The Whole Point of these Investigations is to Prevent Trump from Running in 2024


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Let's be honest for once: The whole point of these Congressional investigations is to concoct criminal charges against President Trump that would, if he is convicted, make him ineligible to run for election in 2024. The Democrats have essentially given up on their smear campaigns having any further effect on his popularity and understand that the electorate would view his election in 2024 as a symbolic way of erasing the disastrous mistake of letting the Biden collaborators into the White House.

All the House Democrats have to do is refer a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice (sic), which can then prosecute the case against Trump even after the November elections. Given the depths of their perfidy, It would not be surprising to see them try to pack the Supreme Court in order to prevent it from overturning these kangaroo proceedings.

Their acolytes will scoff at these observations while at the same time continue planning for their implementation. So goes the piecemeal destruction of the United States.
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A one-sided "kangaroo court" is hardly anything to base a DOJ indictment on.
The evidence is all fake and tainted, like when they edited videos.
2024 is a long way off.
Democrats will be unelectable long before 2024. Biden or Harris?? ugh.
Trump is a shoo-in...
Let's be honest for once: The whole point of these Congressional investigations is to concoct criminal charges against President Trump that would, if he is convicted, would make him ineligible to run for election in 2024. The Democrats have essentially given up on their smear campaigns having any further effect on his popularity and understand that the electorate would view his election in 2024 as a symbolic way of erasing the disastrous mistake of letting the Biden collaborators into the White House.

All the House Democrats have to do is refer a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice (sic), which can then prosecute the case against Trump even after the November elections. Given the depths of their perfidy, It would not be surprising to see them try to pack the Supreme Court in order to prevent it from overturning these kangaroo proceedings.

Their acolytes will scoff at these observations while at the same time continue planning for their implementation. So goes the piecemeal destruction of the United States.
This is a lie.

The point of the investigation is to document for the American people that our democracy was under attack on 1/6 and continues to be under attack.
Let's be honest for once: The whole point of these Congressional investigations is to concoct criminal charges against President Trump that would, if he is convicted, would make him ineligible to run for election in 2024. The Democrats have essentially given up on their smear campaigns having any further effect on his popularity and understand that the electorate would view his election in 2024 as a symbolic way of erasing the disastrous mistake of letting the Biden collaborators into the White House.

All the House Democrats have to do is refer a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice (sic), which can then prosecute the case against Trump even after the November elections. Given the depths of their perfidy, It would not be surprising to see them try to pack the Supreme Court in order to prevent it from overturning these kangaroo proceedings.

Their acolytes will scoff at these observations while at the same time continue planning for their implementation. So goes the piecemeal destruction of the United States.

Their smear campaigns got him elected in 2016.

They should have learned
This whole thing is just a high end smear campaign and nothing more. They know they won't find him guilty of anything, nor do they care if they do. This is about trying to paint him as a bad guy before he officially runs for president. They are just trying to poison the well.
Let's be honest for once: The whole point of these Congressional investigations is to concoct criminal charges against President Trump that would, if he is convicted, would make him ineligible to run for election in 2024. The Democrats have essentially given up on their smear campaigns having any further effect on his popularity and understand that the electorate would view his election in 2024 as a symbolic way of erasing the disastrous mistake of letting the Biden collaborators into the White House.

All the House Democrats have to do is refer a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice (sic), which can then prosecute the case against Trump even after the November elections. Given the depths of their perfidy, It would not be surprising to see them try to pack the Supreme Court in order to prevent it from overturning these kangaroo proceedings.

Their acolytes will scoff at these observations while at the same time continue planning for their implementation. So goes the piecemeal destruction of the United States.

This has been obvious to me for a couple of years. I'm not sure how anyone can overlook this angle, to me it's the core of their efforts.

Trump is an outsider, an Independent in many ways who has re-molded the party from Neo-Con to more Reaganesque. GOP couldn't win the Obama Dems and broader demographics and Democrats can't beat him nor put the fear of God into him. NO ONE can control him.

All of these efforts IMO is to put Party and personal ambition above country. Unless there is a real national security issue that has nothing to do with party control, all of this just harms Americans faith in a free election.
This is a lie.

The point of the investigation is to document for the American people that our democracy was under attack on 1/6 and continues to be under attack.
So what's the answer, chuckles? You folks need to start watching your rhetoric. At some point, people in your camp are going to feel obligated to take it all to the next step and I can guarantee you, that will be horrific for ALL OF US.
This is a lie.

The point of the investigation is to document for the American people that our democracy was under attack on 1/6 and continues to be under attack.
And what were the points of the other investigations?
No we are letting republicans tell us how trump tried treason.

Was it treasonous in 2000, 2004 or 2016?

Maybe what Trump did was treanous, I don't know, I'm not a judge or jury. I personally believe that the way Election Night unfolded deserved SOME answers, especially after the 2+ year investigation into Trump and Russia. That was a hell of a shift in votes over the late night hours.

So much effort on the Russian fallacy (which many knew was B.S), zero Hearings to esure the election was vetted and on the level?

The kicker though, the clear identifier of their objective though, is the hypocrisy. A public and one sided, stacked Hearing for Trump, over and over, none for Hillary that we can tune into 24/7 after the Steele Dossier that might have encouraged by Putin a war for all we know.
Also, let's look at this issue this way, from the voters stand point, "if you went to bed at 11 pm on Election Night, would you have been shocked to wake up at 8 am and see that Biden was winning?"

It was the most amazing, improbable shift in votes in the history of elections.
If that's true, they're missing the obvious fact that this has never been about him. It's much bigger than that. He was just the Pied Piper.
Yeah, but it's not really congress's job to investigate potential crimes by ordinary citizens. That's really the DoJ. We don't want congress telling people what to do ... other than passing laws that at least theoretically apply to all people equally.

And we don't really want the DoJ to investigate politicans on what could be partisan charges. That's how the FBI got all entangled with Trump's campaign. That was an extreme case, but the Watergate hearings also showed some of that. But I don't think Watergate really had the same urgency of timely investigation. We don't ever want to have a president who is a spy for a for country, and while the fbi misstepped, THAT question was pretty quickly answered in Trump's favor.

And then, the bipartisan senate authorized Mueller to investigate. And much to "Battlin'" Bill Barr's unhappiness, they took the matter out of the AG's control even though Mueller's team still operated with the power of the DoJ to compel witnesses
Yeah, but it's not really congress's job to investigate potential crimes by ordinary citizens. That's really the DoJ. We don't want congress telling people what to do ... other than passing laws that at least theoretically apply to all people equally.

And we don't really want the DoJ to investigate politicans on what could be partisan charges. That's how the FBI got all entangled with Trump's campaign. That was an extreme case, but the Watergate hearings also showed some of that. But I don't think Watergate really had the same urgency of timely investigation. We don't ever want to have a president who is a spy for a for country, and while the fbi misstepped, THAT question was pretty quickly answered in Trump's favor.

And then, the bipartisan senate authorized Mueller to investigate. And much to "Battlin'" Bill Barr's unhappiness, they took the matter out of the AG's control even though Mueller's team still operated with the power of the DoJ to compel witnesses
I don't know what effect the hearings are really having. It's good that they haven't been doing the usual tedious pontificating, and it's good that they've used primarily GOP witnesses, no doubt. And I think this stuff needs to be in the public record in case we ever recover enough as a country to look at it with serious eyes.

But the stink of partisanship runs through everything now, no doubt about that. What matters here, outside of getting this in the public record, is what the DOJ decides to do or not do.

No matter what happens, we're still being killed by tribalism. This ain't gonna change that.
The whole point of the Jan 6th Congressional investigation is to uncover the facts surrounding the events leading up to and including that day and to follow where the facts lead.
Let's be honest for once: The whole point of these Congressional investigations is to concoct criminal charges against President Trump that would, if he is convicted, make him ineligible to run for election in 2024. The Democrats have essentially given up on their smear campaigns having any further effect on his popularity and understand that the electorate would view his election in 2024 as a symbolic way of erasing the disastrous mistake of letting the Biden collaborators into the White House.

All the House Democrats have to do is refer a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice (sic), which can then prosecute the case against Trump even after the November elections. Given the depths of their perfidy, It would not be surprising to see them try to pack the Supreme Court in order to prevent it from overturning these kangaroo proceedings.

Their acolytes will scoff at these observations while at the same time continue planning for their implementation. So goes the piecemeal destruction of the United States.
Yes, that is hopefully one of the outcomes. Trump is an unfit criminal and should not be allowed to hold office ever again.
I don't know what effect the hearings are really having. It's good that they haven't been doing the usual tedious pontificating, and it's good that they've used primarily GOP witnesses, no doubt. And I think this stuff needs to be in the public record in case we ever recover enough as a country to look at it with serious eyes.

But the stink of partisanship runs through everything now, no doubt about that. What matters here, outside of getting this in the public record, is what the DOJ decides to do or not do.

No matter what happens, we're still being killed by tribalism. This ain't gonna change that.
Imo Biden squandered his chance pursuing a bill not supported by even 50 senators that Schumer was pushing to stave off a primary challenge from AOC, and Klain was in on it. Schumer and the WH sandbagged Manchin and Sinema, although I'm not sure she even represents a maj in her own state. So Tribalism remains the name of the game.

My guess is that the hearings are making more difficult for Trump. He was and still is a celebrity candidate who doesn't share the same positions of 20 gop senators. IF I'm a republican running for the senate in Nev or Az, I wouldn't appreciate having to support states totally banning abortion or cities enacting concealed carry laws, and on top of that, I wouldn't appreciate the national candidate running on the platform that a 2016 election was stolen from him, when facts don't really support that.
With a hand-picked judge and jury in DC?

Shit they impeached him twice at the height of the hate for him and came away with nothing.

But again this isn't about getting him. This is about trying to make him look bad and damaging him before the elections. They know accusations even without conviction are effective.

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