There Isn’t A Single State Where A federal Ban On Abortion Polls Higher Than 30%

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

If you are going to spout BS at least be accurate and fair. You spouting BS is just makes you look dumber than we all already think.


Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Actually, it might end up as a winning issue for the Dems. Hopefully, this will activate women who don't want to live in a Taliban state.

There are def going to be two Americas. One forward-looking America lets women have control over their bodies and the other is a virtual Taliban state that hates gays, women, minorities etc.
Six weeks, seriously--that is pretty much a ban. And hell, why stop at six, why not two. That would pretty much end the practice totally, just buy up all the Takeda stock you can get your hands on.
So "pretty much a ban" is now your argument?
Good job.
Actually I stand with 70%

Your reply now clearly shows where you stand.

And if it isn’t with the 70%, that kind of narrows it down, doesn’t it
So here is my poll in the same vein as the Dimmer poll.....
Who believes murder is a right guaranteed by the Constitution?
See how fake numbers can be obtained???

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Nobody is pushing for a federal ban on abortions, you disingenuous, duplicitous, lying asshole.
If you had bothered to read the article you would have noted that it states "A federal abortion ban could restrict the procedure as early as six weeks into a pregnancy,"
You would then have come to the realization that that at IS NOT a "ban".
Yes it is. I think maybe you need to go read up on pregnancy. That's about the earliest a woman discovers she is pregnant.
Leftists need to stop withheld Truth Commission bullshit. If RVW is overturned abortions will not be banned. Abortions will still be available.

Overturning RVW removes abortion control from the jurisdiction of the federal govt and puts the governance/decisions back into the hands of the states where it Constitutionally belongs. That's all.

What states decide to do with their Constitutional authority is then up to the people of the states.

Again, overturning RVW does not equate to abortion banning.
Meanwhile Catholicism-embracing Hispanics are fleeing the abortion-promoting Democrat Party in droves...

Face it, killing babies is no longer the vote-getting money-maker it once was for liberal extremists, and people are tired of being dictated to by the liberal-controlled federal govt.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Yeah, but leftists are stupid, same with your leftist polls, you guys lead by emotions by the handles of idiots. There isn't a risk of a federal ban on abortions, your poll is a fucking lie.

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