There's no value to a fetus...or a baby..we should kill both with impunity...

Fat cells don't have the ability to think, babies do. Fat cells don't know that they are in exsistence because they don't have a brain, baby's do. Fat cells don't scream from pain, babies do.
Fat cells don't have the ability to think, babies do. Fat cells don't know that they are in exsistence because they don't have a brain, baby's do. Fat cells don't scream from pain, babies do.

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.
Fat cells don't have the ability to think, babies do. Fat cells don't know that they are in exsistence because they don't have a brain, baby's do. Fat cells don't scream from pain, babies do.

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.

A human fetus will naturally grow into a fully developed baby.

A lump of fat cells or any other type of cells won't develope into anything.
Fat cells don't have the ability to think, babies do. Fat cells don't know that they are in exsistence because they don't have a brain, baby's do. Fat cells don't scream from pain, babies do.

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.

A human fetus will naturally grow into a fully developed baby.

A lump of fat cells or any other type of cells won't develope into anything.

Develop is the key word...

A fetus is not a baby. Removing cells that are NOT developed is not removing a baby.

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.

A human fetus will naturally grow into a fully developed baby.

A lump of fat cells or any other type of cells won't develope into anything.

Develop is the key word...

A fetus is not a baby. Removing cells that are NOT developed is not removing a baby.
"baby" simply refers to the stage of development. We develop throughout our lives, from conception to death. Stages of development in a human are embryo, fetus, baby, child, adult, senior (or elder).
Remember, biologists refer to embryos as babies. You can boo hoo about that all you want, it doesn't change anything.

(human biology) Baby in the early developmental stage, after the zygote phase (at fertilization) to week eight from the time of fertilization (note: week eight from the time of fertilization is equivalent to 10 weeks gestational age)

Embryo - definition from
Fat cells don't have the ability to think, babies do. Fat cells don't know that they are in exsistence because they don't have a brain, baby's do. Fat cells don't scream from pain, babies do.

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.

A fetus has been show to suck it's thumb,cry, respond to stimuli,and most importantly has a brain. Now last time I checked your fat cells didn't have independent thought from the rest of your body, a fetus,no matter how primative, does.

Note Brain activity "show" week 4-5 that we know of. But who knows exactly when it actually starts as we can only measure what we have the capability of detecting within our Knowlege. For all we know a basic form of brain function starts at conception. Your not killing unthinking tissue your killing a living human. If an Amoeba is classified as a single cell organism/animal why are human babies, whose thought capacity is much more developed than a basic life form, classified as a living animal/organism?

Fetus/Embryo:Embryo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Week 4–5
Chemicals produced by the embryo stop the woman's menstrual cycle. Neurogenesis is underway, showing brain activity at about the 6th week.[3] The heart will begin to beat around the same time. Limb buds appear where the arms and legs will grow later. Organogenesis begins. The head represents about one half of the embryo's axial length, and more than half of the embryo's mass. The brain develops into five areas. Tissue formation occurs that develops into the vertebra and some other bones. The heart starts to beat and blood starts to flow.

Structure of an amoeba: unicellular animal with pseudopods that lives in fresh or saltwater.
Pseudopodium: part of the amoeba used for locomotion.
Ectoplasm: vitreous superficial layer of an amoeba.
Endoplasm: central part of an amoeba.
Cell membrane: membrane covering an amoeba.
Contractile vacuole: cavity of the amoeba that is able to contract.
Food vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion.
Nucleus: central organelle for an amoeba.
Digestive vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion.

Organism:Organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In biology, an organism is any contiguous living system (such as animal, fungus, micro-organism, or plant). In at least some form, all organisms are capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, and maintenance of homeostasis as a stable whole.
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A human fetus will naturally grow into a fully developed baby.

A lump of fat cells or any other type of cells won't develope into anything.

Develop is the key word...

A fetus is not a baby. Removing cells that are NOT developed is not removing a baby.
"baby" simply refers to the stage of development. We develop throughout our lives, from conception to death. Stages of development in a human are embryo, fetus, baby, child, adult, senior (or elder).
Remember, biologists refer to embryos as babies. You can boo hoo about that all you want, it doesn't change anything.

(human biology) Baby in the early developmental stage, after the zygote phase (at fertilization) to week eight from the time of fertilization (note: week eight from the time of fertilization is equivalent to 10 weeks gestational age)

Embryo - definition from

We have been over this in how many threads KG?

We agree to disagree.

There's six billion of us.

I doubt we'll miss the few that don't make it down the chute.

I'm sure you won't.

You also wouldn't miss the blacks in the south who would get lynched if we allowed human rights to be violated just because "we won't miss them".

That doesn't mean we should allow it.
Develop is the key word...

A fetus is not a baby. Removing cells that are NOT developed is not removing a baby.
"baby" simply refers to the stage of development. We develop throughout our lives, from conception to death. Stages of development in a human are embryo, fetus, baby, child, adult, senior (or elder).
Remember, biologists refer to embryos as babies. You can boo hoo about that all you want, it doesn't change anything.

(human biology) Baby in the early developmental stage, after the zygote phase (at fertilization) to week eight from the time of fertilization (note: week eight from the time of fertilization is equivalent to 10 weeks gestational age)

Embryo - definition from

We have been over this in how many threads KG?

We agree to disagree.


In this instance you're disagreeing with biology online.."the answer to all your biology questions" lol...

Sure babies do. A fetus is not a baby.

A human fetus will naturally grow into a fully developed baby.

A lump of fat cells or any other type of cells won't develope into anything.

Develop is the key word...

A fetus is not a baby. Removing cells that are NOT developed is not removing a baby.

Yes it is, its an unborn baby.

A newborn baby still needs to develop and be taken care of, so using that as the sole arguement that it isn't "developed" is utter nonesense.

All you're doing now is trying to justify your despicable belief that it is A-OK to kill an unborn human being.
How many times must this be posted?

Humans beget humans. From the moment of fertilization what grows inside a pregnant woman is a human being. It can't be anything else, it doesn't 'become more human' or 'develop into a human' at some point because it is a human from the get go. Does it go through developmental stages? Of course, but being in a less developed stage does not make it less human. Is it a 'stand alone life'? At some point, yes but even when it isn't -- cannot be removed from the uterus and live because it has not reached that developmental stage yet -- does not make it a 'lesser human' or 'not quite a human' or 'just a lump of tissue' or whatever term you want to call it. Get a grip.

All this dancing around 'when life begins' or 'when an embryo or fetus becomes a human being' is nothing but bullshit dodgeball. If you're ok with abortion, fine. But being ok with abortion means you are ok with killing/destroying/ending the life of another human being in its earliest stage. At least admit what it is that you're ok with.

As to the OP? Hitlerish describes it to a T. Makes me sick to my stomach.

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