"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic

So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:

I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently

Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.
1st post
Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

I saw every one of those accounts and I then heard the conservative talking heads inculcate their base with their objections to them. Obama spoke his mind and I respect that. White presidents haven't been as forthcoming about domestic issues. They preferred to let the cops handle those matters until one Black man threatened to put police brutality on a world stage. Thanks MLK.

Obama didn't handle those situations wrongly in the minds of many Americans, just some of them. Can you guess who?
In fact his handling of those racial incidents reflected a departure from the indifference marking past administrations. But Gates was no thug, he was Obama's peer and colleague. I wouldn't have gone public with my feelings but I'm not Obama.

Liberal narrative of white racism? Is the liberal narrative of White racism any different than ay other narrative of White racism? Is that the narrative that begot the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Is that the narrative that was the impetus behind Martin Luther King's strategy? That liberal narrative seems based on factual evidence to me. There is plenty of documentation to back it up. Obama just has the backbone to articulate what past presidents would not or could not. The legacy of the Black struggle in America is inextricably tied to White racism and you know it. Let's not pretend it isn't so!

Obama could have rose above all the bullshit and used himself as an example. Racism doesn't hold anybody down in this country

You show one picture of a very talented black man to support your sophistry.

The statement I made preceding yours stands. The Americans who put him in office TWICE expected him to be true to himself and all who lost fortunes ,rights, and civil liberties under the warmongering Draconian Republicoids.

Obama had a chance to move the country forward on this issue and he failed miserably. He handled every single incident involving race the wrong way. From him saying the police acted stupidly to If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon to him talking about years of police brutality. The problem with Obama is, the liberal naririve of white racism is not grounded in reality and facts, but they keep pushing their bullshit, no matter how much this really hurts the black community. If Obama actually told the truth to the black community, who knows how many black people he could inspire. But instead of tell the truth he tells them white racism is the problem. There's no difference between him and Sharpton.

I saw every one of those accounts and I then heard the conservative talking heads inculcate their base with their objections to them. Obama spoke his mind and I respect that. White presidents haven't been as forthcoming about domestic issues. They preferred to let the cops handle those matters until one Black man threatened to put police brutality on a world stage. Thanks MLK.

Obama didn't handle those situations wrongly in the minds of many Americans, just some of them. Can you guess who?
In fact his handling of those racial incidents reflected a departure from the indifference marking past administrations. But Gates was no thug, he was Obama's peer and colleague. I wouldn't have gone public with my feelings but I'm not Obama.

Liberal narrative of white racism? Is the liberal narrative of White racism any different than ay other narrative of White racism? Is that the narrative that begot the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Is that the narrative that was the impetus behind Martin Luther King's strategy? That liberal narrative seems based on factual evidence to me. There is plenty of documentation to back it up. Obama just has the backbone to articulate what past presidents would not or could not. The legacy of the Black struggle in America is inextricably tied to White racism and you know it. Let's not pretend it isn't so!

Obama could have rose above all the bullshit and used himself as an example. Racism doesn't hold anybody down in this country

You show one picture of a very talented black man to support your sophistry.

The statement I made preceding yours stands. The Americans who put him in office TWICE expected him to be true to himself and all who lost fortunes ,rights, and civil liberties under the warmongering Draconian Republicoids.

Are the Jews plannng to beat him up too?
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.

Right because we know right after the civil war everything changed and there was no racism. It just magically vanished. Nobody since has been discriminated against for fair housing, voting, getting a job, targeted by the police, face harsher penalties when convicted of crimes, none of that ever happened, right?
The OP is referring to the racial divide in America and why Obama did more to further it than help it.

I think his presidency has exposed a simmering undercurrent of Racism and/or Prejudiced in America. I don't think it is so much specifically about the president, any Black Democrat would have induced the same vitriolic responses from the nutters.

What will future generations think about the way he was treated?
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama
What should he have done differently?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.

Right because we know right after the civil war everything changed and there was no racism. It just magically vanished. Nobody since has been discriminated against for fair housing, voting, getting a job, targeted by the police, face harsher penalties when convicted of crimes, none of that ever happened, right?
The OP is referring to the racial divide in America and why Obama did more to further it than help it.

I think his presidency has exposed a simmering undercurrent of Racism and/or Prejudiced in America. I don't think it is so much specifically about the president, any Black Democrat would have induced the same vitriolic responses from the nutters.

What will future generations think about the way he was treated?
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama
How? Give concrete examples you Jewish racist.

see so much more race baiting from your teaper and Jew ilk than anything else.
5th post
I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic

So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:

I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently

Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???
I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic
So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:
I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently
Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???
What was anti-semetic? The truth? Did the jews not beat he hell out of an iDF soldier because he was black. Are the Israelites denying black Jews entry into Israel because they are black.

Truth is truth. I will defend Israel against the terrorists in a second...but I would rather their racists ways make them implode.
When the obastard is gone the next president should systematically undo every single thing he did including the perversion of the DOJ.
I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
Instead he chose the truth, and many Whites hate the truth.

The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic
So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:
I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently
Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???

The guys got Jews on the brain:cuckoo:
I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
The truth is you can actually do something in this country and we are blessed to be part of it. You don't have to stay impoverished we are not stuck in a bad situation that's the truth, To tell people they cant and make excuses for why they cant is pathetic
So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:
I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently
Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???

The guys got Jews on the brain:cuckoo:
The truth is coming to light. Jews that spew hate like you in the US....Jews in Israel attacking black DF soldiers....the Jews, lke you, will burn in hell like the Catholics for perverting the Word of God.
10th post
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.
Be specific. Was Johnson out of line? Was he a race baiter. What about MLK?
I don't see how Obama can be construed as racially divisive. What has he said that is racially divisive?
So, you DO agree with the op AND Obama! Gee,I knew it...:lol: :dig:
I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently
Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???

The guys got Jews on the brain:cuckoo:
The truth is coming to light. Jews that spew hate like you in the US....Jews in Israel attacking black DF soldiers....the Jews, lke you, will burn in hell like the Catholics for perverting the Word of God.

Anti-Semitic???? Nahhhhhh !!!! What was I thinking???

The sad part is you don't see it in yourself -
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.
Be specific. Was Johnson out of line? Was he a race baiter. What about MLK?

Your lack of familiarity with political history is legendary.

Johnson? You mean the one who said, at the signing of the Voting Rights Act, said "This will have the ******* voting Democrat for 200 years." That the one?
I believe Mr Nutz did a remarkable job picking his USMB nickname.
How about you TRY to answer the questions..or simply admit you are a racist who blames Obama for everythingbecause he is a negro.
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.
Be specific. Was Johnson out of line? Was he a race baiter. What about MLK?

Your lack of familiarity with political history is legendary.

Johnson? You mean the one who said, at the signing of the Voting Rights Act, said "This will have the ******* voting Democrat for 200 years." That the one?
Actually, he didn't say that. It is a teaper lie.

But when he sent federal troops into the South...was he a race baiter? When he used the DOJ to nvestigate hate crimes...did that make him a race baiter...a racist?
I agree with Obama in that 2004 speech. Does Obama agree with what he said there? I think not. Neither do you apparently
Just call him a n1ger and get it over with. You pussy teaper Jews and your fear of embracing your hate is pathetic.

Maybe you can go beat up an Ethiopian IDF soldier...Jews seem to like attacking black people.

An anti-Semitic post to fight racism????

Anybody else see the irony???

The guys got Jews on the brain:cuckoo:
The truth is coming to light. Jews that spew hate like you in the US....Jews in Israel attacking black DF soldiers....the Jews, lke you, will burn in hell like the Catholics for perverting the Word of God.

Anti-Semitic???? Nahhhhhh !!!! What was I thinking???

The sad part is you don't see it in yourself -
Give me an example...link to my supposed anti-semitism.
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.
Be specific. Was Johnson out of line? Was he a race baiter. What about MLK?

Your lack of familiarity with political history is legendary.

Johnson? You mean the one who said, at the signing of the Voting Rights Act, said "This will have the ******* voting Democrat for 200 years." That the one?
Actually, he didn't say that. It is a teaper lie.

But when he sent federal troops into the South...was he a race baiter? When he used the DOJ to nvestigate hate crimes...did that make him a race baiter...a racist?
Actions taken for political expediency no more reveal the soul of a man than does his posts on USMB.

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