The Yazidis: A Faith Without A Future?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On the morning of October 7, Tahseen, his mother Kochar and a dozen siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles stuff themselves and several bags of belongings into taxis and head up into the hills of Iraqi Kurdistan. They call the drivers to a stop just after passing an oil refinery and spill out into a makeshift parking lot lined with juice stalls and kebab stands at the mouth of the Lalish valley.

From there, the three conical spires over the tomb of Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir, the founder of their religion, Yazidism, are just visible over the trees. So they take off their shoes, as every visitor to Lalish—the faith’s holiest site—must, and add them to the bags. They then join the hundreds of pilgrims carrying blankets, food, gas cookers and small children up toward the valley’s end, ready to celebrate Cemaiya, the seven-day-long Feast of the Assembly.

It's an interesting read.
So what? One less religion in the world is a good thing.

I was glad to see this one disband...


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