There is a growing ‘madness right across the world’


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon

How much longer can the good people of the USA and the rest of the world allow this madness to spread and become normalized in every aspect of their lives? One cannot wear a necktie because now it is a phallic symbol of white male hierarchical supremacy? Fathers aren't to be called fathers any longer? Mother's can no longer breastfeed? They must "chest" feed?

What has become clear beyond a doubt is that the radical Left, on a global scale, is out to effeminize boys and men and defeminize women and girls. Nearly every last traditional organization dedicated to celebrating the differences between men and women, boys and girls and promoting these differences in healthy, ancient ways has been destroyed. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are prime examples.

If we, as in all of use everywhere, continue to stand idly by with our mouths hanging open in shocked surprise and disgust while this juggernaut of radical leftist anti-human madness deepens, spreads and takes over our cultures and societies, mankind will fall into permanent ruination. Perhaps it is already too late. Let us hope it's not.
In Lexington Va., they changed the focus of the once venerable VMI (Va. Military Academy) to soften it's historic role in the Civil War. VMI is now just another liberal arts college in uniform. The Stonewall Jackson Cemetery has been changed to Lexington cemetery and the radicals are working to change the name of Washington & Lee University and Law School to something less controversial. I imagine the crazies are tearing down statues of the Founding Fathers in the Northeast.

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