There has never been more massive gaslighting than what The Swamp is doing over voter fraud


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
Wrong, turd. They didn't even look at the evidence. What they made clear is that they are corrupt political hacks or spineless cowards.
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)

Take your pills, Bro
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

It's why Cum-ala has yet to resign her Senate seat. There's probably already a bunch of traitors in Gitmo
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes

Trump began 2019 with the lowest average approval rating of any president in 72 years. That is a whole damn generation. And he won in a landslide? That certainly defies reality.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes
Do you have any evidence to support the veracity of any of the statements you are making? Or are you just farting in the wind?
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.
The length you are going to ignore the facts is comical. And insulting people who believe what they have seen with their own eyes is stupid.

If you were honest you would admit the election was stolen and you are all for our corrupt establishment stealing it. You people are dishonest and disingenuous. Intolerant and racist. Fascists with brown shirts. Known as BLM and Anti-Fa.
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
We've already heard all your lies.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes
Do you have any evidence to support the veracity of any of the statements you are making? Or are you just farting in the wind?

Far more evidence that the Steele Dossier ever had
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes
Do you have any evidence to support the veracity of any of the statements you are making? Or are you just farting in the wind?

Evidence, I didn't think anyone did that here.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump (

Trump has the worst approval rating of any president in 72 years (

Trump ends 1st year with lowest average approval rating (

Trump Was Never Very Popular, But How Will Americans View Him (And Biden) Now? | FiveThirtyEight
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting.

Sorry, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly who you are describing, them or you.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Case closed:

The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

How stupid can you get? The OP claimed that Trump supporters "know in their hearts that Trump won by a landslide". I mean that is absolutely comical. The country has been divided throughout Trump's term. His approval ratings have flirted with historical lows, like Truman level lows. For his entire term his approval ratings pretty much mirrored Jimmy Carter's. Carter was defeated by a landslide. If you believe, first, that Trump won by a landslide, and second, that the fraud was so massive that it eclipsed that landslide victory. If you ignore the reality, that no president with approval ratings as low as Trump's average throughout his term has ever been re-elected. If you believe that the whole damn world, from every single media outlet with any reputation, almost every single Republican, and courts at all levels with even Trump appointed judges, are all conspiring to keep Trump from his rightful place as the president elect to take office in January, then I will submit that you are certifiably CRAZY. The level of delusional paranoia it takes to believe that shit is dangerous, to yourself, and to the people around you. Please, seek help.

Trump won in a landslide. When the Dominion cheat is reversed he will have won the most votes ever while CCP Joe will be lucky to have 50MM real votes
Do you have any evidence to support the veracity of any of the statements you are making? Or are you just farting in the wind?

Evidence, I didn't think anyone did that here.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump (

Trump has the worst approval rating of any president in 72 years (

Trump ends 1st year with lowest average approval rating (

Trump Was Never Very Popular, But How Will Americans View Him (And Biden) Now? | FiveThirtyEight
Fake news.

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