There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States

Clearly Democrats are trying to destroy this country. They are like Xi, sick of having opposition and ready to go to any length to destroy it. The most perplexing part to me are leftists who obviously enjoy having the money and the freedom of being an American and are completely going along with destroying us. When they win, they will have no more freedom than we do. I really don't think they get that
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
Uh huh.
That’s called psychosis when you absolutely know something to be true that is not real. :cuckoo:
So I'll put you down as a "No" vote on being proud to be an American

Does being "proud to be an American", imply "my country, right or wrong"? I ask because that's not a healthy form of pride or patriotism.
That’s it?
More Conservative drivel

Too many brown people at the border
Most Americans support more gun control measures
We have the strongest military in the world right now, it does not need to get bigger
I guess our 11 currently active aircraft carrier groups to China’s 2 is not enough for them to feel safe. :dunno:
So you subscribe to the German Nazi version of "my country right or wrong". Where your patriotism strips you of your humanity and critical thinking, reducing you to a mindless, demonic drone.
It's call gaslighting when you allow yourself to be manipulated by Democrat Disinformation and Propaganda. :spinner:
The only threat of late on democracy was jan 6th with the attempted overthrow of our democracy and country, you traitors are a joke. and the insane part , it was done for a mental cripple in Trump. These right wingers are total scum.
So you subscribe to the German Nazi version of "my country right or wrong". Where your patriotism strips you of your humanity and critical thinking, reducing you to a mindless, demonic drone.

Yes, that's what I meant, that being proud of American means I think America is perfect and that we aren't perfect is synonymous with believing we are Nazis.

My friend, come over and have a seat and hold my hands. I have to tell you something, it's hard, but I'll help you through it. Dude, you're really, really stupid. I mean massively stupid. There there, be strong, there there ...

Thanks for the laugh! At your expense, still ...
Yes, that's what I meant, that being proud of American means I think America is perfect and that we aren't perfect is synonymous with believing we are Nazis.

My friend, come over and have a seat and hold my hands. I have to tell you something, it's hard, but I'll help you through it. Dude, you're really, really stupid. I mean massively stupid. There there, be strong, there there ...

Thanks for the laugh! At your expense, still ...

You need to improve your reading comprehension skills because I clearly didn't say that if we're not perfect, we're Nazis. What I did say, is that if you equate "being a proud American" or being a patriot, with ignoring when our government commits an immoral or unjust, even a criminal act, failing to call it out and condemn it, then you're not really a patriot. To do otherwise and go along with "the program" is a slippery slope into Nazism. A true patriot places principles before soil or allegiance to a government.

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