The world is sinking into the darkness of covid fascism!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A Must-Be-Read for anyone who wants to know about Scamdemic-1984 situation in Russia.
I guess the same situation is around almost any country of the former Christian World.

Translation from Russian

The picture:

'Cops' lead the enslaved people to the building 'Vaccination', behind are crematoriums

This is a text for those who understand everything, but have doubts.
If, watching the installation of cameras in the Moscow subway to pay "by the face," you get the idea that this will be used not only for convenience, but also for the most terrible purposes, including political persecution - don't you think.
If, watching the introduction of vaccination passports and related restrictions in Russia, it occurs to you that the entire restrictive infrastructure will be used for the most terrible purposes - don't you think.
If reading the news that Latvia has banned even vaccinated people from going out after 8 p.m. without a good reason, you don't think it has anything to do with fighting the epidemic - you don't.

If reading the news about Austria banning unvaccinated people from leaving the house at any time without a valid reason makes you think that this has nothing to do with fighting the epidemic and is the real fascism - you don't think so.
If reading the news that in almost all of Europe unvaccinated people are not allowed to enter any place except grocery stores (and in some countries, even gas stations) makes you think that this has nothing to do with fighting the epidemic - you don't think so.
If looking at the incidence statistics in Sweden, where there are no measures, not even masks to wear, you feel even more cheated, and these measures have nothing to do with fighting the epidemic - you don't think so.
When dealing with the state, you should always proceed not from the declared goal, but from the possible.
There was fertile ground for unprecedented destruction of rights and freedoms of citizens: corresponding interests of nomenclature, political will, sufficient support of some states on the part of citizens.
Only one element was missing: a pretext that enough people would believe in.
Which would have enough defenders - useful idiots who would support cannibalistic measures.
And there is no conspiracy theory here, just that the interests of the nomenklatura are about the same regardless of the country. And if you think there is a big difference between the aims and methods of the nomenklatura in Russia and the West, it is not so.
And if the division of people into classes is met with considerable outrage on social networks, it is severely suppressed on the street.
The batons, tear gas, and water cannons used in Europe to disperse protests every weekend are, after all, very healthy for citizens.
They will use the pretext of an epidemic because it benefits them, both financially and politically, until people in every country do something to oppose it.
The vaccine reduces personal risks (get vaccinated, it's much safer than the virus), but they will endlessly lie that it helps fight the epidemic as a whole by regularly revoking vaccination passports and forcing booster shots.
If you understand what is going on, you are the resistance.
It will take a long time to get the freedoms back on track.
In some countries it will be easier, in others, like in Russia, only with a change of government.
Explain to your friends and acquaintances: all these vaccination passports, all these restrictions and infrastructure have nothing to do with the fight against the epidemic.
Explain that states never voluntarily give up the tools of entrenchment. They may temporarily loosen restrictions, but they will necessarily use the infrastructure to restrict rights and freedoms over and over again, and not just for their declared purposes.

2. The Chinese ramovirus is with us for a long time. We need to acknowledge that and move on with our lives.

It is a fake disease. This story should go into the PR textbooks as one of the most botched operations in history, with tragic consequences.
Demand that states treat sick people well instead of making house arrests, destroying businesses, and creating infrastructure for social ratings.

3. realize that people can only become freer by minimizing states and the range of functions they perform.

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The Part # 2

The sudden aggravation of the situation around QR-codes has undoubtedly created the information occasion of the last week. In fact, all other news against this background retreated into the second and third plan, which is absolutely justified: in its importance what is happening is beyond "normal", if, of course, it is possible to consider the man-made nightmare of the last two years normal.
Initially, it seemed that the aggravation would begin later, after winter. There is still at least a "fifth wave" ahead of us which should show the final "exhalation" of all the administrative efforts of the Putin regime.

The dynamics if the collapse of administrative resources are quite indicative - almost a month and a half of restrictions in the first "wave," almost a month in the second wave, two weeks in the third wave, with obvious restrictions in Moscow and several other cities, and, finally, a completely pale "fourth" wave that was barely and very formally drawn out in a week.
Given such dynamics, the "fifth wave" should have been completely zero, after which the Kremlin would have been forced to solve the problem: either to switch to a rollback and declare that the disease is defeated (fortunately, the experience of "victories" is enormous - the war in Syria does not think about ending, but three times at the highest level the victory was declared), or to reject all politeness and move to direct violence through coercive measures.
But we did not wait for the "fifth wave". All the more so, since it is just now that some extremely unpleasant information has surfaced for the Putin regime: people who have been vaccinated also become sick. And they are even dying.
So far, this information is being fought with the "Hintsburg method" by declaring all the dead vaccinated people to be criminals who forged or bought fake vaccination certificates, but, obviously, this argument will not last long, and there is an even more unpleasant story ahead with the revaccinations. The expiration date is expiring, and we need to force not only "refuseniks", but also those who have undergone the procedure.
Moreover, revaccinations must be carried out at least at the same pace, otherwise the total number of "eligible" people will start to decrease.
The solution was found through total coding of the population. And here begins the most unpleasant for the ruling elite.
Fast break of the habitual way of life is not an easy thing. The population suddenly felt itself as free citizens and starts to snap back. By all polls about 80, and even 90% of the population (that is, including vaccinated) have a negative attitude to such an idea.
Compulsory introduction of coding is possible, but there are questions with execution and implementation. A local revolt will be suppressed by anti-vaccinationists, but what to do with widespread discontent, boycott and protest in various forms, including acute ones?

There is no good solution left. Of course, our shabby leader can always crawl out of his basement and mumble that "he is for the people, so let us not rush..." Which, of course, will not prevent him from crawling out again in six months and asking for "a sympathetic ear.
That would not go over well with the Kremlin, because it would demonstrate weakness and fear of the people, and terror is when people fear you, not you. The option - any price - also becomes doubtful, because there may not be enough resources to "crush". And there won't be enough, let's be honest. Putin's regime is moribund, and such efforts are simply contraindicated to it.
That is why there is no good solution.
How this story will develop will become clear before the New Year. We can't drag this out for long. And it won't.

* * *

More than a half of Russians (51%) think that QR-codes should be given not only to those who have been vaccinated or have officially had COVID-19, but also to those whose tests have shown that their organism has enough antibodies to coronavirus. Such conclusion was made by the experts of SuperJob service as a result of the survey (available from RBC).
How you ask a question, and so it will be answered - this is the main rule of any polls and referendums. The wording is the key to a correct answer.
Considering the fact that about 80 percent of citizens are against the introduction of QR codes in general, the results of SuperJob poll suggests that the "right" questions were asked in advance suggesting the main result - creating the impression that the population warmly approves, but they have a little refinement.
I think that the pause that Putin's Reichstag had to take for the adoption of the law on QR codes will be filled by fierce pressure on people with the sole purpose of convincing them that any resistance is futile, and the codes will be introduced regardless of their attitude. So we must accept reality and take our places in the barracks and in the queues for food. The barbed wire will not be removed, the towers with machine guns will not be removed, and the crematorium chimney is the only way out of the camp.

If you understand what is going on, you are the resistance.

I understand the premise , which empires , kingdoms, governments right on back to tribal human existence has repetitively subscribed to Baron

I understand the premise , which empires , kingdoms, governments right on back to tribal human existence has repetitively subscribed to Baron


The 'vaccine' doesn't work


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