The Winningest Leader Of All Time


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Bismarck? One of the Caesars? Reagan?
Nay, nay. My vote goes to the one who has led us, America, to this moment, this point in our journey through history…..and the guy isn’t even American.
He’s the one who influenced Franklin Roosevelt to turn America to the Left, and whose views and agenda are forefront in directing the Democrat Party.

Joseph ‘Koba’ Stalin.

2. Just one episode in geopolitical generalship will make my choice the most intelligent, successful, insidious individuals ever to walk the earth.
And the central actor in this passion play is not Leon Trotsky, born today, but Stalin’s premier spy, who died on this day:
Richard Sorge, (born October 4, 1895, Baku, Russia [now in Azerbaijan]—died November 7, 1944, Tokyo, Japan), German press correspondent who headed a successful Soviet espionage ring in Tokyo during World War II.

3. Let’s begin with the most noted truth in geopolitics: “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”
Lord Palmerston

Machiavelli was a piker compared to Joseph Stalin.

Soviet plans for world domination go back to the early years of the 20th century, but when Stalin took over in 1922, he was able to consolidate total power after Lenin's death in 1924. He had active espionage cells in nations throughout the world. Including Japan. After Japan's conquest of Manchuria in 1931–32, Moscow feared that Japanese aggression might turn toward the Soviet Far East. "
The Spy Who Saved the Soviets

4. Richard Sorge was Stalin's master spy in Japan...."a half-Russian, half-German Soviet spy... so successfully ingratiated himself with the German diplomatic community in Japan that he was allowed to work out of the German embassy, giving him access to confidential files. At the same time, he also befriended Japanese government officials, attempting to convince them not to go to war with the Soviet Union."
Soviet master spy is hanged by the Japanese - Nov 07 1944 -

5." Amongst the myriad twists and turns and subplots of World War II was the amazing efficiency with which Soviet agents in the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere around the globe coordinated to steer the imperial Japanese government away from an attack on the Soviet Union – a multi-year effort that resulted in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.....

Stalin controlled the foreign policy of Imperial Japan.....
.....and did the same with American policy during WWII.
The ease with which Stalin manipulated Franklin Roosevelt resulted in the neo-Marxism that permeates our society today.

That makes the homicidal psychopath Joseph Stalin the winningest leader evah!!!!
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"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world": it was George Washington's Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."

I remember reading Ike and Stalin were actually buddies- the Dulles brothers started the "communist" scare.

To the OT- the one who has the most followers-
"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world": it was George Washington's Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."

I remember reading Ike and Stalin were actually buddies- the Dulles brothers started the "communist" scare.

To the OT- the one who has the most followers-

Ike was a soldier, good at taking orders.

When Stalin told FDR to attack via Normandy so that his Red Army could occupy all of Eastern Europe, Roosevelt said "Yes Sir!!!"
Eisenhower wanted the obvious attack up through Italy.....but when FDR offered him another star.....

1. As to the question of Eisenhower's preference in attacking Fortress Europa, he stated in 1948: "My own recommendation, then as always, was that no operation should be taken in the Mediterranean except as a directly supporting move for the Channel attack and our planned deployment [of troops out of Italy] should proceed with all possible speed." Eisenhower, "Crusade in Europe," p.198-200

a. But, in 1943, before he was offered another star:
"Italy was the correct place in which to deploy our main forces and the objective should be the Valle of the PO. In no other area could we so well threaten the whole German structure including France, the Balkans and the Reich itself. Here also our air would be closer to vital objectives in Germany."
FRUS: The conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p.359-361
That report was published in "Foreign Relations of the United States" in 1961

Eisenhower's statement was to an audience in November 26, 1943....

" In December 1943, it was announced that Eisenhower would be Supreme Allied Commander in Europe." Military career of Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He received his fifth star December 20, 1944....four days after Marshall received his.

Stalin was in control of our forces and military planning.
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I know this is supposed to be just another idiot thread for bashing FDR, the greatest American President of all, followed by LBJ, whose policies led directly to the collapse of the Soviet Union, but as for Generals that would probably be Genghis Khan:

My personal favorite would be Alexander, simply because of his age and his relatively small army. Outside of my personal favorites, of Course Napoleon would be the 'official' Number one best, and I can live with that easily.

This Top Ten list isn't bad either:

This list at least has the sense to put Qin Shi Huang in the Top Ten, though its other choices are suspect outsid eof Alexander and Napoleon:

Ike was a soldier, good at taking orders.
And EVERY politician since at least 1913 (time line is debatable) but I did say, at least, has "taken orders"- just not from those who elected them as they are supposed to do.
I know this is supposed to be just another idiot thread for bashing FDR, the greatest American President of all, followed by LBJ

great: of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.
of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average.
I know this is supposed to be just another idiot thread for bashing FDR, the greatest American President of all, followed by LBJ, whose policies led directly to the collapse of the Soviet Union, but as for Generals that would probably be Genghis Khan:

My personal favorite would be Alexander, simply because of his age and his relatively small army. Outside of my personal favorites, of Course Napoleon would be the 'official' Number one best, and I can live with that easily.

This Top Ten list isn't bad either:

This list at least has the sense to put Qin Shi Huang in the Top Ten, though its other choices are suspect outsid eof Alexander and Napoleon:

The only "idiots" around are those who doubt anything I post.

Everything I post is 100% true, accurate and correct......

Due to his resentment and jealousy of successful businessmen, Roosevelt easily fell into Stalin's orbit.

After all.....if one hates capitalism.......Bolshevism fits.
1. Bismarck? One of the Caesars? Reagan?
Nay, nay. My vote goes to the one who has led us, America, to this moment, this point in our journey through history…..and the guy isn’t even American.

Oh, noes, more of PC's Home School History! Complete with crazy number points.

Stalin is a complex figure....but historians need to be objective... you clearly aren't.
6. In need of natural resources to become the global empire to which they aspired, Japan had it’s eyes on Stalin’s Russia.
Always thinking two moves ahead of everyone else, Stalin knew his ally, Hitler, would attack him for the same natural resources… he set his spy network to work to move Japan to attack a different power…..America.

Under Stalin's auspices, Sorge worked to direct Japan against America.
And he was successful.
...Richard Sorge was arrested in Tokyo in 1941 by the Japanese police, he had just informed Soviet dictator Josef Stalin that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor. Thus was the culmination of a years-long operation directed by the Soviet Union wherein the ultimate weapon was influence(there's that word again).

The Sorge spy ring achieved success in steering Japan away from its previously considered plan to attack the Soviet Union, and instead to turn its fire on another target which turned out to be the United States."
The role of Soviet agents in the Pearl Harbor attack

Why would Stalin have wished this outcome?

a. Japan would not attack the Soviet Union

b. By attacking the United States, it would ensure that Roosevelt would ally with Stalin when it came time to put Hitler in his place.

Stalin had no problem with the average intellect, Roosevelt, who welcomed Stalin's spies into his administration.
1. Bismarck? One of the Caesars? Reagan?
Nay, nay. My vote goes to the one who has led us, America, to this moment, this point in our journey through history…..and the guy isn’t even American.
He’s the one who influenced Franklin Roosevelt to turn America to the Left, and whose views and agenda are forefront in directing the Democrat Party.

Joseph ‘Koba’ Stalin.

2. Just one episode in geopolitical generalship will make my choice the most intelligent, successful, insidious individuals ever to walk the earth.
And the central actor in this passion play is not Leon Trotsky, born today, but Stalin’s premier spy, who died on this day:
Richard Sorge, (born October 4, 1895, Baku, Russia [now in Azerbaijan]—died November 7, 1944, Tokyo, Japan), German press correspondent who headed a successful Soviet espionage ring in Tokyo during World War II.
View attachment 412519

3. Let’s begin with the most noted truth in geopolitics: “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”
Lord Palmerston

Machiavelli was a piker compared to Joseph Stalin.

Soviet plans for world domination go back to the early years of the 20th century, but when Stalin took over in 1922, he was able to consolidate total power after Lenin's death in 1924. He had active espionage cells in nations throughout the world. Including Japan. After Japan's conquest of Manchuria in 1931–32, Moscow feared that Japanese aggression might turn toward the Soviet Far East. "
The Spy Who Saved the Soviets

4. Richard Sorge was Stalin's master spy in Japan...."a half-Russian, half-German Soviet spy... so successfully ingratiated himself with the German diplomatic community in Japan that he was allowed to work out of the German embassy, giving him access to confidential files. At the same time, he also befriended Japanese government officials, attempting to convince them not to go to war with the Soviet Union."
Soviet master spy is hanged by the Japanese - Nov 07 1944 -

5." Amongst the myriad twists and turns and subplots of World War II was the amazing efficiency with which Soviet agents in the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere around the globe coordinated to steer the imperial Japanese government away from an attack on the Soviet Union – a multi-year effort that resulted in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.....

Stalin controlled the foreign policy of Imperial Japan.....
.....and did the same with American policy during WWII.
The ease with which Stalin manipulated Franklin Roosevelt resulted in the neo-Marxism that permeates our society today.

That makes the homicidal psychopath Joseph Stalin the winningest leader evah!!!!
I'd vote for Gandhi. He united India and threw the British Empire out. Not bad and he is still revered as a good man, just the opposite of Stalin (at least outside of Russia).
1. Bismarck? One of the Caesars? Reagan?
Nay, nay. My vote goes to the one who has led us, America, to this moment, this point in our journey through history…..and the guy isn’t even American.
He’s the one who influenced Franklin Roosevelt to turn America to the Left, and whose views and agenda are forefront in directing the Democrat Party.

Joseph ‘Koba’ Stalin.

2. Just one episode in geopolitical generalship will make my choice the most intelligent, successful, insidious individuals ever to walk the earth.
And the central actor in this passion play is not Leon Trotsky, born today, but Stalin’s premier spy, who died on this day:
Richard Sorge, (born October 4, 1895, Baku, Russia [now in Azerbaijan]—died November 7, 1944, Tokyo, Japan), German press correspondent who headed a successful Soviet espionage ring in Tokyo during World War II.
View attachment 412519

3. Let’s begin with the most noted truth in geopolitics: “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”
Lord Palmerston

Machiavelli was a piker compared to Joseph Stalin.

Soviet plans for world domination go back to the early years of the 20th century, but when Stalin took over in 1922, he was able to consolidate total power after Lenin's death in 1924. He had active espionage cells in nations throughout the world. Including Japan. After Japan's conquest of Manchuria in 1931–32, Moscow feared that Japanese aggression might turn toward the Soviet Far East. "
The Spy Who Saved the Soviets

4. Richard Sorge was Stalin's master spy in Japan...."a half-Russian, half-German Soviet spy... so successfully ingratiated himself with the German diplomatic community in Japan that he was allowed to work out of the German embassy, giving him access to confidential files. At the same time, he also befriended Japanese government officials, attempting to convince them not to go to war with the Soviet Union."
Soviet master spy is hanged by the Japanese - Nov 07 1944 -

5." Amongst the myriad twists and turns and subplots of World War II was the amazing efficiency with which Soviet agents in the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere around the globe coordinated to steer the imperial Japanese government away from an attack on the Soviet Union – a multi-year effort that resulted in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.....

Stalin controlled the foreign policy of Imperial Japan.....
.....and did the same with American policy during WWII.
The ease with which Stalin manipulated Franklin Roosevelt resulted in the neo-Marxism that permeates our society today.

That makes the homicidal psychopath Joseph Stalin the winningest leader evah!!!!
I'd vote for Gandhi. He united India and threw the British Empire out. Not bad and he is still revered as a good man, just the opposite of Stalin (at least outside of Russia).

That would be the Gandhi who told the Jewish people to allow their throats to be cut.

Brilliant, huh?

I can see why he's your choice.
7. The global puppeteer, Stalin, pulled strings in Roosevelt’s administration to keep the US from talks with Japan, and in Japan to re-direct the attack from the Soviet Union, toward America.
FDR was like clay in Stalin's hands....after all, he had Soviet Spy Harry Hopkins actually living in the White House.

“In their blockbuster book Stalin's Secret Agents, M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein trace the plot from the Sorge spy ring in Tokyo to the Soviet assets and agents in key posts in the U.S.

The Sorge spy ring achieved success in steering Japan away from its previously considered plan to attack the Soviet Union, and instead to turn its fire on another target which turned out to be the United States.

Oil was a major factor in Japan's strategic planning. The "land of the rising sun" had also, in comparatively recent times, emerged from the backwaters to the status of an advanced power. What it lacked, as an expanding empire with high industrial ambitions, was an adequate supply of its own energy resources. The big question for Japanese rulers: to attack the Soviets for access to their oil fields, or direct the Asian empire's fire "southward" to one of the Western powers. (Pre World War II, the U.S. was the world's most prolific oil producer.)

…Soviet KGB operative Vitaly Pavlov would disclose he had traveled to Washington months before the lead-up to Pearl Harbor in order to brief Harry Dexter White on points to emphasize when speaking against a U.S.-Japan rapprochement. His words were strikingly similar to those used by the U.S. in its impossible demands issued to the Japanese just days before the bombs dropped on the huge U.S. fleet docked at the Hawaii facility.” The role of Soviet agents in the Pearl Harbor attack
8. If our 32nd President had been more America-centric, and less a pawn of global Marxism, there would have been far fewer casualties in our armed forces.
On the other hand, Stalin's agents in Washington, D.C. and in Tokyo, made certain that his plans met with success.....that plan was the attack on Pearl Harbor.

"From both Tokyo and Washington, KGB cells 'worked in mid-1941 to avert a Japanese invasion of the Soviet Union..."
"Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," by Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter

"Soviet military intelligence officer, Richard Sorge, directed the espionage network in Tokyo, which included members of the Institute of Pacific Relations, managed to push the Japanese to strike, not north into the Soviet Union, but at American interests."
"BlacklistedBy History," Stanton Evans, p. 390-392
[The IPC was rife with Soviet agents, such as Owen Lattimore.]

In Washington, agent Lauchlin Currie, White House economic adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, worked at undermining any rapprochement between the US and Japan, and influenced the US to provoke the Japanese.
"The chapter on Pearl Harbor is likewise instructive as to how Soviet agents operated.
Japan seriously considered an attack on Russia, but Stalin’s agents in the Japanese government and in the highly efficient Sorge spy ring on the island nation helped persuade Imperial Japan to turn its aggression “elsewhere.” That “elsewhere” eventually turned out to be Pearl Harbor.

Stalin’s acolytes in the U.S. were simultaneously pushing a foreign policy against Japan that would lead the Japanese away from any designs on Siberia and toward conflict with America."
Infiltration, intrigue and Communists - Conservative News

Stalin moved America and Japan as he wished, like pieces on a chess board.
Any other leader in modern times who controlled the foreign policies if other nations?
After his death, Stalin in still in the gave by his creation, the United Nations.

The big winner.
Oil was a major factor in Japan's strategic planning. The "land of the rising sun" had also, in comparatively recent times, emerged from the backwaters to the status of an advanced power. What it lacked, as an expanding empire with high industrial ambitions, was an adequate supply of its own energy resources. The big question for Japanese rulers: to attack the Soviets for access to their oil fields, or direct the Asian empire's fire "southward" to one of the Western powers. (Pre World War II, the U.S. was the world's most prolific oil producer.)
Is China south of Japan?
The US stuck its nose where it had no good excuse to- regardless of who was tickling whose fancy at the time-
I can't find in the constitution where meddling in foreign affairs is a directive of anyone in the US- maybe I haven't read it enough times. Perhaps you could point out that authority granted- and, while on that subject, maybe you could point out the authority to restrict trade to gov't approved deals- I can't find that either.

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