innocence in their lives, you quickly learn the rules of behavior in this exclusive fellowship whose dues are the most expensive in the world.”

Those dues, in fact may be the most expensive in material and status terms, but if we calculate the cost to one’s self-esteem, I say that being a Liberal, a Progressive, a Democrat voter, must cost even more because one must give up the right to think, to question, to have any opinion not authorized by party officials.

2. If you have any doubts about the truth of this cost-analysis, challenge a Liberal to defend what their party stands for: The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

My point is that trained and emasculated as they are, they don’t want to be described as standing for the above…..but are too cowardly to not continue supporting the savagery their party has become.

They cannot allow themselves to admit or address the truth, as they know what punishment they would receive from the mob, the herd, the woke cancel culture.

3. And they will vote for this disreputable conglomerate, even though it empowers Democrat politicians who openly hate this nation, and work toward its demise.

“IN THE 2018 MIDTERM elections, Democrats gained forty-one seats and took majority control of the House. Among the new seats, four went to a group of radicals calling themselves the “Squad.” These four far-left congresswomen immediately established themselves as the most aggressive, combative, and media-genic members of the Democratic conference. Two of the Squad members were outspoken pro- jihadist Muslims, one from Michigan, one from Minnesota, although all of them shared the same allegiances.

When Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar speak, they do not express the values of America’s Jeffersonian democracy, or the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Though Tlaib and Omar have sworn to “support and defend the Constitution,” it is clear that they are committed to tribal identity politics and a globalist rather than a national agenda. More ominously, their manifest allegiance is to terrorist forces and Islamist ideologies that are at war with America.”
David Horowitz, “Blitz”

4. This is the Democrat Party you support and advance when vote Democrat. They stand for the worst ideas, biases, hatred and they are welcomed in this current version of the party. It is not the party of John Kennedy or Daniel Patrick Moynihan… is the party of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, or Ocasio and of pro-Marxist Tom Perez.

The Democrat Party refuses to call out their ‘fresh, new faces’ for bias and bigoty….
Democrats’ refusal to call out Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitism is just appalling"

The Marxists, anti-Semites, America-haters and terrorist supporters aren’t the exceptions….

…they ARE the Democrat Party.

And they want your vote.
What makes this possible is the media and academia.

The media continually has and will in the future paint the GOP as the racists, the anti-Semites, etc. And academia will back them up as both have sold their collective souls to the Left long ago. The the price we now pay is all of the racism and anti-Semitism on the Left is virtually ignored. In fact, there is now a sense among people that a democrat is incapable of being racist or anti-Semitic, simply because of the big "D" by their name.

But the main problem is the love affair the press and academia has with Marxism when, in reality, Marxists are far more dangerous than neo-Nazis that the press and academia continuously refer to as being a danger to society. Marxism has murdered and oppressed far more people as Marxist lead governments all around the globe currently. As for neo-Nazis, they have no political power in the world today but they have not given up on their brand of national socialism that is useful to exploit in the press every chance they can.

Deeper than that, I believe.

They are such needy individuals that they dread standing up by themselves.

Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.
As corporations fall in line with George Soros and his corporate goons, it is kind of scary going up against them. You are faced with economic ruin if you do.

In fact, just look how they have all lined up behind BLM, an organization that is openly Marxist and to say anything bad against them is deemed racist and immediately censored.

These are Nazi like tactics and we all know who courage it took to stand up to the National Socialists.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
One was killed for saying it.

If you disagree with the BS slogan created to create Chaos before an election.............then YOUR LIFE NO LONGER MATTERS TO THEM.

BLM........BURN .............LOOT.............MURDER...........if you agree and kiss their feet they may let you live........bold as long as the police are there to protect's not the other way around.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
Trump says a lot of things. So what? So did he cause any of that to happen? Are people being oppressed politically by him like Obama used the IRS to target conservatives, or is it just all talk?
1.James Lee Burke, one of my favorite authors, writes this about alcoholics: “If you seriously commit yourself to alcohol, I mean full-bore, the way you take up a new religion, and join that great host of revelers who sing and lock arms as they bid farewell to all innocence in their lives, you quickly learn the rules of behavior in this exclusive fellowship whose dues are the most expensive in the world.”

Those dues, in fact may be the most expensive in material and status terms, but if we calculate the cost to one’s self-esteem, I say that being a Liberal, a Progressive, a Democrat voter, must cost even more because one must give up the right to think, to question, to have any opinion not authorized by party officials.

2. If you have any doubts about the truth of this cost-analysis, challenge a Liberal to defend what their party stands for: The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

My point is that trained and emasculated as they are, they don’t want to be described as standing for the above…..but are too cowardly to not continue supporting the savagery their party has become.

They cannot allow themselves to admit or address the truth, as they know what punishment they would receive from the mob, the herd, the woke cancel culture.

3. And they will vote for this disreputable conglomerate, even though it empowers Democrat politicians who openly hate this nation, and work toward its demise.

“IN THE 2018 MIDTERM elections, Democrats gained forty-one seats and took majority control of the House. Among the new seats, four went to a group of radicals calling themselves the “Squad.” These four far-left congresswomen immediately established themselves as the most aggressive, combative, and media-genic members of the Democratic conference. Two of the Squad members were outspoken pro- jihadist Muslims, one from Michigan, one from Minnesota, although all of them shared the same allegiances.

When Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar speak, they do not express the values of America’s Jeffersonian democracy, or the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Though Tlaib and Omar have sworn to “support and defend the Constitution,” it is clear that they are committed to tribal identity politics and a globalist rather than a national agenda. More ominously, their manifest allegiance is to terrorist forces and Islamist ideologies that are at war with America.”
David Horowitz, “Blitz”

4. This is the Democrat Party you support and advance when vote Democrat. They stand for the worst ideas, biases, hatred and they are welcomed in this current version of the party. It is not the party of John Kennedy or Daniel Patrick Moynihan… is the party of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, or Ocasio and of pro-Marxist Tom Perez.

The Democrat Party refuses to call out their ‘fresh, new faces’ for bias and bigoty….
Democrats’ refusal to call out Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitism is just appalling"

The Marxists, anti-Semites, America-haters and terrorist supporters aren’t the exceptions….

…they ARE the Democrat Party.

And they want your vote.
Why would someone's self-esteem suffer if they choose to be a Liberal? Maybe it's your self-esteem that suffers because you can't convince anyone to switch sides? Well, not to your side anyways. :biggrin:

Because your sort has had to give up the right to think or question your masters.

You, of course, are a perfect example.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
I agree with a lot of that bitch...........and we are entitled to our opinions...........

I think we should tattoo that moon butt of yours with a WARNING.........this poster emits toxic gases.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
Trump says a lot of things. So what? So did he cause any of that to happen? Are people being oppressed politically by him like Obama used the IRS to target conservatives, or is it just all talk?
Trump has used his office to suppress people. I am glad you could recognize that.
To better understand the cult of the DNC, look at Jim Jones

For those too young to remember, Jim Jones was a preacher turned Marxist. He was obsessed with racial equality and Marxism, so much so, he got booted from the church. He then left the "evil" US with his followers, and then proceeded to commit mass suicide by drinking cool aid.

What kills me is, we have a myriad of examples of how Marxism has failed humanity, yet they still are as convinced as ever that it is the answer to all their problems if only applied correctly.

I'm not an expert in rescuing people from cults, but that is what we are up against.
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
I agree with a lot of that bitch...........and we are entitled to our opinions...........

I think we should tattoo that moon butt of yours with a WARNING.........this poster emits toxic gases.
Who doesn't emit toxic gases ala politics?
Only Home Skool outcasts think there is a “Democrat Party”
Another day another dose of pseudo-intellectual rubbish. The use of “Democrat Party” was started by Joe McCarthy and has been used by McCarthyites like Political Chic (PC)and others since. It is fitting that PC uses McCarthyite language as she consistently uses McCarthyite tactics against her targets.

Her current topic are taking a few members of the Democratic Party and painting a broad brush to all members of the party. If anything the those Democrats she brings up, Omar and Rashid, have been pushed to the sidelines by the Democrats. PC then goes on to make outlandish assertions about Marxists without proof and just innuendo, just like any good McCarthyite.

PC’s modus operandi In all her threads is the argumentum ad verecundiam fallacy, otherwise known as the appeal to the authority fallacy. She posts quotes and says these people believe It so it must be true.

No, PC, your arguments are not true because you quote certain people who support your views.

It just makes you and them wrong.
And where does McCarthy live today? He lives in the Left as anyone who says "All Lives Matter" are now a racist and should and lose their jobs. In fact, some have been fired for saying it. McCarthy lives at ESPN as a reporter covering a tennis match with a black tennis player used the term "Guerilla tactics" when describing her play, but it was interpreted by a few as "Gorilla tactics" and deemed racist. Although the reported corrected the misinterpretation, and even though he had no prior history of racist speech, ESPN fired him. He then had a heart attack as he could not find other work being black balled.

Yes, the cancel culture has taken over McCarthism with the continued self righteous attitude of doing "good" as McCarthy once had, only, there is no opposition to the Left in the media and academia as their was McCarthy.

Scary stuff.
Trump's cancel culture that you love:

Here's the list in chronological order.
August 2012: Trump says Black journalist Touré, then a co-host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle," should be "forced to resign" for comments in which Touré uttered a variant of the N-word while arguing that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was using racially coded language to try to make President Barack Obama seem frightening. (Touré had apologized before Trump's demand.)
November 2012: Trump suggests the firing of then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews for saying, on the night of Obama's victory, that he was "so glad" Hurricane Sandy had occurred, because of its political impact. (Matthews had apologized before Trump's suggestion.)
December 2012: Trump calls for the firing of Vanity Fair magazine Editor Graydon Carter, with whom he had feuded for years, over what he declares the magazine's "worst ever issue."
December 2012: Trump says "Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage" because the whisky brand selected Michael Forbes, a farmer who refused to sell his land to make way for a Trump golf course, as "Top Scot" of the year.
March 2013: Trump says, "Everyone should cancel HBO until they fire low life dummy Bill Maher! Get going now and feel good about yourself!"
July 2013: Trump asks people to "boycott & cancel subscriptions" to Rolling Stone magazine because of a cover featuring Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
October 2013: Trump urges "everybody possible" to "cancel their subscription" to New York Magazine over an insulting tweet about Trump's marriage from Dan Amira, who was online editor at the time.
March 2014: After Trump is left off a CNBC list of the most influential business leaders, he says, "Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility."
May 2014: Trump calls for the firing of, or at least an apology from, the person at The Oklahoman newspaper who wrote a headline calling then-Oklahoma City Thunder NBA star Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable." (The newspaper had already apologized.)
June 2014: Trump says people should "Boycott Mexico" until a Marine reservist who was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns is released from prison. (He was released later in the year.)
April 2015: Trump suggests that conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, then a senior editor of National Review magazine, should be forced to resign for writing that Trump had been "tweeting like a 14-year-old girl" in response to another conservative writer calling Trump a clown. Trump also suggests Fox News anchor Bret Baier should stop having Goldberg on his show.
June 2015: When Spanish-language television network Univision severed its business relationship with Trump after his campaign launch speech, in which he labeled Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, Trump tweets, "Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision."
July 2015: Trump calls for a boycott of Macy's after Macy's discontinued its business dealings with him over those same comments about people from Mexico. Trump also tweets "Great" when someone tells him that people are canceling their Macy's credit cards.
August 2015: Trump calls for the firing of the late conservative writer and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer, a regular Trump critic.
September 2015: After National Review editor Rich Lowry argued on Fox News that rival Republican candidate Carly Fiorina had "cut off (Trump's) balls with the precision of a surgeon" in a primary debate, Trump says: "Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!" (Lowry responds, "I love how Mr. Anti-PC now wants the FCC to fine me. #pathetic.")
December 2015: Trump calls for the firing of then-CBS News journalist Sopan Deb and NBC/MSNBC journalist Katy Tur over reporting he disputed about how he handled protesters during a rally speech.
February 2016: Trump says people should "boycott all Apple products" until the company stops fighting a government request to break into the cell phone of a deceased California terrorist.
February 2016: Trump says Fox News should fire Republican strategist and commentator Karl Rove for being insufficiently positive about his victory in the Nevada caucuses.
February 2016: Trump calls on the Wall Street Journal to fire its editorial board, which had criticized him, and its pollster, which showed results he didn't like.
March 2016: Trump proposes a boycott of Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, complaining that it is too negative toward him.
September 2016: After the Dallas Morning News and Arizona Republic newspapers endorse Hillary Clinton for president and USA Today declares Trump unfit for the office, Trump says, "The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!"
September 2017: Trump tweets that NFL players and other athletes who don't stand for the National Anthem should be told, "YOU'RE FIRED." He says in another tweet, "Fire or suspend!" And at a rally, he says, "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he's fired, he's fired.' "
October 2017: Suggesting he could use the power of the state against media entities he dislikes, Trump muses about challenging the broadcast licenses of NBC and other networks over their news coverage. (He again broached the subject of reviewing NBC's license in September 2018.)
November 2017: Trump calls for a boycott of CNN.
August 2018: Trump tweets, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors."
June 2019: Trump suggests people stop "using or subscribing" to AT&T to pressure the company to make changes at CNN, which it owns.
September 2019: Trump suggests that actress Debra Messing should be fired for calling on a news outlet to publish the names of people attending a Trump fundraiser and for a tweet promoting a church sign that said "a black vote for Trump is mental illness." (Messing had apologized for the tweet about the church sign.)
January 2020: Trump says The New York Times should fire columnist Paul Krugman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for having incorrectly predicted a global recession after Trump's victory in 2016.
May 2020: The day after Twitter appended a fact check link to dishonest Trump claims about mail-in voting, Trump threatens to shut down social media companies: "Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen."
May 2020: Trump seeks the firing of Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," for the show playing a misleadingly shortened clip of comments by Attorney General William Barr. (Todd apologized, saying it was an inadvertent mistake.) Again broaching the power of the state, Trump tags the accounts of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates television, and its chairman, Ajit Pai.
Trump says a lot of things. So what? So did he cause any of that to happen? Are people being oppressed politically by him like Obama used the IRS to target conservatives, or is it just all talk?
Trump has used his office to suppress people. I am glad you could recognize that.

I heard Trump once say we should round up all the guns as well. Yet I don't recall him going after them which is why gun activists support him.

Again, when has he used his power to suppress people? Is freedom of speech suppression?
Dems. can't solve problems because they have a hard time thinking. That's why their campaign has been limited to running against Trump. The chaos, poverty and destruction their members are causing with their riots in Democrat run cities is not making Americans happy. Wanting to disband police and release violent criminals from prison is another asshole idea of Democrats. Their stupidity is what forces them to run against Trump and not on any reasonable platform. They don't have one. Their ideas scare 90% of Americans and the other 10% are either figuring on being one of the leaders of the totalitarian state they propose or they're imbecilic nincompoops and ignoramuses. Do yourself and our country a favor and reject Democrat communism on Nov 3..
To better understand the cult of the DNC, look at Jim Jones

For those too young to remember, Jim Jones was a preacher turned Marxist. He was obsessed with racial equality and Marxism, so much so, he got booted from the church. He then left the "evil" US with his followers, and then proceeded to commit mass suicide by drinking cool aid.

What kills me is, we have a myriad of examples of how Marxism has failed humanity, yet they still are as convinced as ever that it is the answer to all their problems if only applied correctly.

I'm not an expert in rescuing people from cults, but that is what we are up against.
Jim was a religious Marxist? My how far from Marxism can you go to try to make someone guilty of what they are not?

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