The Weinstein Morality


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
ā€œIf it feels good, do it!" was the moral imperative at Woodstock, the legacy of the 60s has become the license for the Left.

1. Harvey Weinstein skated on the most serious charges......guess why.
All one need do is reflect on why the jury couldnā€™t find this savage guilty of the most serious charges. The answer is that large segments, perhaps the majority, of citizens, have accepted the transactional basis of morality that every Leftist doctrine endorses in their attempt to destroy history, tradition, customā€¦.and morality.

They camouflage it in a claim of a personā€™s individual rightsā€¦.and, it is difficult to argue against that view. But letā€™s remember that the claim of bartering of ones sexual favors for a career is an iteration of Saul Alinskyā€™s rule: ā€œ "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

OKā€¦that ā€˜ruleā€™ is the Constitutionā€¦.but donā€™t ignore who ā€˜the enemyā€™ is. Itā€™s the real Americans, and the folks who created Western Civilization.

2. The jury in Weinsteinā€™s trial had to look at how fondly most of the ā€˜victimsā€™ continued to view the beast after the crime, and must have decided that they derived a financial, career, or status reward for allowing Weinstein to ā€˜have his wayā€™ā€¦.violently or not. And, itā€™s hard to argue against that, too.

3. This was once a joke:

Man to woman: Would you sleep with me for one million dollars?
Woman: Sure.
Man: How about for ten dollars?
Woman: What do you think I am?
Man: Weā€™ve already established what you are. All weā€™re doing is bargaining about price.

What have we become?

4. And 'the law' isn't on our side.
I never believed that nine unelected black-robed lawyers had a better understanding of morality than I do. Perhaps that explains why I say that the Supreme Courtā€™s decisions should not be taken as any more than a suggestion.

Doing away with the religious views of our Founder, and resonates in the intentions of Americaā€™ Left: the elites, the intellectualsā€¦ā€¦the judges: coerce and terrorize the populace into a view of morality far different from that of our Founders.

From the moment that the Supreme Court seized powers not appropriated to it by the Constitution, it became the most powerful branch of the federal government. No one voted them in, nor are the nine accountable to anyoneā€¦.and power corrupts.

ā€œThe tendency of elite domination, moreover, is to press America ever more steadily towards the cultural left.ā€
ā€œA Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Valuesā€ By Robert H. Bork

ā€œIt appears that the framers mistakenly envisioned the power as involving merely the application of clear rules to disallow clear violations, something that in fact rarely occurs.ā€

What chance does the average, law-abiding, moral citizen have when constantly pummeled by opinions that don't fit with our heritage????

Itā€™s a wonder that Weinstein didnā€™t get a prize, and a ticker-tape parade.
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5. If there is any doubt that the Weinstein morality is predominant, and it has become accepted that beautiful young women are expected to ā€˜give it upā€™ to become a star, take a look at this statue in Sodomā€¦.er, Hollywood:


ā€œHarvey Weinstein became an icon in the entertainment industry. His power and influence was almost without compare.

ā€œHowever, whilst many thought the ā€˜casting couchā€™ was a thing of the past it was clearly still a part of the Hollywood culture.

ā€œFor many years the exploitation of many hopefuls and established names in the industry was brushed under the carpet with their complaints of harassment and sexual abuse being ignore or worse.ā€
Harvey Weinstein Statue Removed, Rain Prevents Re-Installation ā€“ Deadline
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The whole case was bullshit. [Please pardon my use of esoteric legal terminology].

We all grew up knowing was "rape" is. A woman walking down a dark street, bad guy sneaks up on her, beats on her, threatens her with a knife unless she cooperates. That's rape.

Until Phil Donahue took over the culture. Now rape includes:
  • Wife doesn't feel like having sex, husband does, husband forces reluctant wife to have sex. That's rape.
  • Girl goes up to an unoccupied bedroom in Frat House, with a boy she thinks is cute; both are inebriated. She has sex with Frat Boy. She was "too drunk to grand knowing consent to the act. Ergo, she was "raped."
  • During session of hugging, kissing, and "petting" boy says, "let's fuck." She says no, because that's what "nice" girls alwats do, and even though she knows where the evening will end. NEXT DAY, she decides that she's unhappy with the result, remembers that she initially said, "no." and accuses him of rape - for a consensual sexual encounter.
  • Executive implies to subordinate woman that her granting him sexual favors is necessary for her career. She complies. Rape.
And now we have Harvey Weinstein. Women know his reputation. They want to move their careers forward. They get into compromising situations with him and he takes advantage. Afterwards - maybe YEARS afterward - she concludes that she couldn't possibly have consented to "do that" with this disgusting pig. Rape.

The whole case was bullshit. [Please pardon my use of esoteric legal terminology].

We all grew up knowing was "rape" is. A woman walking down a dark street, bad guy sneaks up on her, beats on her, threatens her with a knife unless she cooperates. That's rape.

Until Phil Donahue took over the culture. Now rape includes:
  • Wife doesn't feel like having sex, husband does, husband forces reluctant wife to have sex. That's rape.
  • Girl goes up to an unoccupied bedroom in Frat House, with a boy she thinks is cute; both are inebriated. She has sex with Frat Boy. She was "too drunk to grand knowing consent to the act. Ergo, she was "raped."
  • During session of hugging, kissing, and "petting" boy says, "let's fuck." She says no, because that's what "nice" girls alwats do, and even though she knows where the evening will end. NEXT DAY, she decides that she's unhappy with the result, remembers that she initially said, "no." and accuses him of rape - for a consensual sexual encounter.
  • Executive implies to subordinate woman that her granting him sexual favors is necessary for her career. She complies. Rape.
And now we have Harvey Weinstein. Women know his reputation. They want to move their careers forward. They get into compromising situations with him and he takes advantage. Afterwards - maybe YEARS afterward - she concludes that she couldn't possibly have consented to "do that" with this disgusting pig. Rape.


Are you saying that there is a tacit understanding, and agreement, from a huge portion of our society, that it is perfectly acceptable to trade chastity for a career???

'Cause that's what I'm saying.

And that it does not bode well for civilization.
6. En masse, the ā€˜beautiful peopleā€™ who know so much more than us rubes, rose to give a standing ovation to a rapist, Roman Pulanski

And the whole audience applaudedā€¦.
7. ā€œEvery time I hear about Weinstein's predations, I wonder how many waitresses, real estate agents and housewives in Los Angeles might be celebrated actresses today, except that when Weinstein barged out of the bathroom stark naked and lunged at them, they fled the room and didn't look back.

Our media are so infantile. Can't we agree that Weinstein is a psychopathic scumbag without calling the witnesses against him "heroes"?

The true heroes are the girls whose names we don't know -- not the ones who were grossed out by the pig, but had sex with him anyway, then sent him emoji-filled, suck-up emails because they wanted to be "stars."

But how many actresses ā€¦ are really no different from the average L.A. waitress, except they were willing to have sex with Harvey Weinstein or some similarly hideous beast?ā€
Harpooning the Toxic Whale
I'm proud to say I walked away from a potential very lucrative career rather than sell my virtue. And, with choices remaining DID become successful in real estate and never looked back. I had my integrity intact. :thup: I earned my future the hard way and became successful in spite of the so-called offer. I did it my way. I owed nothing to anybody. This is how I can look in the mirror and like and respect what I see. ;)
I'm proud to say I walked away from a potential very lucrative career rather than sell my virtue. And, with choices remaining DID become successful in real estate and never looked back. I had my integrity intact. :thup: I earned my future the hard way and became successful in spite of the so-called offer. I did it my way. I owed nothing to anybody. This is how I can look in the mirror and like and respect what I see. ;)

That is quite a courageous post, sis.....

God bless.
It appears that rapists are prominent in the Democrat firmament......

8. And, hoping to sink Trump with claims of rape, the Democrat elites now admit that they knew Bill Clinton to be a rapist.

Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals ā€œreckoningā€ with Bill Clintonā€™s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. Itā€™s just the end.

ā€¦.the mea culpas from Billā€™s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. Theyā€™re convenient."
I'm proud to say I walked away from a potential very lucrative career rather than sell my virtue. And, with choices remaining DID become successful in real estate and never looked back. I had my integrity intact. :thup: I earned my future the hard way and became successful in spite of the so-called offer. I did it my way. I owed nothing to anybody. This is how I can look in the mirror and like and respect what I see. ;)

That is quite a courageous post, sis.....

God bless.
Lol, I know, sis. Courage is something I have never had a shortage of, THANK GOD! ( I'm similar to you in that respect). :smiliehug:
The whole case was bullshit. [Please pardon my use of esoteric legal terminology].

We all grew up knowing was "rape" is. A woman walking down a dark street, bad guy sneaks up on her, beats on her, threatens her with a knife unless she cooperates. That's rape.

Until Phil Donahue took over the culture. Now rape includes:
  • Wife doesn't feel like having sex, husband does, husband forces reluctant wife to have sex. That's rape.
  • Girl goes up to an unoccupied bedroom in Frat House, with a boy she thinks is cute; both are inebriated. She has sex with Frat Boy. She was "too drunk to grand knowing consent to the act. Ergo, she was "raped."
  • During session of hugging, kissing, and "petting" boy says, "let's fuck." She says no, because that's what "nice" girls alwats do, and even though she knows where the evening will end. NEXT DAY, she decides that she's unhappy with the result, remembers that she initially said, "no." and accuses him of rape - for a consensual sexual encounter.
  • Executive implies to subordinate woman that her granting him sexual favors is necessary for her career. She complies. Rape.
And now we have Harvey Weinstein. Women know his reputation. They want to move their careers forward. They get into compromising situations with him and he takes advantage. Afterwards - maybe YEARS afterward - she concludes that she couldn't possibly have consented to "do that" with this disgusting pig. Rape.


"No", means No.

Rape is about power and control over the victim. Note the word "control".
I'm proud to say I walked away from a potential very lucrative career rather than sell my virtue. And, with choices remaining DID become successful in real estate and never looked back. I had my integrity intact. :thup: I earned my future the hard way and became successful in spite of the so-called offer. I did it my way. I owed nothing to anybody. This is how I can look in the mirror and like and respect what I see. ;)

That is quite a courageous post, sis.....

God bless.
Lol, I know, sis. Courage is something I have never had a shortage of, THANK GOD! ( I'm similar to you in that respect). :smiliehug:

Let's hope we can mobilize all of our sisters, and put a little steel in their backbones!
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I'm proud to say I walked away from a potential very lucrative career rather than sell my virtue. And, with choices remaining DID become successful in real estate and never looked back. I had my integrity intact. :thup: I earned my future the hard way and became successful in spite of the so-called offer. I did it my way. I owed nothing to anybody. This is how I can look in the mirror and like and respect what I see. ;)

That is quite a courageous post, sis.....

God bless.
Lol, I know, sis. Courage is something I have never had a shortage of, THANK GOD! ( I'm similar to you in that respect). :smiliehug:

Let's hope we can mobilize all of our sisters, and put a little steel in their backbones!

"You... who are on the road, Must have a code, That you can live by. And so... become yourself." Be brave.

9. The Weinstein Morality is one aspect of what has been called the ā€˜culture war.ā€™ The Left owns nearly all of the avenues of dissemination of information, the schools, the media, publications, and, obviously, Hollywood....all the 'big guns' of the war.

Whether one calls the program Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, or Fascismā€¦.or any other of the myriad isms, the aim is to destroy history, tradition, religion, customā€¦.what ever came before.

Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Leftists believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ā€˜do what you can get away withā€™. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

From Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, ā€œā€¦people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.ā€

Unfortunately, the Weinstein Morality is winning over the stricter, more traditional version of morality that went into creating Western Civilization.
10. There is a book by J.D. Unwin, called ā€œSex and Culture,ā€ that is out of printā€¦.wish I could get a copy. Sounds very much like it would support this thread. From a review of that book:

ā€œ Sexual repression is the foundation of civilization.

"That is the basic thesis of this unjustly forgotten book. According to Professor Unwin, who was influenced by Freud, it is the "limitation of sexual opportunity" which creates the "mental energy" necessary to build a civilization.

ā€¦ examples of the historical cycle he proposes. The cycle goes as follows: in a primitive society, people take their pleasure at whim, without commitment or limits. Then the practice of monogamous marriage, including premarital chastity, is instituted.

The sexual repression required for this chastity and fidelity increases the "mental energy" and the inner strength of those who practice it, enabling them to embark on long-term projects such as monumental architecture, agriculture, and conquest.

Unwin also criticizes polygamous societies; the easy "sexual opportunity" it affords men limits the "mental energy". He says, "That is why, I submit, the Moors in Spain achieved such a high culture. Their fathers were born into a polygamous tradition; but their mothers were the daughters of Christians and Jews, and had spent their early years in an absolutely monogamous environment. The sons of these women laid the foundations of rationalistic culture; but soon the supply of Christian and Jewish women was insufficient, so the incipient rationalism failed to mature greatly."

Indeed, as sexual opportunity becomes easier - which always takes place in concert with female emancipation - the society's mental energy weakens, it cannot continue to invent things or maintain what it has, and in a few generations it is easily conquered by a robust monogamous patriarchy, which is fairly bursting with the mental energy of repressed sexuality.ā€

Seems related to the Weinstein Morality, and to Harvey Weinsteinā€¦.and the women heā€¦.dealsā€¦.with.

There is a sense that our culture places less and less importance on control and responsibility, specifically chastity and integrity.

I wonder if this could be applied to how little creativity has come out of Hollywood in the recent decades, and if it presages a precipitous drop in the progress of Western Civilization.
11. Continuing the themes of the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the of the upheavals of the 60s, the Courts have pressed the attacks on religion.
Strangely, Secular Leftism itself has itself taken on the faƧade of a religion, while remaining tirelessly hostile to the Judeo-Christian doctrines upon which America was founded.

" Regardless, the sexual revolution marches on and the Leftā€™s definition of ā€œcivil rightsā€ has expandedā€”not only does it prohibit class-based discrimination in places of public accommodation, it now requires conscription into the revolution itself.

...itā€™s no longer enough for employees to have access to low-cost contraceptives and abortifacients. .... employers must provide them free of charge.

Itā€™s no longer enough for bakers, florists, and photographers to provide service to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. They must participate in and facilitate any kind of action or ceremony their customers desireā€”no matter how offensive to their beliefsā€”so long as those ceremonies further the ideals of the sexual revolutionaries.

Under pressure from activists and the national media, Indiana modified its law to state that it could not authorize a provider to deny services to anyone on the basis of multiple protected criteria, including race, sex, and sexual orientation."
Imprimis A monthly digest on liberty and the defense of America s founding principles
The Battle of Indiana and the Promise of Battles to Come

No longer is it enough for the Left that every other citizen be non-judgmental, no matter how bizarre their practices..... every citizen must praise same, or actually part-take.....

Pretty much the antithesis of liberty.

And large groups of the citizenry seem willing to accept whatever the elites say to.

To embrace tolerance is to cease to believe in anything.


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