There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States

When Russia invaded Ukraine, our President resisted the temptation to deploy our military to solve another nations problems. Something past President failed to do in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Our military is in good hands
What pronoun do they use for those hands? The military is in sorry shape. Stop lying.
Left wing diversions blah blah blah. Illegal immigrants are coming from 150 different countries, it's not about skin color. Our military is essentially a race car being driven by a 5 year old. Gun control Puleeez.

Coming in un-vetted. Many unscrupulous characters embedded into surrenders or undetected with bad intentions. Some are beginning to kill rape and maim. We already had unprovoked Black mayhem.
When Russia invaded Ukraine, our President resisted the temptation to deploy our military to solve another nations problems. Something past President failed to do in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Our military is in good hands
Sure, good hands with LIMP wrists. The army will soon be known as the pansy parade.
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.
What a cartoon character. We will just play with your ass on one point , they are all stupid, but we will just look at the first stupid remark. This is a chance to show the world just how stupid you are, Tell us how the republicans can make Biden do anything about the border. The only people that are a problem are the people asking for asylum. The rest are being sent back. You are going to look like a idiot. Because just by the question I know you have no clue what you are talking about, Total stupidity is the best description I can think of , OK ace give it your best shot. . Here let me practice my answer on you "God You are a dumb Fuck , you have no clue what you are talking about. " That was just practice.
What a cartoon character. We will just play with your ass on one point , they are all stupid, but we will just look at the first stupid remark. This is a chance to show the world just how stupid you are, Tell us how the republicans can make Biden do anything about the border. The only people that are a problem are the people asking for asylum. The rest are being sent back. You are going to look like a idiot. Because just by the question I know you have no clue what you are talking about, Total stupidity is the best description I can think of , OK ace give it your best shot. . Here let me practice my answer on you "God You are a dumb Fuck , you have no clue what you are talking about. " That was just practice.

Practice for yourself.
The only war that was honorable in my lifetime was the 2nd world war , in fact of the 240 wars we have been in If you got caught up in 237 of them you were used and screwed for some corporate bottom line. There are three of the 240 wars that were necessary , to protect our democracy and freedom. The rest made you cannon fodder.
There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden and the Democrats are intentionally destroying the United States. Republicans control the purse strings and should have FORCED Biden to close the border, and to keep his BLABBERING mouth zipped over Gun Control, upgrade the military in preparation for any possibility of a war with China, etc. This is as serious as it gets - they should have shut down this Progressive Government until Biden caved.

They are, they have and they do.

But reaping and sowing--some call it karma--is coming for them fast and furious.
Nice try Comrade….

Our President realized how weak Russia really is and that Ukraine could kick their ass with a little support
If he realized it at all it was after the fact. If he realized there was weakness why didn't he support Ukraine BEFORE weak-ass Russia invaded? Just like in Afganastan the fool running this country is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Ukraine. FJB
If he realized it at all it was after the fact. If he realized there was weakness why didn't he support Ukraine BEFORE weak-ass Russia invaded? Just like in Afganastan the fool running this country is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Ukraine. FJB
Yeah, Pootin is innocent of any mischief.
While I dislike Biden and think the war he created in the Ukraine risks nuclear disaster, being against gun control and for a stronger military, is contradictory.
The point of being against gun control is because obviously at some point we will have to fight the military once again, in order to return to a republic.
The military is always the greatest risk any republic ever faces.
External invasion is always far less likely.
And clearly our military has always been lying to us and starting illegal wars.
It was the US military that violated all the Native American treaties, for manifest destiny.
It was the US military that illegally invaded Mexico twice.
The Spanish American war was a lie.
WWI put us on the side of the assassins and illegal invaders.
WWII was due to our failings in the Treaty of Versailles.
Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc. were all illegal and immoral.
Biden did not create that war. Putin did.

The US military has never started a war legal or illegal. They go to war when ordered to not on their own initiative you moron.
The Us military LEGALL invade mexico. It was the government which violated the treasties with natives.

WW1 put us on the moral side against tyranny.

WWII was due to the japanese and germans not due to the treay of versailles.

All those wars you mention were legal and all were MORAL

Fighting against communist expansion ( korea vietnam grenada ) is always moral
Progressivism isn't really the correct word....they are regressives.....they want to take us back to a time of a ruling class of lords, and serfs......with limited food, healthcare, energy......where our life options are limited and strictly controlled by isn't progressive, it is regressive....
I understand, but I’m using the historical term that these people attached to…Remember Hillary saying that she considered herself an “early progressive”…

in any case, whatever label these people wish to use, it all boils down to centralized government vs. a free nation…Freedom will win, it has to.
The only war that was honorable in my lifetime was the 2nd world war , in fact of the 240 wars we have been in If you got caught up in 237 of them you were used and screwed for some corporate bottom line. There are three of the 240 wars that were necessary , to protect our democracy and freedom. The rest made you cannon fodder.
Oh gheeze….Boring arguments are just that. Boring.
Only a damn fool would argue that Biden is without blame because Putin is a dictatorial war criminal. Biden is responsible for Biden, quit trying to defend the INDEFENSIBLE.

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