The Weaponization Of The Weak-Minded


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
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There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and physically harming her.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
We have Republican candidates openly, publicly mocking the attack, and they're being cheered on, celebrated, defended.

I thought we were better than this. Clearly we're not.

The crazy conspiracy is the Left saying that DePape is a conservative and that Trump incited the attack.

Biden and Democrats spun the attack on Paul Pelosi to blame …

Joe Biden lost no time blaming ultra-mega-semi-fascist-MAGA-Donald-Trump supporters for the strange attack on Paul Pelosi in his San Francisco home early Friday. Barack Obama did the …

Without Evidence, Liberals Rush To Blame Republicans For …

Font Size: Liberals rushed to blame Republicans and members of the “far-right” Friday for the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul. An assailant broke into the Pelosi

Yes, Trump and the Republican Party own the attack on Paul and Nancy Pelosi

17 hours ago · Republicans have continued to vilify Pelosi and her husband tastelessly in the wake of Friday’s attack. Virginia Gov. Glen Youngkin offered a throwaway rejection of the violence against Paul ...
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and physically harming her.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
MAGAts are the weak-minded indeed.
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and physically harming her.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
Ayup. Make America Stupid Again...and Again. :)
The crazy conspiracy is the Left saying that DePape is a conservative and that Trump incited the attack.

Biden and Democrats spun the attack on Paul Pelosi to blame …

Joe Biden lost no time blaming ultra-mega-semi-fascist-MAGA-Donald-Trump supporters for the strange attack on Paul Pelosi in his San Francisco home early Friday. Barack Obama did the …

Without Evidence, Liberals Rush To Blame Republicans For …

Font Size: Liberals rushed to blame Republicans and members of the “far-right” Friday for the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul. An assailant broke into the Pelosi

Yes, Trump and the Republican Party own the attack on Paul and Nancy Pelosi

17 hours ago · Republicans have continued to vilify Pelosi and her husband tastelessly in the wake of Friday’s attack. Virginia Gov. Glen Youngkin offered a throwaway rejection of the violence against Paul ...
The evidence was pretty simple and your deflection is what your masters want you to do...
Do you have have any self worth anymore... You know a man was attacked by a person radicalised by Trump and Co... This man would have been probably OK if left on his own but he was radicalised of him by Trump and right wing media...

May be you are radicalised yourself and if you find yourself denying basic facts then you should seek help...

The main problem at the moment there is an awful amount of GOP supporters radicalised...
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and physically harming her.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.

That explains you to a T, guano. Good job!
The evidence was pretty simple and your deflection is what your masters want you to do...
Do you have have any self worth anymore... You know a man was attacked by a person radicalised by Trump and Co... This man would have been probably OK if left on his own but he was radicalised of him by Trump and right wing media...

May be you are radicalised yourself and if you find yourself denying basic facts then you should seek help...

The main problem at the moment there is an awful amount of GOP supporters radicalised...
Thanks for verifying that the Left has a crazy conspiracy about the Paul Pelosi story
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and physically harming her.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.

“The Weaponization Of The Weak-Minded”​

You mean like when a bunch of woke white guilt whackos used jungle savages to burn cities down over some crackhead criminal being choked out by cops in Minnesota?
That's not going to happen.

The right's war on facts and the truth will continue.
The American Press lies all of the time for the corrupt Democrat Party.
There are serious reasons to doubt the Left's "facts" and "truth".

Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Do Not Trust Media Due To Bias

48% of Americans do not trust any media sources to deliver them unbiased news, according to a new poll. That number is up ten percentage points from the end of 2020, according to Civic …

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