There Is No Such Thing As Gay "PRIDE"

You haven't been accused of being a homo for criticizing homos yet? Wow.
I have now. In the first post of this thread. Funny how they make it an accusation, yet it is supposed to be a good thing (so THEY say).
Yeah. It is funny and look forward to a daily dose of it. They all do it. Bunch of mindless drones parroting the same lines.
What can gays be proud of?

Being good spouses, being good parents, serving their country, being good citizens

Just like any other American can be proud
What can gays be proud of?

Being good spouses, being good parents, serving their country, being good citizens

Just like any other American can be proud
So what does them being homosexual have to do with any of that? Not a damn thing. There's nothing special about being a faggot, like I said.

Now you are getting the idea

Gays are capable of ALL those things so there is no reason for you having excluded them
Buttholes do not naturally lubricate for sex, they have mucus membranes for helping to push your crap out. You could really mess your woman's anus up practicing sodomy. I love my wife, I don't want to hurt her.

So I sure as hell wouldn't sodomize her, F&B.

Not to mention I do not have the desire to do so.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.
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About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL
Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
HA HA. So this a new gay deflection tactic. Accuse the gay-basher of being gay himself ? Oh yeah, you're really going to get far with that one, aren't you ?

There is a good deal of literature which suggests homophobia is a facade for those who are gay curious, or those who engaged in homosexual acts and hate themselves for enjoying it.

Denial to protect your image is one thing, denial to oneself leads to psychological injury.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL
The vast majority of those of us who oppose normalizing homosexuality in the eyes of society were taught that homosexuality is not acceptable or healthy by their parents, most are religious...but not all. Plenty of atheists oppose homosexuality. I oppose it on both religious and secular grounds. There is nothing beneficial to society to normalizing it. There is plenty of detriment to society coming from it being normalized.
Its really that simple. Don't know why homos and their allies just can't imagine people could have rationale and logically sound reasons to oppose it.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

Why? Why fear or hate someone you don't know, who is not a threat to your person or your property?
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

Why? Why fear or hate someone you don't know, who is not a threat to your person or your property?
I don't fear them, I oppose the normalization of homosexuality and teaching children its just fine. Its not just fine. They are over 60x more likely to die of AIDS and get sexually transmitted diseases, they have an outrageously high suicide rate, sodomy of any kind is not healthy...and that's just some of my secular reasons to oppose its normalization.

I also oppose it on religious grounds.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, posting an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all proof necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

what are you talking about? OBVIOUSLY there have been cases where people who are scraming and shouting about gays are in fact gay themselves. NO ONE said otherwise.

But it is almost guaranteed that when you say something about gays some idiot liberal will scream that you must be in the closet which as you point out is pretty fucking rare to be the case, so rare in fact that it isn't even worth discussing let alone worth claiming that EVERY person who dislikes gays must be in the closet, as so many idiotic liberals do.

THAT is what is stupid.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
Because that would hurt the false politically driven claim that they are born that way.

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