The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Trump Blight


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The cry baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer is about to skulk away, sniveling, whimpering, and whining at the American electorate who evicted him from public housing, but his semi-erection on our Southern border that he had repeatedly insisted Mexico would pay for will continue to defile the land, an Ozymandian vestige of shattered dysfunctional ego incarnate.

The farce intensifies as its termination looms, contracted profiteers now frenetically dynamiting, bulldozing, and despoiling wilderness, canyons, and grasslands to inflict the ineffectual obscenity in a gross perversion of that mysterious metal monument of Utah - that was every bit as effective as a barrier to refugees as the Trump facade - and at no cost to the U.S. taxpayer or Mexico's!

The Trump degradation of the environment is the physical manifestation of his befouling the Constitution, both nefarious capers mercifully aborted by the will of the People.

Ironically, the xenophobic paranoia that was exploited in contriving the farce was never actually addressed:

Even as more miles of wall are completed, the number of unauthorized migrants apprehended after crossing the border has spiked in recent months to the highest level in years. Driven by the ravages of pandemic, hurricanes, economic ruin and violence in Central America and Mexico, migrants keep coming, wall or no wall.
Although illegal crossing is rife in South Texas, particularly around the town of McAllen, little construction has taken place there because local ranchers and other landowners have fought wall construction affecting their property.
All but about 40 of the some 440 miles of newly built barriers have replaced or upgraded previously existing fencing and bollards...
What’s indisputable, according to wildlife experts, is that by severing and damaging natural habitats, they will have devastating effects on various species, including jaguar, ocelot, javelinas and pronghorns. Some of those are endangered.
Trump, unable to fleece the American taxpayer sufficiently, stole $3.3 billion from building projects on U.S. military bases worldwide that would serve our servicemen and women overseas.

(Trumper Bannon ran his own little wall scam, of course, shaking down clueless Trumpers eager to cover Trump's tab that had Mexico laughing.)

What did Trump's adding a total of 40 miles of barrier in all the wrong places achieve?

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 8.22.39 AM.png

"So, it ain't done doodlysquat!
But that's cuz it ain't finished yet!"
Let us extrapolate:

40 miles of new construction 5 years after Trump promised to build his "big, beautiful wall" along the 2,000 miles of border that he would make Mexico pay for.

Even if Bannon squeezes the suckers dry and doesn't pocket the heist, that would project as only 40 years until the gala dedication ceremony!

Moses, a man of faith, wandered in the desert for that long. "Piece of cake!" the dune whisperer was rumored to have scoffed.

So can Trump's true believers, surely. (SPF 50+ advised.)

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 8.59.03 AM.png

Halt The Caravan! We've come up against the

Impenetrable Trump Rampart of Despair!"

The cry baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer is about to skulk away, sniveling, whimpering, and whining at the American electorate who evicted him from public housing, but his semi-erection on our Southern border that he had repeatedly insisted Mexico would pay for will continue to defile the land, an Ozymandian vestige of shattered dysfunctional ego incarnate.

The farce intensifies as its termination looms, contracted profiteers now frenetically dynamiting, bulldozing, and despoiling wilderness, canyons, and grasslands to inflict the ineffectual obscenity in a gross perversion of that mysterious metal monument of Utah - that was every bit as effective as a barrier to refugees as the Trump facade - and at no cost to the U.S. taxpayer or Mexico's!

The Trump degradation of the environment is the physical manifestation of his befouling the Constitution, both nefarious capers mercifully aborted by the will of the People.

Ironically, the xenophobic paranoia that was exploited in contriving the farce was never actually addressed:

Even as more miles of wall are completed, the number of unauthorized migrants apprehended after crossing the border has spiked in recent months to the highest level in years. Driven by the ravages of pandemic, hurricanes, economic ruin and violence in Central America and Mexico, migrants keep coming, wall or no wall.
Although illegal crossing is rife in South Texas, particularly around the town of McAllen, little construction has taken place there because local ranchers and other landowners have fought wall construction affecting their property.
All but about 40 of the some 440 miles of newly built barriers have replaced or upgraded previously existing fencing and bollards...
What’s indisputable, according to wildlife experts, is that by severing and damaging natural habitats, they will have devastating effects on various species, including jaguar, ocelot, javelinas and pronghorns. Some of those are endangered.
Trump, unable to fleece the American taxpayer sufficiently, stole $3.3 billion from building projects on U.S. military bases worldwide that would serve our servicemen and women overseas.

(Trumper Bannon ran his own little wall scam, of course, shaking down clueless Trumpers eager to cover Trump's tab that had Mexico laughing.)

What did Trump's adding a total of 40 miles of barrier in all the wrong places achieve?

View attachment 433593
"So, it ain't done doodlysquat!
But that's cuz it ain't finished yet!"
Let us extrapolate:

40 miles of new construction 5 years after Trump promised to build his "big, beautiful wall" along the 2,000 miles of border that he would make Mexico pay for.

Even if Bannon squeezes the suckers dry and doesn't pocket the heist, that would project as only 40 years until the gala dedication ceremony!

Moses, a man of faith, wandered in the desert for that long. "Piece of cake!" the dune whisperer was rumored to have scoffed.

So can Trump's true believers, surely. (SPF 50+ advised.)

View attachment 433608
Halt The Caravan! We've come up against the

Impenetrable Trump Rampart of Despair!"

..very funny--YOU have been crying, sniveling, whining, etc since 2016 --and this thread is MORE of it...hahahahhahahaha
Of course, the bill for returning the site of this wall to its natural state will fall on us. We will be paying to clean up after trump for decades. It would be wonderful to see it dismantled, trucked to Florida, and dumped on the lawn at Mar-A-Lago, while trump is forced to work on the gang replanting the area and restoring the ecosystem.
..very funny--YOU have been crying, sniveling, whining, etc since 2016 --and this thread is MORE of it...hahahahhahahaha
It is amusing. Ever since more Americans voted against than for the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer in 2016, most have disapproved of his pathetic shtick consistently and relentlessly, until finally given the opportunity to dispose of him.

It was mirth that got us all through the sordid ordeal, by jingo!

Let's hope that the sniveling Trump bum kissers can eventually find something to laugh about in their Loser. There is certainly a superabundance of Trumpery to supply their needs.
The cry baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer is about to skulk away, sniveling, whimpering, and whining at the American electorate who evicted him from public housing, but his semi-erection on our Southern border that he had repeatedly insisted Mexico would pay for will continue to defile the land, an Ozymandian vestige of shattered dysfunctional ego incarnate.

The farce intensifies as its termination looms, contracted profiteers now frenetically dynamiting, bulldozing, and despoiling wilderness, canyons, and grasslands to inflict the ineffectual obscenity in a gross perversion of that mysterious metal monument of Utah - that was every bit as effective as a barrier to refugees as the Trump facade - and at no cost to the U.S. taxpayer or Mexico's!

The Trump degradation of the environment is the physical manifestation of his befouling the Constitution, both nefarious capers mercifully aborted by the will of the People.

Ironically, the xenophobic paranoia that was exploited in contriving the farce was never actually addressed:

Even as more miles of wall are completed, the number of unauthorized migrants apprehended after crossing the border has spiked in recent months to the highest level in years. Driven by the ravages of pandemic, hurricanes, economic ruin and violence in Central America and Mexico, migrants keep coming, wall or no wall.
Although illegal crossing is rife in South Texas, particularly around the town of McAllen, little construction has taken place there because local ranchers and other landowners have fought wall construction affecting their property.
All but about 40 of the some 440 miles of newly built barriers have replaced or upgraded previously existing fencing and bollards...
What’s indisputable, according to wildlife experts, is that by severing and damaging natural habitats, they will have devastating effects on various species, including jaguar, ocelot, javelinas and pronghorns. Some of those are endangered.
Trump, unable to fleece the American taxpayer sufficiently, stole $3.3 billion from building projects on U.S. military bases worldwide that would serve our servicemen and women overseas.

(Trumper Bannon ran his own little wall scam, of course, shaking down clueless Trumpers eager to cover Trump's tab that had Mexico laughing.)

What did Trump's adding a total of 40 miles of barrier in all the wrong places achieve?

View attachment 433593
"So, it ain't done doodlysquat!
But that's cuz it ain't finished yet!"
Let us extrapolate:

40 miles of new construction 5 years after Trump promised to build his "big, beautiful wall" along the 2,000 miles of border that he would make Mexico pay for.

Even if Bannon squeezes the suckers dry and doesn't pocket the heist, that would project as only 40 years until the gala dedication ceremony!

Moses, a man of faith, wandered in the desert for that long. "Piece of cake!" the dune whisperer was rumored to have scoffed.

So can Trump's true believers, surely. (SPF 50+ advised.)

View attachment 433608
Halt The Caravan! We've come up against the

Impenetrable Trump Rampart of Despair!"


Your post is nothing but a collection of lies!

Speaking of sniveling, whimpering, and whining....
Typical RWNJ response to truth.

The impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs are pathetic lot, following, and emulating, their orange-tinted messiah to the end.


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